Reviews for Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus:
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I know the guy who runs this site gave this CD a 6.5 but Id give it more of an 8, ofcourse Tales From A Thousand Lakes is their best CD and it totally blows this one out of the water, with songs like Final Doom and Drowned Maid.. to mention a few. But this CD from Amorphis is what started their early sound, and its totally worth getting, It has a nice flow to it.

Review by: REFLEX

Very good album!!! the pelgrimage rocks!! The music and vocals remind me to incantation, long deep grunts and guitars sound very low. Very cool guitar riffs!!!! The production of the drums is not that good, but that gives the album some extra old skool atmosphere...a must have for old skool death metal addepts.

Review by: veenlijk

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