Live in Decay (demo) (1986) |
1. Intro | 0:50 | | Side Live |
2. Satans Wrath | 4:52 |
3. Till Your Death! | 2:50 |
4. Deathlike Carrion | 6:32 |
5. Tyrants of Hell | 4:42 |
6. Deathlike Carrion (Studio) | 6:50 | | Side Decay |
7. Satans Wrath (Studio) | 4:28 |
8. Tyrants of Hell (Radio Edition) | 4:02 |
total time | 35:06 |
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Necrolust (demo) (1989) |
1. Intro | 0:51 |
2. Decapitated Saints | 2:39 |
3. Reborn In Flames | 4:08 |
4. The Final Massacre | 4:33 |
5. The Wrath | 3:57 |
total time | 16:08 |
8.9 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
8.9 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
Morbid Reich (demo) (1990) |
1. From Beyond (Intro) | 1:02 |
2. Chaos | 4:27 |
3. Vicious Circle | 2:48 |
4. Breath Of Centuries | 4:16 |
5. The Final Massacre | 4:48 |
6. Reign-Carrion | 6:05 |
total time | 23:26 |
8.5 / 10 (26 votes)
3 reviews
8.5 / 10 (26 votes)
3 reviews
The Ultimate Incantation (1992) |
1. Creation (intro) | 1:30 |
2. Dark age | 4:40 |
3. Vicious circle | 2:53 |
4. The crucified ones | 3:37 |
5. Final massacre | 4:54 |
6. Testimony | 4:01 |
7. Reign carrion | 6:49 |
8. Chaos | 4:27 |
9. One step to salvation | 3:48 |
10. Demon's wind | 4:27 |
11. Decapitated saints | 2:28 |
12. Breath of centuries | 4:51 |
total time | 48:21 |
8.2 / 10 (38 votes)
1 review
8.2 / 10 (38 votes)
1 review
Sothis (1994) |
1. Hymn To The Ancient Ones | 1:52 |
2. Sothis | 3:46 |
3. De Profundis | 1:31 |
4. Vision And The Voice | 3:27 |
5. The Wrath | 4:54 |
6. R'Lyeh | 1:53 |
7. Black Sabbath | 6:20 |
total time | 23:43 |
7.6 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
7.6 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
The Darkest Age - Live '93 (1995) |
1. Macbeth (intro) | 3:54 | | Live 13.12.1993, Kraków, Poland |
2. Dark age | 4:43 |
3. Vicious circle | 3:13 |
4. Crucified ones | 3:10 |
5. Demon's wind | 5:00 |
6. Decapitated saints | 2:31 |
7. From beyond (intro) | 1:01 |
8. Chaos | 4:55 |
9. Reign - carrion | 7:18 |
10. Testimony | 4:09 |
11. Breath of centuries | 4:34 |
12. Omen (outro) | 1:50 |
13. Hell awaits | 4:42 |
total time | 51:00 |
7.4 / 10 (15 votes)
#4 in the Live top 10 from 1995!
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7.4 / 10 (15 votes)
#4 in the Live top 10 from 1995!
No reviews yet...
De Profundis (1995) |
1. Silent Empire | 4:02 |
2. An Act Of Darkness | 1:56 |
3. Blood Of Kingu | 4:38 |
4. Incarnation | 3:08 |
5. Sothis | 3:42 |
6. Revolt | 3:36 |
7. Of Moon, Blood, Dream And Me | 3:51 |
8. Vision And The Voice | 3:29 |
9. Reborn In Flames | 5:39 |
total time | 34:01 |
9.1 / 10 (58 votes)
3 reviews
9.1 / 10 (58 votes)
3 reviews
7.0 / 10 (4 votes)
No reviews yet...
7.0 / 10 (4 votes)
No reviews yet...
Future of the Past (1996) |
1. Outbreak Of Evil | 2:05 | | Sodom cover |
2. Flag Of Hate | 3:11 | | Kreator cover |
3. Storm Of Stress | 1:14 | | Terrorizer cover |
4. Death Metal | 2:38 | | Possessed cover |
5. Fear Of Napalm | 2:45 | | Terrorizer cover |
6. Merciless Death | 4:02 | | Dark Angel cover |
7. Dethroned Emperor | 4:05 | | Celtic Frost cover |
8. Silent Scream | 2:55 | | Slayer cover |
9. We Are The League | 2:33 | | Anti-Nowhere League cover |
10. I. F. Y. | 4:18 | | Depeche Mode cover |
11. Black Sabbath | 6:19 | | Black Sabbath cover |
12. Oracle (Wyrocznia) | | | Japanese bonus |
8.2 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
8.2 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
Reborn in Chaos (1997) |
1. Intro | 1:29 | | Necrolust demo |
2. Decapitated Saints | 2:25 |
3. Reborn In Flames | 5:39 |
4. The Final Massacre | 5:39 |
5. The Wrath | 4:53 |
6. From Beyond | 0:59 | | Morbid Reich demo |
7. Chaos | 4:27 |
8. Vicious Circle | 2:48 |
9. Breath Of Centuries | 4:49 |
10. The Final Massacre | 4:29 |
11. Reign-Carrion | 6:49 |
total time | 43:16 |

