Jhva Elohim Meth (demo) (1992) |
1. Midwinter gates (Prologue) | 0:43 |
2. Without god | 6:52 |
3. Palace of frost | 3:40 |
4. The nothern silence | 4:00 |
5. Crimson tears (Epilogue) | 1:56 |
total time | 17:11 |
8.8 / 10 (17 votes)
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8.8 / 10 (17 votes)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Jhva Elohim Meth... The Revival (1992) |
1. Midwinter Gates (Prologue) | 0:43 |
2. Without God | 6:52 |
3. Palace Of Frost | 3:40 |
4. The Northern Silence | 4:00 |
5. Crimson Tears (Epilogue) | 1:56 |
total time | 17:11 |

8.8 / 10 (55 votes)
1 review
8.8 / 10 (55 votes)
1 review
Dance Of December Souls (1993) |
1. Seven dreaming souls (intro) | 0:45 |
2. Gateways of bereavement | 8:16 |
3. In silence enshrined | 6:31 |
4. Without god | 6:52 |
5. Elohim meth | 1:42 |
6. Velvet thorns (of drynwhyl) | 13:57 |
7. Tomb of insomnia | 13:10 |
8. Dancing december | 2:18 |
total time | 53:31 |

9.2 / 10 (131 votes)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 1993!
7 reviews
9.2 / 10 (131 votes)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 1993!
7 reviews
For Funerals to Come (1995) |
1. Funeral wedding | 8:41 |
2. Shades of emerald fields | 5:24 |
3. For funerals to come | 2:51 |
4. Epistel | 1:16 |
total time | 18:12 |

9.0 / 10 (55 votes)
2 reviews
9.0 / 10 (55 votes)
2 reviews
Brave Murder Day (1996) |
1. Brave | 10:16 |
2. Murder | 4:54 |
3. Day | 4:29 |
4. Rainroom | 6:31 |
5. 12 | 8:18 |
6. Endtime | 6:46 |
total time | 41:14 |

9.3 / 10 (169 votes)
#6 in User vote top 10 from 1996!
#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 1996!
7 reviews
9.3 / 10 (169 votes)
#6 in User vote top 10 from 1996!
#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 1996!
7 reviews

8.2 / 10 (13 votes)
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8.2 / 10 (13 votes)
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9.3 / 10 (44 votes)
1 review
9.3 / 10 (44 votes)
1 review
Saw You Drown (1998) |
1. Saw you drown | 5:00 |
2. Nerve | 4:28 |
3. Quiet world | 3:49 |
4. Scarlet heavens | 10:25 |
total time | 23:42 |

9.1 / 10 (27 votes)
1 review
9.1 / 10 (27 votes)
1 review
Discouraged Ones (1998) |
1. I break | 4:21 |
2. Stalemate | 4:19 |
3. Deadhouse | 4:35 |
4. Relention | 3:36 |
5. Cold ways | 5:20 |
6. Gone | 2:47 |
7. Last resort | 4:35 |
8. Nerve | 4:30 |
9. Saw you drown | 5:02 |
10. Instrumental | 2:50 |
11. Distrust | 4:56 |
total time | 46:51 |

9.2 / 10 (100 votes)
7 reviews
9.2 / 10 (100 votes)
7 reviews
Tonight's Decision (1999) |
1. For My Demons | 5:47 |
2. I Am Nothing | 4:37 |
3. In Death, A Song | 4:51 |
4. Had To (Leave) | 6:04 |
5. This Punishment | 2:47 |
6. Right Into The Bliss | 5:05 |
7. No Good Can Come Of This | 4:24 |
8. Strained | 4:16 |
9. A Darkness Coming | 5:01 |
10. Nightmares By The Sea | 4:16 |
11. Black Session | 7:02 |
12. No devotion | 4:49 | | bonus |
13. Fractured | 5:52 | | bonus |
total time | 52:51 | | (rerelease 64:51) |

