Blaze Of Perdition
Near Death Revelations

1. Królestwo niczyje

Oto twój raj, twa światłość fałszywa
W marności jestestwie stłamszona
W lustrzanym odbiciu twej chwały
Gnije owoc boskiego stworzenia

Tu trzecie oko wyrasta
Choć slepe, niegodne
Kuszących widoków
Zza cielesnych bram

Z każdą kroplą wciąż dalej
Głębiej, w tunelu bez światła
Z rozkoszą w męczarniach zaklętą
Skuszony syn wciąż niżej upada


To nie jest koniec. To nie czas ukojenia
Wypchnięty z błogiej otchłani
Spadłem na ziemię jak głaz
Zawieszony w prożni spłonąłem
Bezdymnym ogniem oczyszczon
By skrzydła ponownie rozpostrzeć
Jak feniks z popiołów znów wstać

Zbudzony ze snów o ciemności
Oślepiony przez moc ziemskich barw
Powracam, otumaniony
Okaleczony wciąż trwam

A w sercu żar na nowo się tli
choć skrzydła już postrzępione
Szpony i kły ostre jak nigdy
głęboko w twym sercu osiądą
Jam odwieczny wróg
Wróg ukryty

Duma, nieskrępowana i czysta
Bliznami pokryta
Ja maszeruję znów
Z szyderstwem w sercu się tli
Wężowym językiem na skórze wyryta

Wciąż uwięziony wśród kosmicznych praw
Wznoszę królestwo niczyje

Boże o tysiącu twarzy. W każdą z nich pluję
Wiedząc że na nic moje starania
Gdy w pył się obróci pogardy żar
Gdy czarny blask beznadziei me czoło rozedrze
Zamknę przed tobą swe serce
Spłonę z cynicznym uśmiechem na ustach
Na zawsze odrzucając twój dar

Na górze. Na dole.
Tu i poza

2. Into the Void Again

How do you picture the vision of your heaven?
How do you paint the dread of your hell?
What if there is no answer to be given
No truth to be revealed

Far from self - comforting lies
Far from self - deceiving truths
Silence is waiting for us
Counting down our reunion
This gaping void
Always distant. Forever near
Seductive void
Never to be known

I pity you. O seekers of God
I pity you. O born of the night
As neither above nor below
Shall see your redemption

I taste brimstone and my tongue becomes fire
I melt my lips so my words become mute
From within I burn myself to ashes
I leave it all as a story untold

I run from self - comforting lies
I run from self - deceiving truths
Silence is waiting for me
Counting down our reunion
This gaping void
Always distant. Forever near
Seductive void
Never to be known

We shall always roll our stones
Up the hill
And each time we shall fail
Until there is no more to roll
No top to be reached
And no us to try

For no question shall be answered
No sin forgiven

No deed remembered
And on the day
Utter tranquility shall be given away
In all its horrifying glory

No wisdom but confusion
Born of this great disclosure
No wisdom but confusion
Near death revelations

Attracted by the blinding light
Like moths we fly towards the fiery end
With hope to conquer the skies
We throw ourselves into the void again

3. When Mirrors Shatter

One does not become enlightened by
imagining figures of light,
but by making the darkness conscious.

On the golden throne of skulls
In the glass house of our dreams
Sits the one who rules it all
Oblivious, denied, forgotten
Self-appointed king

Hollow gaze of his tired eyes
Focused, on the mirrors on the walls
Drowning in reflections' endless maze
Restless, always searching for the I

Through the dusty libraries
Of ancestral wisdom
Through the riddles
Of suspected thruths
Into the black and back again
With hope there is no hope
Into the light to see there is none

No concession
Not a single spark to be found

Who looks outside, dreams;
Who looks inside, awakes.

Let him cry out loud in despair
Let him dance to his own requiem
Let the bow slit his wrists
As the violin weeps

Misguided by the ego's treacherous call
Lost in the labyrinth of countless reveals
Rebutting themselves one after another
Disguided as promises of enlightenment

All I saw was nothing but madness
All we shall see is nothing but darkness

All we shall leave is nothing but failures
All we shall gain is nothing but faceless

For no ocean of stars awaits
Nor the womb of newborn possibilities
But the shattering mirror itself
Obscure void of misguided thoughts

When darkness is conscious
All horrors end
No figures of light
When mirrors shatter

4. Dreams Shall Flesh

I am immortal. I am eternal
I am the one. Am I not?