7.9 / 10 (19 votes)
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7.9 / 10 (19 votes)
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9.0 / 10 (5 votes)
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9.0 / 10 (5 votes)
No reviews yet...
Black to the Blind (1997) |
1. Heading For Internal Darkness | 3:46 |
2. The Innermost Ambience | 1:33 |
3. Carnal | 2:09 |
4. Fractal Light | 2:42 |
5. True Names | 3:37 |
6. The Beast Raping | 2:42 |
7. Foetus God | 2:44 |
8. The Red Passage | 3:01 |
9. Distant Dream | 2:26 |
10. Black To The Blind | 4:07 |
11. Anamnesis | 3:16 | | Japanese bonus |
total time | 28:47 |
8.9 / 10 (40 votes)
1 review
8.9 / 10 (40 votes)
1 review
Kingdom (1998) |
1. Creatures Of Light And Darkness | 3:20 |
2. Breath Of Centuries | 4:49 |
3. Kingdom | 3:03 |
4. Anamnesis | 3:06 |
5. Inhuman Disaster Mix | 7:10 | | (inspired by Heading For Internal Darkness) |
6. Quicksilver Blood Mix | 7:22 | | (inspired by Carnal) |
total time | 28:50 |
7.3 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
7.3 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
Live in Japan (1998) |
1. Damien (intro) | 2:45 |
2. Sothis | 3:55 |
3. Distant Dream | 3:17 |
4. Black To The Blind | 4:15 |
5. Silent Empire | 4:09 |
6. Blood Of Kingu | 4:39 |
7. Carnal | 2:24 |
8. Red Passage | 2:49 |
9. Panzerstoss (intro) | 1:21 |
10. Reborn In Flames | 5:05 |
11. Fractal Light | 2:44 |
12. From Beyond (intro) | 0:59 |
13. Crucified Ones | 3:24 |
14. Foetus God | 3:00 |
15. Black Sabbath | 6:19 |
16. Reign In Blood | 3:48 |
17. Omen (outro) | 1:40 |
18. Dark Age | 5:00 |
19. Kingdom | | | video |
total time | 61:33 |
8.7 / 10 (18 votes)
2 reviews
8.7 / 10 (18 votes)
2 reviews
Vision and Voice (video) (1998) |
1. Omen (Intro) | 2:09 | | Live at Studio "Leg" in Cracow, Poland on March 25th, 1998 |
2. Sothis | 3:51 |
3. Distant Dream | 2:28 |
4. Silent Empire | 4:05 |
5. Blood of Kingu | 4:40 |
6. Black to the Blind | 4:08 |
7. Reborn in Flames | 5:39 |
8. Carnal | 2:09 |
9. Dark Age | 4:46 |
10. Kingdom | 3:07 |
11. Foetus God | 2:44 |
12. Black Sabbath | 6:50 | | (Black Sabbath cover) |
13. Red Passage | 3:04 |
14. Kingdom (video) | 3:04 |
--- "More Vision and the Voice" DVD bonus --- |
1. Incarnated (video) |
2. Cold Demons (video) |
3. Intro/Dark Age | | | bootleg tracks |
4. Crucified Ones |
5. Carnal |
6. Wings |
7. Red Passage |
8. Intro/Xeper |
9. Cold Demons |
10. Blood of Kingu |
11. Interview |
total time | 52:44 |

