Wet Dreams Of The Insane (demo) (as Golgotha) (1991) |
1. Apartment 13 | 4:24 |
2. Apocalyptic Sunshine | 4:42 |
3. Reactor Number 4 | 3:49 |
4. Cradled In The Arms Of Death | 5:24 |
5. Fingerpaintings Of The Insane | 3:54 |
6. Love Eats It's Own | 4:27 |
7. Blood of God | 5:37 |
8. Generation Of The Zombie | 3:56 |
9. Generation of the Zombie II (Dax's Poem) | 3:42 |
10. Nothingness | 4:57 |
11. The Mortician's Flame | 3:41 |
12. What Color Is Death? | 3:28 |
total time | 52:01 |
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Screams of the Butterfly (demo) (1992) |
1. God Machine | 4:10 |
2. The Mortician's Flame | 3:40 |
3. Lord of this World | 5:14 | | Black Sabbath cover |
4. What Color is Death? | 3:03 |
5. Finger Paintings of the Insane | 4:07 |
6. Dope Fiend | 5:37 |
7. In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida | 4:10 | | Iron Butterfly cover |
8. Scream of the Butterfly | 5:44 |
9. Nothingness | 5:19 |
10. Tranquilized | 3:43 |
11. Jezebel | 4:57 |
12. Sick Inside | 4:33 |
total time | 54:17 |
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Hymns of the Needle Freaks (demo) (1993) |
1. Dr. seuss is dead | 5:39 |
2. What color is death | 3:14 |
3. Scream of the butterfly | 6:07 |
4. God machine | 4:03 |
5. The morticians flame | 3:45 |
6. Dope fiend | 4:56 |
7. Fingerpaintings of the insane | 5:57 |
8. Jezebel | 4:56 |
total time | 38:37 |
8.4 / 10 (9 votes)
1 review
8.4 / 10 (9 votes)
1 review
Demo 2 (demo) (1993) |
1. U | 6:36 |
2. Cheap vodka | 2:14 |
3. Toubabo-koomi | 5:04 |
4. Cassie eats cock röches | 4:20 |
5. Tranquilized | 4:26 |
6. Bones of baby dolls | 4:55 |
total time | 27:35 |
10.0 / 10 (4 votes)
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10.0 / 10 (4 votes)
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When the Kite String Pops (1994) |
1. The blue | 6:13 |
2. Tranquilized | 4:14 |
3. Cheap vodka | 2:15 |
4. Finger paintings of the insane | 6:05 |
5. Jezebel | 4:53 |
6. Scream of the butterfly | 6:14 |
7. Dr. seuss is dead | 6:05 |
8. Dope feind | 5:19 |
9. Toubabo Koomi | 5:02 |
10. God machine | 5:00 |
11. The morticians flame | 4:06 |
12. What color is death | 3:19 |
13. The bones of baby dolls | 6:00 |
14. Cassie eats cockaroaches | 4:23 |
total time | 69:08 |

9.1 / 10 (46 votes)
7 reviews
9.1 / 10 (46 votes)
7 reviews
Edits (1994) |
1. Toubabob Koomi | 4:00 |
2. The Bones of Baby Dolls | 3:34 |
3. Tranquilized | 3:56 |
4. The Bones of Baby Dolls | 3:59 |
5. Scream of the Butterfly | 3:52 |
6. The Bones of Baby Dolls | 3:56 |
total time | 23:17 |
8.5 / 10 (6 votes)
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8.5 / 10 (6 votes)
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Paegan Terrorism Tactics (1996) |
1. Paegan Love Song | 5:40 |
2. Bleed Me an Ocean | 6:15 |
3. Graveflower | 6:07 |
4. Diäb Soulé | 4:34 |
5. Locust Spawning | 4:40 |
6. Old Skin | 1:11 |
7. New Death Sensation | 6:44 |
8. Venus Blue | 4:42 |
9. 13 Fingers | 4:10 |
10. New Corpse | 3:22 |
11. Dead Girl | 24:08 | | bonus |
12. The beautiful downgrade | 1:39 | | bonus |
total time | 47:20 |
9.1 / 10 (40 votes)
5 reviews
9.1 / 10 (40 votes)
5 reviews
Radio Edits (1996) |
1. Venus blue w/shit | 4:29 |
2. Diab soule | 4:20 |
3. New death sensation | 3:17 |
4. Venus blue w/no shit | 4:29 |
5. Bleed me an ocean | 4:30 |
6. Dead girl | 4:32 |
7. Paegan love song | 3:50 |
8. New corpse | 3:17 |
9. New death sensation | 4:28 |
total time | 37:12 |
5.8 / 10 (4 votes)
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5.8 / 10 (4 votes)
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Demos: 1993-1996 (2005) |
1. Dr. seuss is dead | 5:39 | | Hymns of the Needle Freak demo 1993 |
2. What color is death | 3:10 |
3. Scream of the butterfly | 6:01 |
4. God machine | 3:59 |
5. The morticians flame | 3:39 |
6. Dope fiend | 5:05 |
7. Fingerpaintings of the insane | 5:54 |
8. Jezebel | 4:49 |
9. The Bones Of Baby Dolls | 5:13 | | At Dax's house and also at Norris's house on a 4 track recorder 1994 |
10. Venus Blue | 4:31 | | Kenner, LA, the summer of 1996 |
11. Bleed Me An Ocean | 6:20 |
12. Graveflower | 6:08 |
total time | 60:28 |

10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Double Live Bootleg! (video) (2002) |
1. Tranquilized | 4:44 | | Boston, MA 1996 |
2. God Machine | 4:04 | | Practice In Sammy's Barn, 1992 |
3. Jezebel | 8:08 | | Orlando, FL Demo Rehearsal, 1993 |
4. Scream Of The Butterfly | 6:42 |
5. What Color Is Death | 3:53 | | New Orleans, LA 1994 |
6. The Mortician's Flame | 3:51 |
7. The Blue | 6:16 |
8. God Machine | 5:06 |
9. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida | 4:40 |
10. Fingerpaintings Of The Insane | 6:09 |
11. Nothingness | 5:27 |
12. Dope Fiend | 4:57 | | Metairie, LA 1994 |
13. The Mortician's Flame | 3:57 |
14. The Blue | 6:36 |
15. Dope Fiend | 5:12 | | Milwaukee Metalfest, 1994 |
16. Toubabo Koomi | 4:34 | | Video Clip, 1994 |
17. The Blue | 6:32 | | Hollywood, CA 1996 |
18. Cheap Vodka | 2:48 |
19. Tranquilized | 4:37 |
20. Toubabo Koomi | 5:21 |
21. Paegan Love Song | 6:08 |
22. Jezebel | 5:51 |
23. 13 Fingers | 4:35 |
24. Cassie Eats Cockroaches | 5:08 |
25. Dr. Seuss Is Dead | 7:48 |
26. New Corpse | 3:33 | | Breaux Bridge, LA 1996 |
27. Diab Soule | 5:50 |
28. Bleed Me An Ocean | 6:49 | | LaFayette, LA 1996 |
29. New Death Sensation | 4:24 |
30. Venus Blue | 4:59 |
31. Locust Spawning | 4:32 |
32. The Blue | 6:52 | | St. Petersburg, FL 1996 |
total time | 2:50:03 |
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