Blaze Of Perdition / Pseudogod
In Void and Serpent the Spirit Is One

1. Pseudogod - Branded by Hornz

Spreading seeds of damnations,
Generating not life, but murdering flesh,
Tasting the seed of wisdom with piercing truth,
Killing laws of god's creation,
I render praise to you, oh, my Sovereign!
And his acts will be sacred,
and century of knowledge is hidden in a flame that is heart,
And breath of the Devil will bring death in heaven,
and that land will be poisoned with venom of sin.
Everything is in everything - Belief is in devotion.
Cleanliness, in defect - Eternity in time.
The past, in the present - Shining, in the shadow.
Satan, the god of the planet, for he is in everything.
Those signs, that brand the universe, are horns.
Salvation is not in life, and not in death.
Expiation by immolation, temptation by lasciviousness.
From ashes in ashes, from life in nonexistence
all that brought the light brings darkness.
Eyes of heaven became blind.
That brought the lies, brings the truth.
And prays are converted into damnations,
but there is no forgiveness in it!

2. Pseudogod - The Firstborn of Abhorrence

In the light of the wisest father
the soul of protogenic creation has been burnt.
In paradigms of scared sigils,
the keys of eternal life are hidden.
Expiate your sins through pain,
revive yourself in a sting of snake,
in embraces of nasty thing!
Oh, the child of sin, who was given birth in the cradle of hatred. Oh the firstborn, comprehended the christening through fire. Render gifts to your saviour,
and it will be rendered to you!
The son of your hope, the dead born child,
in those eyes is your perdition.
Crucified on human bodies!
Bow to him in your hearts,
because he is the messiah.
He is a horded breed, awaited by abhorrence,
the rat creeping in flesh of Christ,
the plague, bearing eternal damnation.
The star, went out into the abyss of chaos.
Peer at prophecies through his horns,
coiling in agony! He is an oracle!
Through labyrinths of shadows,
behold him, the reflection of the new god on the earth!

3. Pseudogod - Illusion of Salvation

Rejected by heaven
you are waiting for eternal bliss.
You are blind preacher of pity.
You find your fate in mercy and sympathy,
but the rejected deserve only hatred.
Depressed by fear,
you cry at the sight of tortures of your Creator.
Your creator is sad - you were possessed, but not devoted.
Take the tortures of your master,
only suffering will be your salvation.
Sacred lies
Last hope fails
Eternal flame of madness.
And the rivers of blood boil, and flesh rots.
Convicted by anger, you are waiting for redemption.
Will to eternal life !
Tears of flesh. Tears of fire. Delight by profane lusts.
But I am only an illusion of salvation.
I am executor of His will!
His anger. His Holy Anger!!!

4. Blaze Of Perdition - Son of Man

Infant bolted to the cross,
beneath his feet lies a dump of corpses.
Behold, the herald of new aeon,
the end of human dignity and pride!
For quotha I speak a child was born of womb of jackal, impregnated by worst perverts.
Raised from semen of perversion and hideousness.
Came to the world to show mankind the new way,
through chaos, aberration, pain and suffering.
For ages, they were hidden in underground,
worshippers of His cult;
celebrating rites full of deviation;
ate night soil and remnants of corpses.
Drunk blood mixed with sperm
to exceed the borders of humanity.
Incests, sodomites, necrophiles come throughout of darkness!
For your triumph hath cometh!
Become priests! For your God was born!
He came as the symbol of a human of new era.
Only His orgiastic cult will provide salvation to you.
Fathers will rape and impregnate their own daughters;
Mothers will victimize foetuses,
by laying them beneath His foots.
For a new aeon of nameless God hath cometh!
Era of chaos, end of restrictions and human dignity
And there shall be signs in the sun,
and in the moon, and in the stars;
and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;
Men's hearts failing them for fear,
and for looking after those things
which are coming on the earth
for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
And then shall they see the Son of man...

5. Blaze Of Perdition - Decay of God's Creation

They gathered near the cross,
as mist from hate's abyss.
They gathered near the cross
to feast upon the suffering of god's creation!
Jesus was chosen to die for sins;
though even he denied god's burden
in ecstasy of pain, screaming:
Father, why have you forsaken me?
Can it be? Lack of dignity! Lack of sanctity!
For all leads to decay!
Oh Jesus, the feast upon thy dead flesh,
carving god's blank name in the stone of their souls.
Tell me, tell me will you save them now?
Thy kingdom was built with poison,
blood and bones were the foundation
All was cast in the stone of the holy trinity!
You deluded yourself that by dying for human sins,
you will defeat me and redeem humans;
And you have fallen!
Dying in spasm you asked:
Satan, why have you forsaken me?
Though it was under your banner,
where hidden was my wrath of god's creation.
They gathered near the cross,
as mist from hate's abyss
They gathered near the cross,
to feast upon the suffering of god's creation.
This is your church! Kneel down and pray!
This is your death! Taste the flesh of Christ;
and die choking with holy food!
Drink my blood and eat my flesh
to rise my monument, for I have lost...
Dying for sin of god;
Dying for his creation.

6. Blaze Of Perdition - Ouch on Theos

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