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Xeper / North (2000) |
1. Xeper | 4:04 |
2. North | 1:42 |
total time | 5:46 |
9.3 / 10 (3 votes)
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9.3 / 10 (3 votes)
No reviews yet...
Litany (2000) |
1. Wings | 3:11 |
2. The One Made Of Dreams | 1:49 |
3. Xeper | 4:01 |
4. Litany | 3:01 |
5. Cold Demons | 3:11 |
6. The Calling | 3:10 |
7. North | 1:36 |
8. Forwards To Die!!! | 1:38 |
9. A World Of Hurt | 1:50 |
10. The World Made Flesh | 2:47 |
11. The Final Massacre | 4:31 |
12. Cold Demons | | | digipack video-bonus |
13. Red Dunes | | | Japanese bonus |
14. Lord Of Desert | | | Japanese bonus |
total time | 30:45 |

8.6 / 10 (65 votes)
4 reviews
8.6 / 10 (65 votes)
4 reviews
Reign Forever World (2001) |
1. Reign forever world | 4:00 |
2. Frozen paths | 2:13 |
3. Privilege of the gods | 4:54 |
4. Total desaster | 3:10 |
5. Rapid fire | 3:20 |
6. Freezing moon | 5:41 |
7. Creatures of light and darkness | 3:10 |
8. Carnal live | 2:33 |
9. Red dunes | 1:12 |
10. Lord of desert | 2:00 |
total time | 32:10 |
8.2 / 10 (28 votes)
4 reviews
8.2 / 10 (28 votes)
4 reviews
Armageddon - Best Of Vader (2001) |
1. Dark age | 4:41 |
2. The wrath | 4:55 |
3. Blood of kingu | 4:41 |
4. Revolt | 3:38 |
5. Reborn in flames | 5:41 |
6. An act of darkness | 2:00 |
7. Fear of napalm | 2:47 |
8. Dethroned Emperor | 4:08 |
9. Carnal | 2:11 |
10. Foetus god | 2:46 |
11. Distant dream | 2:27 |
12. Crucified ones - live | 3:13 |
13. Omen - intro-live | 2:08 |
14. Hell awaits - live | 4:41 |
15. Creatures of light & darkness | 3:20 |
16. Breath of centuries | 4:33 |
17. Vicious Circle | 2:50 |
18. Red passage - live | 2:51 |
19. Black sabbath - live | 6:20 |
20. Wings | 3:10 |
total time | 73:01 |

8.8 / 10 (9 votes)
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8.8 / 10 (9 votes)
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Metal Box (2001) |
1. The Darkest Age Live cd |
2. Kingdom cd |
No votes yet...
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No votes yet...
No reviews yet...
Metal Box (2001) |
1. Reborn In Chaos cd |
2. Sothis cd |
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No votes yet...
No reviews yet...
Revelations (2002) |
1. Epitaph | 3:44 |
2. The Nomad | 3:50 |
3. Wolftribe | 2:25 |
4. Whisper | 3:26 |
5. When Darkness Calls | 5:16 |
6. Torch of War | 2:45 |
7. The Code | 2:24 |
8. Lukewarm Race | 2:26 |
9. Revelation of Black Moses | 7:05 |
total time | 33:21 |
8.6 / 10 (48 votes)
2 reviews
8.6 / 10 (48 votes)
2 reviews
Angel of Death (2002) |
1. When Darkness Calls | 5:18 |
2. Angel of Death | 6:33 | | Thin Lizzy cover |
total time | 11:51 |
8.4 / 10 (8 votes)
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8.4 / 10 (8 votes)
No reviews yet...
Blood (2003) |
1. Shape-Shifting | 4:49 |
2. We Wait | 3:53 |
3. Son Of Fire | 2:11 |
4. As The Fallen Rise | 2:08 |
5. Traveler | 2:05 |
6. When Darkness Calls | 5:16 |
7. Angel Of Death | 6:29 |
total time | 26:51 |