Fire is burning. Am I still dreaming
Or already awakened from slumber?
Through the seas of illusions I sail
Through the psyche's oceans of want I travel
Fighting the waves of abstractions
Bashing the currents of our dreams
Crashing on icebergs like ships
Gone astray

It's still burning. Dreaming. Breeding
Shall I rise when dreams come true?
It's still burning. Dreaming. Breeding
I shall fall when dreams are flesh

Diving into the unconsciousness
To the bottom of the abyss of the self
The smell of incense and bizarre plants
Wicked voices whispering

It's still burning - in my heart
Dreaming - with opened eyes
I see myself drowning
In this lightless pit of mine
It's still burning - in my heart
Dreaming - with opened eyes
I see myself digging
The grave of mine

Reality, misshapen and twisted
Dissolves by taking new forms
In oneiric ecstasy I begin this journey
Into the depths of my mind
To dance with my spirits alone
On my father's corpse
Branded with fiery tongues of Samsara
I shall cheat karma and take its place

The monument of my dreams
In the centre of the world

That's where I dwell
Cosmic masturbation. Desire of the soul
And thousands of thoughts
Our children, breeding
Flowing through time and space
Trying to come into being
Once and for all

The world's most vicious desires
Its dirt and emotions
Inseminating the womb of the self
Acid trip into depths

Of the hivemind of gods
Of collective unconsciousness

And the moment I emerge
I shall look down to see all of this
Nameless yet real
Superior. I shall watch this vanity
Modern world in magickal mirror
Mundane plane through the looking glass

I am immortal! I am eternal!
I am the one! Am I not?

Am I immortal? Am I eternal?
Am I the one? Am I not?

To become one with desires
To become one with my dreams
I, animus, shall open my eyes
To become one with desires
To become one with my dreams
I shall rise when dreams are flesh

5. Cold Morning Fears

Like Shiva in the circle of Samsara
In halo of nails I dance
Phantoms, flowing through my veins
I wander through the maze
Of intoxicated mind

The elixir from the land of peace
In my unconsciousness I search for release
I cross the portals of insight
To escape the poison of life

Choking with phantoms of happiness
I touch both heaven and hell
And the world takes off all of its masks

Suspended in the state of neither-neither
I swim through the streams of oneiric magick
My body shivers
My feet, my hands - cold as the dead
The beat of my heart accelerates
My mind, deformed by psychoactive phlegm
Twisted images appear
Bursting out of my head

Like fragments of the world
Through this flesh of god
Like splinters of glass
Through this flesh of mine

Worms of despair are crawling
Across my orbit
New world order
To forget here and now
Mine alone to claim

My nostrils are burning with its bitter taste
The world has renounced its claims
This is me on the plinth of euphoria
The twins are closed
Third one - opened wide

Free of expectations
Free of illusions of better tomorrow
I put my universe in a pill
To traverse the other dimensions
To wander through the darkest corners of consciousness
To integrate my self with this twisted projection of existence

Cosmos in my hands
Pocket size of the universe of mine
Pupils enlarged and hastened breath
Terrifying laughter and utter fear
Life and death restrained

This is the nightmare's beginning
This is the nightmare's end

The closer to the end, the more I'm afraid
Life and death - manifesting themselves
The closer to the end, the more I'm afraid
Blood and tears
Cold morning fears

6. The Tunnel

7. Of No Light

Maybe we are the stars indeed
Gloriously burning with this stolen flame
Conceited in the streams of the self
To warm us up in our cold microcosmos
To find reason where there is none
And create the truth
Where even lie does not exist

To conform, adapt to the universe
That was never built for us
To conform, adapt to the universe
That does not care

Like every star we shall crumble
Under the weight of our own
And no shockwave shall follow
But merely a spark of dying hope
To kindle another flame
Another one to shine up high
And to wane

Over and over again

Paralyzed in blissful catatonia
I submit myself to this cosmic fate
Of constant fall from grace
Endless leap of faith
I refuse to know
What cannot be known
I reject wisdom of the earth

Over and over again

Only then I shall truly fly
Only then I shall truly burn
Wingless angel of the smokeless fire
Forever concealed, forever close

Host and parasite conjoined
In the cord of universal spine
Serpent coil, squirming in the trunk
of the tree of life

Deeper and deeper
I'm falling. I'm drowning
And no one is coming
And nobody knows

I am the victim of
The curse of constant fall
Always deeper down
The tunnel of no light

We are but fallen stars
Hopelessly trying to rekindle the flame
Lost in the streams of the self
Yet it shall not warm us up
And reason shall not be found
Peace, comfort, reconciliation
Were never meant to come
Come for us

Like every star we shall crumble
Under the weight of our own
And no shockwave shall follow
But merely a spark of dying hope

To kindle another flame
Another one to shine up high
And to wane

I am the victim of
The curse of constant fall
Always deeper down
The tunnel of no light

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