Rehearsal (demo) (1988) |
1. Prepare To Die | 3:06 |
2. Hell Is Here | 2:59 |
3. Miserable Priests | 2:13 |
4. Evil Followers | 5:26 |
total time | 13:44 |
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Hell Is Here (demo) (1989) |
1. Intro / Hell Is Here | 2:59 |
2. Suicidal Soldier | 2:45 |
3. Prepare To Die | 3:06 |
4. Headhunter D.C. | 3:36 |
total time | 12:26 |
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Born...Suffer...Die (1991) |
1. Intro / Am I Crazy? | 4:45 |
2. Decomposed | 5:23 |
3. Death Vomit | 0:44 |
4. Hell Is Here | 2:57 |
5. Headhunter D.C. | 3:46 |
6. Beneath The Hate | 6:19 |
7. Suicidal Soldier | 2:48 |
8. Winds Of Death | 1:16 |
9. Prepare To Die | 2:44 |
10. Disunited | 0:25 |
11. Why Wars? | 5:58 |
12. Intro / Hell Is Here | 2:59 | | bonus |
13. Suicidal Soldier | 2:45 | | bonus |
14. Prepare To Die | 3:06 | | bonus |
15. Headhunter D.C. | 3:36 | | bonus |
16. Why Wars? | 5:52 | | bonus |
17. Death Vomit | 0:37 | | bonus |
18. Am I Crazy? | 4:10 | | bonus |
19. Winds Of Death (live) | 1:50 | | bonus |
20. Decomposed (live) | 5:31 | | bonus |
total time | 37:05 | | Reissue 66:43 |
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Punishment at Dawn (1993) |
1. Forgotten Existence | 7:33 |
2. Intense Infanticide | 5:23 |
3. Hallucinations | 3:44 |
4. Punishment At Dawn | 6:21 |
5. Bloodbath | 5:08 |
6. Searching For Rottennes | 4:39 |
7. Terrible Illusion | 4:50 |
8. Deadly Sins Of The Soul | 8:48 |
total time | 46:26 |
8.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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8.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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Promo Tape '96 (demo) (1996) |
1. ...And the Sky Turns To Black | 6:25 |
2. Contemplation (to the fire) | 4:18 |
3. Falling In Perdition | 7:08 |
total time | 17:51 |

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...And The Sky Turns To Black... (The Dark Age has Come) (2000) |
1. ...And The Sky Turns To Black... | 6:27 |
2. Falling In Perdition | 7:03 |
3. Beyond The Deepest Lie | 1:37 |
4. The Glory | 3:51 |
5. From Dream To Nightmare | 4:10 |
6. Eternal Hatred | 5:00 |
7. Conflicts Of The Dark And Light | 7:38 |
8. Morbid Visions (Sepultura cover) | 4:56 | | bonus |
9. Twisted Minds (Possessed cover) | 5:27 | | bonus |
total time | 46:09 |
9.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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9.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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Brazilian Deathkult Live Violence (2002) |
1. Forgotten Existence | 7:54 | | Live June 9th, 1995 at Itabuna/BA, Brazil |
2. Intense Infanticide | 5:42 |
3. Decomposed | 5:18 |
4. Death Vomit | 1:53 |
5. Disunited | 0:25 |
6. Searching for Rottenness | 5:18 |
7. Bloodbath | 5:30 |
8. Terrible Illusion | 5:19 |
9. Winds of Death | 1:50 |
10. Buried Alive (Venom cover) | 4:15 |
11. Deadly Sins of the Soul | 10:58 |
total time | 54:22 |
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#10 in the Live top 10 from 2002!
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#10 in the Live top 10 from 2002!
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God's Spreading Cancer... (2007) |
1. Dysangelium (Intro) | 2:33 |
2. God Is Dead | 6:56 |
3. Stillborn Messiah | 3:50 |
4. Celebrate The Chaos | 3:41 |
5. Contemplation (to the fire) | 4:29 |
6. Abortion of Souls | 2:35 |
7. Black Miracle | 3:48 |
8. God's Spreading Cancer... | 6:46 |
9. Angelkiller | 6:41 |
10. Inner Demons Rise! | 5:34 |
11. Long Live The Death Cult | 6:28 |
--- Bonus EP: Long Live the Hunter --- |
1. Angelkiller | | | Thrash Massacre cover |
2. Slaughtered Remains | | | Necrovore cover |
total time | 53:21 |
5.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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5.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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...In Deathmetallic Brotherhood (2007) |
1. The Cycle of the Entity (Sanctifier cover) | 3:51 | | Headhunter D.C. |
2. Hymn to Babylon | 4:16 |
3. Falling in Perdition | 7:04 |
4. Am I Crazy ? (Headhunter D.C. cover) | 4:45 | | Sanctifier |
5. Cthulhu - The Great Master of R'lyeh |
6. Necronomicon |
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The Darkest Archives... from the Death Cult (1987-2007) (2010) |
1. Salvador Death Legions’ Frenzy 1987 (intro) | 0:22 |
2. Evil Followers | 5:26 | | cover of Túmulo’s “Seguidores do Mal” – 1986 |
3. Blasphemer (Sodom cover) | 2:39 |
4. Prepare to Die | 3:22 |
5. Hell is Here | 3:04 |
6. Miserable Priests | 2:13 |
7. Suicidal Soldier | 2:56 |
8. Headhunter D.C. | 3:52 |
9. Fuck off the False | 2:39 |
10. Death Vomit | 0:37 |
11. Open Your Ass and Die!!! | 0:36 |
12. Disunited | 0:50 |
13. Terrorists (Live) | 3:15 |
14. Fuck Off the False (Live) | 2:52 |
15. Intro / Hell Is Here | 2:59 |
16. Suicidal Soldier | 2:46 |
17. No Violence | 0:13 |
18. Open Your Eyes | 1:07 |
19. Prepare to Die | 3:05 |
20. Headhunter D.C. | 3:31 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Hell Is Here | 2:46 |
2. Beneath the Hate | 5:26 |
3. Prepare to Die (Ultimate version) | 2:44 |
4. Winds of Death | 1:08 |
5. Decomposed | 5:16 |
6. Intense Infanticide (Live) | 5:18 |
7. ...and the Sky Turns to Black... | 6:32 |
8. Contemplation (to the Fire) | 4:24 |
9. Falling in Perdition | 7:16 |
10. Álcool (Dorsal Atlântica) | 5:25 |
11. Sonic Insanity Radio Show, NY, USA, 12/05/1998 | 1:25 |
12. Factor RH Radio Show, Popayan, Colombia, 14/06/2000 | 0:38 |
13. The Glory (Live) | 4:16 |
14. Zombie Ritual (Death cover) (Live) | 4:16 |
15. The Exorcist (Possessed cover) (Live) | 5:13 |
16. Conflicts of the Dark and Light (Live) | 7:01 |
17. Beyond the Deepest Lie (Live) | 2:01 |
18. Long Live the Death Cult (Live) | 7:31 |
total time | 2:07:00 |
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Deny The Light (2011) |
1. Deny The Light | 5:08 |
2. Deny The Light (raw cult rehearsal version) | 5:09 |
total time | 10:17 |
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...In Unholy Mourning... (2012) |
1. Rotten Death Prayer | 3:06 |
2. Dawn Of Heresy | 7:05 |
3. Cursed Be Thou | 8:11 |
4. Deny The Light | 5:10 |
5. A Dream Of Blasphemy | 4:51 |
6. Hail The Metal Of Death! | 4:05 |
7. Into The Nightmare | 3:27 | | Thrash Massacre cover |
8. Unexorcised (Haunting Your Exorcist) | 4:06 |
9. In Unholy Mourning | 5:37 |
10. Lightless... | 7:50 |
total time | 53:28 |