8.5 / 10 (27 votes)
2 reviews
8.5 / 10 (27 votes)
2 reviews
Blood / Reign Forever World (2003) |
1. Shape-Shifting | 4:49 | | Blood |
2. We Wait | 3:53 |
3. As The Fallen Rise | 2:11 |
4. Son Of Fire | 2:08 |
5. Traveler | 2:05 |
6. When Darkness Calls | 5:16 |
7. Reign Forever World | 4:00 | | Reign Forever World |
8. Frozen Paths | 2:13 |
9. Privilege Of The Gods | 4:54 |
10. Total Desaster | 3:10 |
11. Rapid Fire | 3:20 |
12. Freezing Moon | 5:41 |
13. Creatures Of Light And Darkness (Live) | 3:10 |
14. Carnal (Live) | 2:33 |
15. Red Dunes | 1:12 |
16. Lord Of Desert | 2:00 |
total time | 52:32 |
6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Beware The Beast (2004) |
1. Dark Transmission (333.version) | 3:54 |
2. Stranger in the Mirror | 2:41 |
3. Studio Report (video) | 24:13 |
4. Dark Transmission (video) | 3:52 |
total time | 34:40 |
6.8 / 10 (5 votes)
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6.8 / 10 (5 votes)
No reviews yet...
The Beast (2004) |
1. Intro | 0:59 |
2. Out Of The Deep | 4:51 |
3. Dark Transmission | 4:09 |
4. Firebringer | 3:32 |
5. The Sea Came In At Last | 4:05 |
6. Stranger In The Mirror | | | Japanese bonus |
7. I Shall Prevail | 3:49 |
8. The Zone | 4:30 |
9. Insomnia | 3:26 |
10. Apopheniac | 4:12 |
11. Choices | 4:09 |
total time | 37:42 |

8.5 / 10 (29 votes)
1 review
8.5 / 10 (29 votes)
1 review
Night of the Apocalypse (video) (2004) |
1. Intro 1 / Epitaph | 5:47 | | Live at Studio TVP Krzemionki, Kraków at 8 octomber 2002 |
2. Torch of War | 2:20 |
3. Xepher | 4:41 |
4. Carnal | 2:24 |
5. Reign Forever World | 3:57 |
6. Intro 2 / Breath of Centuries | 5:56 |
7. Silent Empire | 4:07 |
8. Black to the Blind | 4:05 |
9. Intro 3 / Revelations of Black Moses | 8:47 |
10. North | 2:01 |
11. Nomad | 4:55 |
12. Sothis | 4:38 |
13. Raining Blood (Slayer cover) | 4:44 |
14. Intro | 1:09 | | Live at Metalmania Festival 2003, Spodek, Katowice at 5 april 2003 |
15. Xepher | 4:12 |
16. Epitaph | 4:12 |
17. Cold Demon | 2:24 |
18. Nomad | 4:04 |
19. Wings | 4:40 |
20. Vicious Circle | 3:24 |
21. Sothis | 5:31 | | Live at Stadion Slaski, Chorzów at 5 may 2004 |
22. Crucified Ones | 3:19 |
23. Epitaph | 3:49 |
24. Wings | 3:30 |
25. Xepher | 3:45 |
26. Carnal | 3:38 |
total time | 1:45:59 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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The Art Of War (2005) |
1. Para Bellum | 1:26 |
2. This Is The Way | 2:49 |
3. Lead Us! | 3:16 |
4. Banners On The Wind | 0:49 |
5. What Colour Is Your Blood? | 3:58 |
6. Death In Silence | 2:10 |
7. Die!!! (Gin' Psie) | | | bonus |
total time | 14:28 |

8.9 / 10 (17 votes)
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8.9 / 10 (17 votes)
No reviews yet...
Impressions in Blood (2006) |
1. Between Day and Night | 0:41 |
2. Shadowfear | 4:50 |
3. As Heavens Collide... | 2:41 |
4. Halleluyah!!! (God is Dead) | 3:02 |
5. Field of Heads | 4:06 |
6. Predator | 5:12 |
7. Warlords | 2:43 |
8. Red Code | 2:30 |
9. Amongst the Ruins | 4:07 |
10. They Live!!! | 2:13 |
11. The Book | 5:07 |
total time | 37:12 |