9.1 / 10 (111 votes)
5 reviews
9.1 / 10 (111 votes)
5 reviews
Last Fair Deal Gone Down (2001) |
1. Dispossession | 5:36 |
2. Chrome | 5:14 |
3. We must bury you | 2:50 |
4. Teargas | 3:22 |
5. I transpire | 5:56 |
6. Tonight's music | 4:20 |
7. Clean today | 4:23 |
8. The future of speech | 5:40 |
9. Passing bird | 3:37 |
10. Sweet nurse | 3:57 |
11. Don't tell a soul | 5:42 |
total time | 50:37 |
9.3 / 10 (114 votes)
7 reviews
9.3 / 10 (114 votes)
7 reviews
Teargas EP (2001) |
1. Teargas | 3:23 |
2. Sulfur | 6:21 |
3. March 4 | 3:50 |
total time | 10:34 |
9.6 / 10 (32 votes)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 2001!
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9.6 / 10 (32 votes)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 2001!
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Tonight's Music (2001) |
1. Tonight's Music | 4:20 |
2. Help Me Disappear | 5:13 |
3. O How I Enjoy The Light | 2:44 |
total time | 12:17 |
9.4 / 10 (33 votes)
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9.4 / 10 (33 votes)
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Viva Emptiness (2003) |
1. Ghost of the sun | 4:07 |
2. Sleeper | 4:08 |
3. Criminals | 3:47 |
4. A premonition | 3:33 |
5. Will I arrive | 4:09 |
6. Burn in the remembrance | 5:22 |
7. Wealth | 4:22 |
8. One year from now | 4:02 |
9. Walking by a wire | 3:32 |
10. Complicity | 4:01 |
11. Evidence | 4:36 |
12. Omerta | 2:58 |
13. Wait Outside | 3:39 | | bonus |
14. Inside the city of glass | 4:08 |
total time | 52:45 |

9.1 / 10 (142 votes)
8 reviews
9.1 / 10 (142 votes)
8 reviews
Ghost of the Sun (2003) |
1. Ghost of the sun | 4:07 |
2. Criminals | 3:47 |
3. Evidence | 4:34 |
total time | 12:28 |
9.4 / 10 (21 votes)
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9.4 / 10 (21 votes)
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Brave Yester Days (2004) |
1. Midwinter Gates (Prologue) | 0:44 | | Jhva Elohim Meth |
2. Without God | 6:54 |
3. Palace Of Frost | 3:41 |
4. The Northern Silence | 3:59 |
5. Crimson Tears (Epilogue) | 1:49 |
6. Gateways Of Bereavement | 8:12 | | Dance Of December Souls |
7. Velvet Thorns (Of Drynwhyl) | 13:55 |
8. Black Erotica | 9:09 | | War Compilation Vol One |
9. Love Of The Swan | 6:54 |
10. Funeral Wedding | 8:41 | | For Funerals To Come |
11. Shades Of Emerald Fields | 5:23 |
12. For Funerals To Come | 2:47 |
13. Epistel | 1:13 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Murder | 4:54 | | Brave Murder Day |
2. Rainroom | 6:30 |
3. Nowhere | 6:07 | | Sounds Of Decay |
4. At Last | 6:11 |
5. Inside The Fall | 6:13 |
6. Untrue | 2:35 | | Previously Unreleased |
7. Nerve | 4:30 | | Saw You Drown |
8. Saw You Drown | 5:01 |
9. Quiet World | 4:38 |
10. Scarlet Heavens | 10:24 |
total time | 130:24 |