8.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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8.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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Death Kurwa! - Live in Warsaw 2013 (2016) |
1. Dawn of Heresy | 9:53 |
2. Stillborn Messiah | 4:15 |
3. Deny the Light | 6:09 |
4. ...and the Sky Turns to Black | 8:08 |
5. Searching for Rottenness | 5:47 |
6. Conflicts of the Dark and Light | 7:50 |
7. Forgotten Existence | 6:37 |
total time | 48:39 |
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Split with Krow (video) (2019) |
1. Funeral March (intro) / Dawn of Heresy | | | Headhunter D.C. |
2. ... and the Sky Turns to Black... |
3. Am I Crazy? |
4. Searching for Rottenness |
5. Death Vomit |
6. God's Spreading Cancer... |
7. Hail the Metal of Death! |
8. Stillborn Messiah |
9. Deny the Light |
10. Conflicts of the Dark and Light |
11. Retalliated | | | Krow |
12. Relentless Disease |
13. Despair |
14. Whoreborn |
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The Faith, The Cancer, The Plague and The Pain (demo) (2021) |
1. Raise of The Damneds | 3:20 |
2. A Thousand Apocalypses | 3:00 |
total time | 6:40 |
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#7 in the Demo top 10 from the twenties!
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#7 in the Demo top 10 from the twenties!
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A Hail To The Ancient Ones... (2021) |
1. To Tame a Land | 7:12 | | Iron Maiden cover |
2. Eletric Funeral | 5:16 | | Black Sabbath cover |
3. Total Destruction / Reap of Evil (Epilogue) | 6:33 | | Bathory cover |
4. Summoned to Hell | 5:45 | | Mortem cover |
5. The Cycle of the Entity | 6:15 | | Sanctifier cover |
6. Slaughtered Remains | 4:57 | | Necrovore cover |
7. Into the Nightmare | 3:28 | | Thrash Massacre cover |
8. Angelkiller | 6:42 | | Thrash Massacre cover |
9. Blessed are the Sick / Desolate Ways | 4:32 | | Morbid Angel cover |
10. Sodomy and Lust | 4:57 | | Sodom cover |
11. Flag of Hate | 4:11 | | Kreator cover |
12. Twisted Minds | 5:29 | | Possessed cover |
13. Morbid Visions | 4:57 | | Sepultura cover |
14. Álcool | 5:26 | | Dorsal Atlântica cover |
total time | 75:40 |

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Pandemic Unredemption (Live At Dopesmoke Festival 2021) (2023) |
--- Live At Dopesmoke Festival 2021 --- |
1. Intro/Dawn Of Heresy |
2. Stillborn Messiah |
3. …And The Sky Turns To Black |
4. Forgotten Existence |
5. Am I Crazy |
6. Hail The Metal Of Death |
--- Live At Palco Do Rock Festival 2017 --- |
1. Decomposed |
2. Death Vomit |
3. God´s Spreading Cancer |
4. The Exorcist |
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