8.5 / 10 (13 votes)
1 review
8.5 / 10 (13 votes)
1 review
And Blood was Shed in Warsaw (video) (2007) |
1. Intro | 0:41 |
2. ShadowFear | 4:40 |
3. Sothis | 3:58 |
4. Helleluyah!!! (God Is Dead) | 3:10 |
5. Warlords | 2:57 |
6. Silent Empire | 3:52 |
7. Blood of Kingu | 4:18 |
8. Intro: Out | 0:05 |
9. Out of the Deep | 4:40 |
10. Carnal | 2:07 |
11. Dark Age | 4:34 |
12. Black to the Blind | 4:30 |
13. Intro: Para Bellum | 1:17 |
14. This Is the War | 2:56 |
15. Lead Us | 3:29 |
16. What Colour Is Your Blood? | 4:02 |
17. Epitaph | 3:36 |
18. Cold Demons | 2:23 |
19. Predator | 5:27 |
20. Wings | 3:08 |
21. Wyrocznia (feat. Orion/Kat cover) | 5:27 |
22. Interview with Peter | | | bonus |
23. Video clip "Sword of the Witcher" |
24. Video clip "Helleluyah!!! (God Is Dead)" |
total time | 1:11:17 |

8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
v.666 (2008) |
1. Carnal (v.666 version) | 2:09 |
2. Vicious Circle (v.666 version) | 2:36 |
total time | 4:45 |
6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Lead Us!!! (2008) |
1. Lead Us!!! | 3:19 |
2. The Book | 5:07 |
3. Die!!! (Gin Psie) | 2:55 |
4. Raining Blood | 3:38 | | Slayer Cover |
total time | 14:59 |

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
The Upcoming Chaos (2008) |
1. Carnal | 2:10 |
2. Incarnation | 3:06 |
3. Crucified Ones | 3:18 |
total time | 8:34 |
6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
XXV (2008) |
1. InVaders (intro) | 1:38 |
2. Chaos | 4:16 |
3. Vicious Circle | 2:37 |
4. Crucified Ones | 3:18 |
5. Dark Age | 4:31 |
6. Reign-Carrion | 6:32 |
7. Silent Empire | 4:13 |
8. Sothis | 3:26 |
9. Incarnation | 3:05 |
10. Reborn in Flames | 4:52 |
11. Blood of Kingu | 4:33 |
12. Carnal | 2:09 |
13. Fractal Light | 2:41 |
14. Red Passage | 2:46 |
15. Black to the Blind | 4:03 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Kingdom | 3:21 |
2. Wings | 3:06 |
3. Xeper | 3:49 |
4. Cold Demons | 2:10 |
5. Final Massacre | 4:23 |
6. Reign Forever World | 3:56 |
7. Epitaph | 3:55 |
8. Dark Transmission | 4:34 |
9. Fear of Napalm | 2:59 |
10. Wyrocznia (Kat cover) | 3:24 |
11. Tyrani Piekiel | 4:48 |
12. Trupi Jad (Polish Version) | 6:32 | | bonus |
13. Reborn In Flames (Special Version) | 4:56 | | bonus |
14. Dark(er) Transmission(er) (Hertz Version) | 4:36 | | bonus |
--- Bonus DVD --- |
1. Gin Psie (Olsztyn 1986) |
2. Trupi Jad (Bialystok 1989) |
3. Vicious Circle (Moscow 1990) |
4. Demons Wind/Decapitated Saints (Bialystok 1992) |
5. intro/Dark Age (Piekary Sl. 1992) |
6. Breath Of Centuries (Warszawa 1992) |
7. Chaos (Groningen 1993) |
8. Decapitated Saints (Brooklyn 1993) |
9. Reign-Carrion (Lódz 1993) |
10. Blood Of Kingu (Torino 1995) |
11. Crucified Ones (Sopot 1995) |
12. Testimony (Hamburg 1996) |
13. Black To The Blind/Silent Empire (Madrid 1998) |
14. Distant Dream (Stolzenhain 1998) |
15. Forwards To Die/North (Houston 2000) |
16. Sothis (Essen 2001) |
total time | 1:35:05 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Metal Box (2008) |
1. Black To The Blind cd |
2. Future Of The Past cd |
6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Metal Box (2008) |
1. Revelations cd |
2. Blood cd |
No votes yet...
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No votes yet...
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We Are the Horde (2009) |
1. We Are the Horde | 3:10 |
7.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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7.0 / 10 (2 votes)
No reviews yet...
Necropolis (2009) |
1. Devilizer | 3:19 |
2. Rise Of The Undead | 3:52 |
3. Never Say My Name | 2:01 |
4. Blast | 1:50 |
5. The Seal | 2:10 |
6. Dark Heart | 2:59 |
7. Impure | 3:40 |
8. Summoning The Futura | 1:05 |
9. Anger | 2:14 |
10. We Are The Horde | 3:10 |
11. When The Sun Drowns In Dark | 7:06 |
total time | 33:26 |