9.3 / 10 (42 votes)
#10 in User vote top 10 from 2004!
#1 in the Compilation top 10 from 2004!
1 review
9.3 / 10 (42 votes)
#10 in User vote top 10 from 2004!
#1 in the Compilation top 10 from 2004!
1 review
The Black Sessions (2005) |
1. Teargas | 3:22 |
2. Right Into The Bliss | 5:04 |
3. Criminals | 3:48 |
4. Help Me Disappear | 5:13 |
5. Nerve | 4:31 |
6. The Future Of Speech | 5:39 |
7. Ghost Of The Sun | 4:07 |
8. I Am Nothing | 4:37 |
9. Deadhouse | 4:35 |
10. Passing Bird | 3:39 |
11. Sleeper | 4:08 |
12. Sulfur | 6:22 |
13. No Devotion | 4:49 |
14. Chrome | 5:15 |
15. A Premonition | 3:34 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Dispossession | 5:36 |
2. Cold Ways | 5:23 |
3. Nightmares By The Sea | 4:16 |
4. O How I Enjoy The Light | 2:44 |
5. Evidence | 4:37 |
6. March 4 | 3:53 |
7. I Break | 4:22 |
8. For My Demons | 5:44 |
9. Omerta | 2:58 |
10. Tonight's Music | 4:19 |
11. Stalemate | 4:19 |
12. Wait Outside | 3:38 |
13. Fractured | 5:52 |
14. Sweet Nurse | 3:56 |
15. Black Session | 7:03 |
--- DVD Disk --- |
1. Ghost Of The Sun | 5:28 | | Live at Krakow, Poland, April 2003 |
2. Criminals | 3:51 |
3. Teargas | 3:17 |
4. I Break | 4:14 |
5. I Am Nothing | 4:36 |
6. Sweet Nurse | 4:07 |
7. Tonight's Music | 3:57 |
8. For My Demons | 5:06 |
9. Chrome | 5:04 |
10. Future Of Speech | 5:16 |
11. Complicity | 4:04 |
12. Burn The Rememberance | 4:54 |
13. Evidence | 5:08 |
14. Deadhouse | 4:41 |
15. Murder | 5:11 |
total time | 3:26:25 |

8.7 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
8.7 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
My Twin (2006) |
1. My Twin (Single Edit) | 3:43 |
2. My Twin (Opium Dub) | 4:17 |
3. Displaced | 5:16 |
4. Dissolving Bonds | 3:42 |
total time | 16:58 |

8.2 / 10 (13 votes)
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8.2 / 10 (13 votes)
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The Great Cold Distance (2006) |
1. Leaders | 4:07 |
2. Deliberation | 3:41 |
3. Soil's Song | 3:48 |
4. My Twin | 3:43 |
5. Consternation | 3:25 |
6. Follower | 4:28 |
7. Rusted | 3:59 |
8. Increase | 4:04 |
9. July | 4:31 |
10. In The White | 4:39 |
11. The Itch | 4:04 |
12. Journey Through Pressure | 4:04 |
total time | 48:33 |

8.9 / 10 (60 votes)
9 reviews
8.9 / 10 (60 votes)
9 reviews
Deliberation (2006) |
1. Deliberation | 3:59 |
2. In the White (Urban Dub) | 5:30 |
3. Code Against the Code | 3:34 |
4. Deliberation (video) | 4:14 |
total time | 17:17 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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July (2007) |
1. July | 4:52 |
2. Soil's Song | 4:40 | | (Krister Linder 2012 Remix) |
3. Unfurl | 4:53 |
total time | 14:19 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Live Consternation (2007) |
1. Leader | 5:06 | | Live August 17th, 2006 at Summer Breeze Open Air, Germany |
2. Wealth | 4:30 |
3. Soil's song | 4:20 |
4. Had to leave | 4:42 |
5. Cold ways | 5:22 |
6. Right into the bliss | 5:13 |
7. Ghost of the sun | 4:11 |
8. Criminals | 3:46 |
9. Deliberation | 4:01 |
10. July | 4:52 |
11. Evidence | 4:51 |
total time | 50:54 |

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#5 in the Live top 10 from 2007!
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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#5 in the Live top 10 from 2007!
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Discouraged Ones + Brave Murder Day (2007) |
1. Discouraged Ones cd | 46:51 |
2. Brave Murder Day cd | 41:14 |
total time | 1:28:05 |
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Night is The New Day (2009) |
1. Forsaker | 4:04 |
2. The Longest Year | 4:37 |
3. Idle Blood | 4:21 |
4. Onward Into Battle | 3:49 |
5. Liberation | 4:16 |
6. The Promise Of Deceit | 4:15 |
7. Nephilim | 4:25 |
8. New Night | 4:25 |
9. Inheritance | 4:28 |
10. Day And Then The Shade | 4:26 |
11. Ashen | 4:08 | | Swedish bonus track |
12. Departer | 5:27 |
total time | 48:33 |
7.5 / 10 (10 votes)
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7.5 / 10 (10 votes)
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Day and Then the Shade (2010) |
1. Day and Then the Shade | 4:26 |
2. Day and Then the Shade (Frank Default Remix) | 5:36 |
total time | 10:02 |
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The Longest Year (2010) |
1. The Longest Year (radio edit) | 4:01 | | single |
2. The Longest Year (album version) | 4:38 |
3. Sold Heart | 4:32 | | ep |
4. Day and Then the Shade (Frank Default remix) | 5:36 | | ep |
5. Idle Blood (Linje 14) | 3:23 | | ep |
6. The Longest Year (video) | | | ep |
7. Day and Then Shade (video) | | | ep |
total time | 8:39 | | ep: 18:08 |

