Into the Dark Forest...

1. Intro (Those Dark Battles)

Only in the darkness are the memories of ancient
battles where the wind crossed the mountains...
Into the rhythm of the drums drawing the sky
red as hell slopes

2. Into the Dark Forest...

Ravens, your shinning wings on ice.
Bring my light, light by my side, light of the burning tower,
light of eternal fire. Give us, patient healing.
Nocturnal raven go far!! Above strange land on a
nightmare, we wait the light from straight,
share my breath and name with the healing fire,
light. I'm wretch behind my eyes, light i' fire.
Leaving at final.

3. Darkness in the Foggy Mountains

Fight in battle like a beast. Fighting know enemies
Stainless, blind my eyes and I will be forlorn on a
night watch knowing the betray. Blind power of
fighting. Revenge hour, it's now!!
Revenge hour, my enemies will suffer, death!!
Lighting, I'm immortal, I'm stone. Calling the forest
of nature, to help me in my last crusade.
The faithful guide my battalions fight my arms
the sound of deadly weapon, souting to my fact the
end sounds. Fight against me and you'll fear. Fight life
if were a disease. Your life is gone, death has won

4. Frostfog

Winds of the north were blowing
In the forest everything were shadows
A smell of fog, as the breath of the warriors
comes and disappears letting a road between
the tress to the north

5. The Lonely Mountain

It was getting colder and the land was covered on ice
In the forest you could hear the screams of warriors
of the north

6. Under the Northern Icemoon

The sky was covered and the thunders sounded
A dark storm came through by the horizon...
The tress of the forest moves as slaves of panic
Then fought against imaginary enemies

7. Entrance to the Fog

In the entrance of the valley there was a lonely
mountain. Far away the figure of the sun.
Left a print on the river that seemed was digging a
wide valley field of battles..

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