8.3 / 10 (3 votes)
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8.3 / 10 (3 votes)
No reviews yet...
Split with Nile (2009) |
1. Permitting the Noble Dead to Descend to the Underworld | 3:32 | | Nile |
2. We Are the Horde | 3:10 | | Vader |
total time | 6:42 |
6.5 / 10 (2 votes)
No reviews yet...
6.5 / 10 (2 votes)
No reviews yet...
Come And See My Sacrifice (2011) |
1. Come And See My Sacrifice | 4:44 |
2. Come And See My Sacrifice (demo) | 4:43 |
total time | 9:27 |

6.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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6.5 / 10 (2 votes)
No reviews yet...
Welcome to the Morbid Reich (2011) |
1. Ultima Thule | 0:48 |
2. Return to the Morbid Reich | 3:26 |
3. The Black Eye | 4:12 |
4. Come and See My Sacrifice | 4:44 |
5. Only Hell Knows | 2:13 |
6. I Am Who Feasts Upon Your Soul | 4:50 |
7. Don't Rip the Beast's Heart Out | 3:58 |
8. I Had a Dream... | 3:02 |
9. Lord of Thorns | 2:38 |
10. Decapitated Saints | 2:41 |
11. They Are Coming... | 1:46 |
12. Black Velvet and Skulls of Steel | 3:19 |
total time | 37:37 |

8.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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8.7 / 10 (3 votes)
No reviews yet...
Go To Hell!!! (ep) (2014) |
1. Where Angels Weep | 2:19 |
2. Triumph Of Death | 3:55 |
total time | 6:14 |

6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Tibi Et Igni (2014) |
1. Go to Hell | 4:36 |
2. Where Angels Weep | 2:18 |
3. Armada on Fire | 3:50 |
4. Triumph of Death | 3:45 |
5. Hexenkessel | 5:28 |
6. Abandon All Hope | 2:23 |
7. Worms of Eden | 3:34 |
8. The Eye of the Abyss | 6:45 |
9. The Light Reaper | 4:28 |
10. The End | 4:55 |
11. Necropolis | 4:15 | | bonus |
12. Des Satans Neue Kleider | 4:45 | | bonus |
13. Przeklety Na Wieki (Cursed Eternally) | 6:36 | | bonus |
total time | 57:44 |

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
No reviews yet...
Geneza Chaosu MCMLXXXIII - MCMXC (2015) |
1. Live in Decay cd | 35:12 |
2. Necrolust cd | 16:06 |
3. Morbid Reich cd | 23:21 |
total time | 1:14:39 |
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Live in Necro Reich (2015) |
1. Before the Age of Chaos cd | 49:30 |
2. Before the Age of Chaos dvd | 49:30 |
3. Before the Age of Chaos lp | 49:30 | | bonus |
4. Geneza Chaosu MCMLXXXIII - MCMXC 3cd | 1:14:39 |
5. Geneza Chaosu MCMLXXXIII - MCMXC 3tape | 1:14:39 | | bonus |
6. Geneza Chaosu MCMLXXXIII - MCMXC 3lp | 1:14:39 | | bonus |
total time | 2:53:39 | | Limited edition: 6:12:27 |