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Dead End Kings (2012) |
1. The Parting | 4:52 |
2. The One You Are Looking For Is Not Here | 3:52 |
3. Hypnone | 4:06 |
4. The Racing Hearts | 4:05 |
5. Buildings | 3:28 |
6. Leech | 4:23 |
7. Ambitions | 5:06 |
8. Undo You | 4:55 |
9. Lethean | 4:39 |
10. First Prayer | 4:27 |
11. Dead Letters | 4:49 |
12. Hypnone (Frank Default Hypnocadence Mix) | | | German bonus |
13. Second | 3:34 | | CD+DVD+2LP bonus |
14. The Act Of Darkening | 5:55 | | CD+DVD bonus |
--- Bonus Disk --- |
1. Dead End Kings DVD-A | 48:42 |
total time | 48:42 |

9.3 / 10 (7 votes)
#9 in User vote top 10 from the twentytens!
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9.3 / 10 (7 votes)
#9 in User vote top 10 from the twentytens!
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Buildings (2012) |
1. Buildings | 3:28 |
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Lethean (digital) (2012) |
1. Lethean | 4:39 |
1.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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1.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Introducing Katatonia (2013) |
1. Dead Letters | 4:26 |
2. Nephilim | 4:26 |
3. Idle Blood | 4:22 |
4. Forsaker | 4:06 |
5. July | 4:47 |
6. Soil's Song | 4:12 |
7. Evidence | 4:37 |
8. Walking by a Wire | 3:34 |
9. Criminals | 3:46 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Clean Today | 4:23 |
2. Teargas | 3:25 |
3. Dispossession | 5:36 |
4. Right into the Bliss | 5:05 |
5. In Death, a Song | 4:53 |
6. Cold Ways | 5:23 |
7. I Break | 4:23 |
8. Murder | 4:55 |
9. Without God | 6:48 |
total time | 1:23:07 |

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#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2013!
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#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2013!
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Last Fair Day Gone Night (2013) |
1. Dispossession | 5:36 | | Live at Koko Club, London |
2. Chrome | 5:14 |
3. We Must Bury You | 2:50 |
4. Teargas | 3:23 |
5. I Transpire | 5:56 |
6. Tonight's Music | 4:20 |
7. Clean Today | 4:23 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. The Future Of Speech | 5:40 |
2. Passing Bird | 3:38 |
3. Sweet Nurse | 3:57 |
4. Don't Tell A Soul | 5:42 |
5. Brave | 10:16 |
6. Right Into The Bliss | 5:04 |
7. The Promise Of Deceit | 4:18 |
--- Disk Three --- |
1. Nephilim | 4:27 |
2. The Longest Year | 4:39 |
3. July | 4:45 |
4. New Night | 4:28 |
5. My Twin | 3:44 |
6. I Break | 4:21 |
7. Wait Outside | 3:38 |
8. Dissolving Bonds | 3:35 |
9. Forsaker | 4:05 |
total time | 1:47:59 |
8.3 / 10 (3 votes)
#10 in the Live top 10 from 2013!
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8.3 / 10 (3 votes)
#10 in the Live top 10 from 2013!
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Dethroned & Uncrowned (2013) |
1. The Parting | 4:51 |
2. The One You Are Looking For Is Not Here | 3:57 | | (feat. Silje Wergeland) |
3. Hypnone | 4:12 |
4. The Racing Heart | 3:25 |
5. Buildings | 3:23 |
6. Leech | 4:16 |
7. Ambitions | 4:30 |
8. Undo You | 4:52 |
9. Lethean | 4:05 |
10. First Prayer | 4:18 |
11. Dead Letters | 4:15 |
total time | 46:04 |

