Devathorn / Blaze Of Perdition
418 - ATh IAV

1. Devathorn - The Venomous Advent

Trembling redemption, within a sigh of rats
Into sips of thy Grace, oh Lord, the dirt reveal the utmost truth
Madness unfolds in a pestilent form, to cover the World!

Maledictus es, Deus Perditor, Spiritus Mundi

Triumph of Filth, the Triumph of Filth, as the shroud of silence is shattered!
Madness unfolds in a pestilent form, to cover the World
Scent of Death, the Scent of Death, purity of the blackest swarm!
The sobriety of the faithful believer, as he chokes on his wretched blood

Seven seals of a golden curse, and the poison deveurs the holy flesh
Strips the spirit, rejoicing the lust, of a putrid Salvation!

Venomous! Advent! Dance of ashes and the Poison of God
Santus! Sanctus! Holy and sacred the godsend revenge
Venomous! Advent! At this cleansing night I shall pass through Egypt!
Sanctus! Sanctus! I shall strike down every firstborn
Sancta! Virgo! Judgement I brough on the Gods of Egypt
Venomous! Advent! I am the LORD!

Trembling Redemption, The Venomous Advent

Dixitque Dominus: Extende virgam tuam et percute pulverem terrae,
et sint scinifes in universa terra Aegypti

Et virgam percussit pulverem terrae et facti sunt scinifes in hominibus
et pulverem versus est in scinifes

2. Devathorn - Diadema MMXII

Diadema Imperii de manu Petri
Corona Regni de manu Dei
Red streams in Christ's blood sea
His House covered with blood
Built on Water and Sand
A Grave of a past myth
They drink Wine as His blood
They name Bread as His Flesh
Blessed are wine and bread
On the table of Sick
Virginis partu conficta
Perdiderunt corpus ex falso monumentum
Corpus ut pasceret caecos omnes
Nulla tempestas pluam super crucem tuam
Eadem Morte, pro Malis et Puro
No man shall fear no judge
Blind men, blind from fear
Fate lies on no Lord's hands
Legends written on a Cross
Sinners claiming Sainthood
Spes timorem Mortis Sanare
Diadema Imperii de manu Petri
Corona Regni de manu Dei
Salvation offered
Through bleeding wounds
Not a hope
Just bloodlust
Blood of God
On a path
Onwards to Golgotha
The Ressurection and the Light
Scattered to Ashes
Buried again and ever Lost
Diadema Imperii

3. Blaze Of Perdition - Abbey of the New Aeon

This is the day of new beginning - rebirth of the World!

Victorious child is facing the Earth
Era of Horus has begun
Victorious child is facing the Earth
The old realm - turned to dust
On the ashes
New Light's Empire is rising

Abbey of New Aeon erected
Osiris, begone!
Old order devoured by cancer within
Horus, arise!

Chaos, too powerful to be tamed
Shall consume the souls of those
Unable to comprehend the new Law

Abbey of New Aeon erected
Osiris, begone!
Old order devoured by cancer within
Horus, arise!

New Lucifer shall rise in the blaze of lost glory to show his face... of Cherubim
He shall take off his mask of awe and new Christ shall return as
Scarlet Woman Our Mistress Babalon, riding the Beast 666

Anti-cosmic lovers shall open the abyss and thus my prophecy shall be fulfilled
TO MEGA THERION! The Great Beast!
Victorious child shall claim the throne to be crowned by the Ancients
TO MEGA THERION! The Great Beast!

4. Blaze Of Perdition - Between Two Crescent Moons

Spinning twins in eternal dance
In dark, in light - they twist
Sea of tears, void of screams
With incest love they breed
This is me, their wicked child
The one who stands between
They dissolved to coagulate
So I could come into being

In ceaseless trance I struggle to catch a glimpse of truth
To drown in shadows and to reach the brightest stars
I love with passion and with rapture I hate and curse
Forever bound to the two crescent moons

Wandering souls in a lifelike dream
In dark, in light - astray
On our knees, in a sea of blood
Of those condemned to fail
Yet this is us - the spark divine
The ones who bear the Flame
The ones who struggle to grasp
Themselves in order to ascend

The fall - ascension - the great conjunction
Supreme elevation - in the Blaze of Perdition

Drowned in shadows - among the brightest stars
Love with passion - hate and curse

Left hand is touching the ground
Right one is reaching the sky
One lies within the other
In me they unite

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