No votes yet...
No reviews yet...
No votes yet...
No reviews yet...
Future of the Past II - Hell in the East (2015) |
1. Ostatni diakon | 3:35 | | Exorcist cover |
2. Noc demona | 3:31 | | Ghost cover |
3. Necronomicon | 5:02 | | Imperator cover |
4. Totální destrukce | 5:13 | | Krabathor cover |
5. Sen schizofrenika | 4:11 | | Markiz de Sade cover |
6. The Beginning of Darkness | 4:11 | | Merciless Death cover |
7. Ostatni sakrament | 0:58 | | Scarecrow cover |
8. No Return | 1:16 | | Slashing Death cover |
9. Czas apokalipsy | 3:36 | | Slaughter cover |
10. Necromaniac | 3:38 | | Thanatos cover |
11. Czarny aniol | 3:11 | | Thrasher Death cover |
12. Wyrocznia | 3:27 | | Kat cover |
total time | 41:49 |
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Before the Age of Chaos (2015) |
1. The Wrath | 5:34 | | Live at Bialystok Poland, March 2015 |
2. Gin Psie | 2:39 |
3. Reborn in Flames | 5:33 |
4. Breath of Centuries | 4:30 |
5. The Final Massacre | 3:32 |
6. Decapitated Saints | 2:54 |
7. Chaos | 4:22 |
8. Vicious Circle | 2:41 |
9. Trupi Jad | 6:50 |
10. Dark Age | 5:10 |
11. Necropolis | 5:45 |
total time | 49:30 |
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Iron Times (2016) |
1. Parabellum | 2:28 |
2. Prayer to the God of War | 2:47 |
3. Piesc i stal | 4:05 | | Panzer X cover |
4. Overkill | 4:17 | | Motörhead cover |
total time | 13:37 |

6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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The Empire (2016) |
1. Angels of Steel | 2:16 |
2. Tempest | 2:41 |
3. Prayer to the God of War | 2:47 |
4. Iron Reign | 4:37 |
5. No Gravity | 4:06 |
6. Genocidius | 3:00 |
7. The Army-Geddon | 4:10 |
8. Feel My Pain | 3:23 |
9. Parabellum | 2:28 |
10. Send Me Back to Hell | 3:32 |
total time | 33:00 |

7.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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7.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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Dark Age (2017) |
1. Dark Age | 4:34 | | The Ultimate Incantation re-recorded |
2. Vicious Circle | 2:38 |
3. Crucified Ones | 3:20 |
4. Final Massacre | 4:27 |
5. Testimoany | 3:53 |
6. Chaos | 4:19 |
7. One Step to Salvation | 3:40 |
8. Demon's Wind | 4:15 |
9. Decapitated Saints28 | 2:42 |
10. Breath of Centuries | 4:30 |
11. Reign-Carrion | 6:24 |
total time | 44:42 |
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Reign-Carrion / Trupi Jad (ep) (2018) |
1. Reign Carrion |
2. Trupi Jad |
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Thy Messenger (2019) |
1. Grand Deceiver | 2:14 |
2. Litany | 3:09 |
3. Emptiness | 2:38 |
4. Despair | 1:18 |
5. Steeler | 4:04 | | Judas Priest cover |
total time | 13:23 |

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Litania (2019) |
1. Litania | 3:12 |
2. Wings (live) | 3:15 |
total time | 6:27 |
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Solitude in Madness (2020) |
1. Shock and Awe | 2:16 |
2. Into Oblivion | 2:24 |
3. Despair | 1:18 |
4. Incineration of the Gods | 3:32 |
5. Sanctification Denied | 3:35 |
6. And Satan Wept | 3:17 |
7. Emptiness | 2:40 |
8. Final Declaration | 2:16 |
9. Dancing in the Slaughterhouse | 2:28 |
10. Stigma of Divinity | 1:47 |
11. Bones | 3:56 |
total time | 29:29 |

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Years of Chaos (2021) |
1. Live in Decay lp | 35:12 |
2. Necrolust lp | 16:06 |
3. Morbid Reich lp | 23:21 |
total time | 1:14:39 |
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Wings of Death over Hong Kong Vol. I (2021) |
1. Wings |
2. Go to Hell |
3. Come and See My Sacrifice |
4. Reborn in Flames |
5. Triumph of Death |
6. Silent Empire |
7. Sothis |
8. Carnal |
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Wings Of Death Over Hong Kong Vol. II (2021) |
1. Prayer To The God Of War | 2:57 |
2. Dark Age | 4:49 |
3. Parabellum | 2:32 |
4. Cold Demons | 2:47 |
5. Hexenkessel | 5:20 |
6. The Crucified Ones | 3:23 |
7. Helleluyah | 3:10 |
8. Sword Of The Witcher | 3:41 |
total time | 28:39 |
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Wings of Death over Hong Kong (2021) |
1. Wings of Death over Hong Kong Vol. I lp |
2. Wings of Death over Hong Kong Vol. II lp |
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