8.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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8.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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Six Pack Of Hits (2013) |
1. We Must Bury You | 2:50 |
2. Day And Then Sade | 4:28 |
3. Departer | 5:27 |
4. My Twin | 3:43 |
5. Tonight's Music | 4:20 |
6. Brave | 10:18 |
total time | 31:06 |
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Kocytean (2014) |
1. Unfurl | 4:53 | | from July single |
2. Sold Heart | 4:34 | | from The Longest Year ep |
3. Ashen | 4:08 | | Night Is The New Day bonus track |
4. Second | 3:33 | | Dead End Kings bonus track |
5. Code Against The Code | 3:34 | | from Deliberation single |
6. The Act Of Darkening | 5:55 | | Dead End Kings bonus track |
total time | 26:35 |

9.5 / 10 (2 votes)
#4 in User vote top 10 from 2014!
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9.5 / 10 (2 votes)
#4 in User vote top 10 from 2014!
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Sanctitude (2015) |
1. In The White | 5:39 | | Live at Union Chapel, London, May 16th 2014 |
2. Ambitions | 5:01 |
3. Teargas | 3:10 |
4. Gone | 3:47 |
5. A Darkness Coming | 5:16 |
6. One Year From Now | 4:09 |
7. The Racing Heart | 4:26 |
8. Tonight's Music | 4:15 |
9. Sleeper | 4:38 |
10. Undo You | 4:49 |
11. Lethean | 4:47 |
12. Day | 4:38 |
13. Idle Blood | 4:31 |
14. Unfurl | 6:33 |
15. Omerta | 3:37 |
16. Evidence | 6:06 |
17. The One You Are Looking For Is Not Here | 4:28 |
18. Beyond the Chapel | 66:00 | | DVD bonus documentary |
total time | 1:19:45 |

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#10 in the Live top 10 from 2015!
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#10 in the Live top 10 from 2015!
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The Fall of Hearts (2016) |
1. Takeover | 7:06 |
2. Serein | 4:46 |
3. Old Heart Falls | 4:22 |
4. Decima | 4:47 |
5. Sanction | 5:06 |
6. Residual | 6:54 |
7. Serac | 7:25 |
8. Last Song Before the Fade | 5:01 |
9. Shifts | 4:54 |
10. The Night Subscriber | 6:10 |
11. Pale Flag | 4:23 |
12. Passer | 6:25 |
13. Vakaren | 4:54 | | Hardbook / Mediabook / Japanese bonus |
14. Sistere | 4:11 | | Hardbook / Vinyl bonus |
15. Wide Awake In Quietus | 4:54 | | Digital bonus |
16. Night Comes Down (Judas Priest cover) | 4:54 | | Japanese bonus |
--- Bonus DVD --- |
1. The Fall of Hearts DVD-A | 67:19 |
total time | 67:19 | | Digital 72:13 |

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Proscenium (2017) |
1. Last Song Before The Fade | 5:26 | | Live at Plovdiv 2016 |
2. Serein | 5:03 |
3. Old Heart Falls | 4:46 |
4. Journey Through Pressure | 5:03 |
total time | 20:18 |
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The Great Cold Distance - Live In Bulgaria With The Orchestra of State Opera - Plovdiv (2017) |
1. Leaders | 4:47 |
2. Deliberation | 4:11 |
3. Soil`s Song | 4:38 |
4. My Twin | 4:04 |
5. Consternation | 4:17 |
6. Follower | 4:44 |
7. Rusted | 4:36 |
8. Increase | 4:59 |
9. July | 4:54 |
10. In the White | 4:48 |
11. The Itch | 5:25 |
12. Journey Through Pressure | 5:38 |
total time | 57:01 |

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Lacquer (digital) (2020) |
1. Lacquer | 4:42 |
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Behind the Blood (digital) (2020) |
1. Behind the Blood | 4:37 |
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The Winter Of Our Passing (digital) (2020) |
1. The Winter Of Our Passing | 3:18 |

