Reviews for Samael - Eternal:
User Reviews:

Your Review:

Wow! the appropiate word for this album is evolution. But not new-metal evolution (like In Flames), Real evolution. Extremely good atmosphere and great voices. I dont recommend if you are a fan of the samael's first relases... but you have to buy it if u are agree with REAL evolution (I repeat, not in flames or metallica). 9/10

Review by: evil_sect

people must to undertand the essence of this album, for me, one of the best productions that samael have done, the darkly atmospheres, the excellent sound, voices are really majestics, this is not a traditional black metal, but has very quality and is very, very original, they experimentating new elements in the music, and samael make it very well. i guess this album is a innovation and a evolution to other sides that black metal can offers, i just want say to people one thing: open your mind, this is a grand fucking black metal!!!!!...

Review by: northvisions

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