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City Burials (2020) |
1. Heart Set to Divide | 5:29 |
2. Behind the Blood | 4:37 |
3. Lacquer | 4:42 |
4. Rein | 4:21 |
5. The Winter of Our Passing | 3:18 |
6. Vanishers | 4:56 |
7. City Glaciers | 5:30 |
8. Flicker | 4:45 |
9. Lachesis | 1:54 |
10. Neo Epitaph | 4:32 |
11. Untrodden | 4:29 |
total time | 48:33 |

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Dead Air (2020) |
1. Lethean | 6:00 | | Live on May 9th, 2020 at Studio Gröndahl in Stockholm, Sweden |
2. Teargas | 3:17 |
3. Serein | 4:47 |
4. Deliberation | 3:57 |
5. The Winter Of Our Passing | 3:09 |
6. Ghost Of The Sun | 4:07 |
7. The Racing Heart | 4:26 |
8. Soil's Song | 4:07 |
9. Old Heart Falls | 4:23 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Forsaker | 4:10 |
2. Tonight`s Music | 4:22 |
3. In The White | 4:57 |
4. Leaders | 4:17 |
5. Lacquer | 4:51 |
6. Omerta | 3:09 |
7. My Twin | 3:38 |
8. Unfurl | 4:52 |
9. July | 4:48 |
10. Evidence | 5:29 |
11. Behind The Blood | 5:06 |
--- Bonus DVD --- |
1. Dead Air concert | 1:27:45 |
total time | 1:27:45 |

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Mnemosynean (2021) |
1. Vakaren | 4:54 | | The Fall of Hearts bonus |
2. Sistere | 4:11 |
3. Wide Awake in Quietus | 4:59 |
4. Night Comes Down (Judas Priest cover) | 4:14 |
5. Second | 3:32 | | Dead End Kings bonus |
6. The Act of Darkening | 5:52 |
7. Ashen | 4:06 | | Night is The New Day bonus |
8. Sold Heart | 4:32 | | from The Longest Year ep |
9. Displaced | 5:14 | | from My Twin ep |
10. Dissolving Bonds | 3:41 |
11. Unfurl | 4:48 | | from July ep |
12. Code Against the Code | 3:28 | | from Deliberation ep |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Wait Outside | 3:38 | | Viva Emptiness bonus |
2. Sulfur | 6:22 | | from Teargas EP |
3. March 4 | 3:51 |
4. O How I Enjoy the Light (Palace Music cover) | 2:44 | | from Tonight's Music ep |
5. Help Me Disappear | 5:13 |
6. Fractured | 5:52 | | Tonight's Decision bonus |
7. No Devotion | 4:48 |
8. Quiet World | 4:39 | | from Saw You Drown ep |
9. Scarlet Heavens | 10:27 |
10. In the White (Urban Dub) | 5:25 | | from Deliberation ep |
11. My Twin (Opium Dub) | 4:15 | | from My Twin ep |
12. Soil's Song (Krister Linder 2012 Remix) | 4:40 | | from July ep |
13. Day and Then the Shade (Frank Default Remix) | 5:40 | | from The Longest Year ep |
14. Idle Blood (Linje 14) | 3:23 |
15. Hypnone (Frank Default 'Hypnocadence' MIx) | 4:46 | | Dead End Kings bonus |
total time | 2:09:14 |

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Melancholium (2022) |
1. A Sunset Choir for the Daylight Harvest tape | 9:54 |
2. Jhva Elohim Meth tape | 17:11 |
3. Dance of December Souls tape | 53:26 |
4. For Funerals to Come… tape | 44:28 |
5. Brave Murder Day tape | 41:12 |
6. Sounds of Decay tape | 18:37 |
total time | 3:04:48 |
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Atrium (digital) (2022) |
1. Atrium | 4:08 |
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Austerity (digital) (2022) |
1. Austerity | 3:41 |

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Sky Void Of Stars - EP (2022) |
1. Atrium | 4:11 | | From Sky Void Of Stars |
2. Austerity | 3:43 | | From Sky Void Of Stars |
3. Night Comes Down | 4:20 | | Judas Priest Cover |
4. Fighters | 3:40 | | Enter The Hunt Cover |
5. Forsaker | 4:09 | | Live At Summer Breeze 2012 |
6. Liberation | 4:22 | | Live At Summer Breeze 2012 |
total time | 24:25 |
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Birds (digital) (2023) |
1. Birds | 4:08 |
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Sky Void of Stars (2023) |
1. Austerity | 3:41 |
2. Colossal Shade | 4:29 |
3. Opaline | 5:00 |
4. Birds | 4:08 |
5. Drab Moon | 3:59 |
6. Author | 4:17 |
7. Impermanence | 5:12 |
8. Sclera | 4:45 |
9. Atrium | 4:08 |
10. No Beacon to Illuminate Our Fall | 6:08 |
11. Absconder | 4:49 | | bonus |
total time | 45:47 |
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A Sunset Choir for the Daylight Harvest (ep) (2023) |
1. Sunset Choir (re-recording) | 5:07 | | Rehearsal '92 tape re-recorded |
2. Daylight Harvest (re-recording) | 4:48 |
total time | 9:55 |
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#5 in the EP top 10 from 2023!
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#5 in the EP top 10 from 2023!
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Rehearsal (1991) |
1. Rites of Winter | 2:27 |
2. The Gathering in Flames | 3:14 |
total time | 11:24 |
8.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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8.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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Live in Paris (2001) |
1. Intro |
2. Deadhouse |
3. Teargas |
4. Stalemate |
5. March 4 |
6. Chrome |
7. Tonight's Music |
8. For My Demons |
9. The Future Of Speech |
10. Sweet Nurse |
11. I Am Nothing |
12. Cold Ways |
13. Murder |

7.7 / 10 (7 votes)
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7.7 / 10 (7 votes)
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Formed in 1987 in Avesta, Sweden
Members are:
Anders Nystrom / Blackheim - guitars (since 1987) - also in Bloodbath, was in Diabolical Masquerade and Bewitched
Jonas Renske / Lord Seth - drums / vocals (since 1987) - also in Bloodbath and Wisdom of Crowds, was in October Tide and Slo Train Co
Niklas "Nille" Sandin - bass (since 2010) - also in Chaosys, was in Siebenbürgen, Amaran, Life Eclipse, Aoria, Shadows Past, Lamia Antitheus, and Slavegrid
Daniel Moilanen - drums (since 2015) - also in Runemagick, was in Lord Belial, The Project Hate MCMXCIX, Mnemonic, Heavydeath, Den Tunga Döden, Dracena, Sandalinas, Grindnecks, Relevant Few, Engel, and Pen Expers
Roger Öjersson - guitars (since 2016) - also in Tiamat, was in Kamchatka
Previous members:
Daniel Liljekvist - drums, percussion (1999-2014) - also in Grand Cadaver, Ikhon, Mercury Rust, and V, was in In Mourning, Komotio, Disrupted, Knout, and Subdive
Per "Sodo" Eriksson - guitars (2010-2014) - also in Bloodbath, 21 Lucifers, and Komotio, was in Genocrush Ferox
Fredrik "North" Norrman - guitars (1994-2010) - now in October Tide, Trees of Eternity, and Uncanny, was in Fulmination
Mattias "Kryptan" Norrman - bass (1999-2009) - now in October Tide, Moondark, Uncanny, and Dellamorte, was in Interment
Mikael Oretoft - bass (1995-1998) - was in Eyekon
Guillaume Le Huche / Israphel Wing - bass (1992-1995) - was in Eyekon, Mynjun, and Rising Shadows
Session musicians:
Mikael Åkerfeldt - vocals on "Brave Murder Day" - plays in Opeth, Bloodbath and Eruption
Day DiSyraah / Dan Swanö - keyboards on "Jhva Elohim Meth.. the Revival" and "Dance of December Souls" - plays in Infestdead, Nightingale and Bloodbath, was in Edge of Sanity, Pan.Thy.Monium, Godsend, Karaboudjan, Maceration, Nightingale, Odyssey, Steel, Tom Nouga, Ulan Bator, Unicorn and Wounded Knee
Kennet Englund - live drums - plays in Centinex, Dellamorte, Moondark and Uncanny
"Katatonia" means a psychological illness. The state of locking the eyes to a point without any movement in your body and any thought in your mind.
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