Life's Enddesign

1. Prologue - Moira Immaculate

2. Shadow and Dust

I listened to the whispering winds
I felt the scorching sand
For aeons now – or so it seems
I still hear it in my dreams...

Long enough I could only feel
Desperation, anguish and solitude
For my only companions were
The sun and the stars – sand and dust
Of this never-ending desert

‘Thirst’ – my inner self cried
‘Shadow’ – my simmered skin craved

And so I thought –once more– of dying
Just lying down, closing my eyes...
Ah, I even tried
When all hope for salvation was forlorn...

But no, I cannot die!
In a place like this – shadowless
Far beyond my
Desperation, despair and solitude

I have a dream
I have a quest
I have a mission
Yet to accomplish
So I crawled…
Until I reached my destination:
Shadow and water
Another rebirth of life… for me

3. Path of Persistence

Absentminded I stride forth
Heading towards the north
The haunting beautiful scenery of my lands
The castle designed by my own hands

The bog I crossed and defeated
Drifting further
Dwelling through my realm.
Lakes frozen and black as the cosmos
Stars that died years ago
Still shimmer through their stuttering waves, and
Deep below the surface grim dimensions lie, (where)
Monstrous abominations reign over the seas
Now at the portals I've arrived
The ancient hallways of which I've been deprived
Stained glass windows shriek like crystalline razors
And the wind plays the chant of the dead...

Yet in these grey chambers
The alluring smell of my scriptorium
Books fermenting upon the shelves
Awaiting my scrutinous gaze
Awaiting the call of their master
Dank are the pathways to exaltation
And dark is the road to relief...

4. Death's Design

From the womb – a first scream
To the grave – the decomposition of a dream

Brief moments of joy I have known
Ever focused on my destination
My one mission, my malicious completion

For I am my life’s architect
Ever searching for a purpose
A most special design
An aesthetic dream
A cathedral of flesh
Piercing the clouds
In a forest, vast and old

Bewitched I am
This mystical place exists!
I knew it right from the start
My own past (lies in)
The very first pulse of my heart

Drawn I am
This mystical place exists!
It awaits my arrival
Amidst the moon and stars and mist

Now my search is over – I have arrived
My one mission, my malicious completion
Inescapably in reach!

I hear it clearly now...
Voices seducing me in the dark...
“O, come here and die!”
The dire melody of my life
“O, come here and die!”

5. Perfume of the Flesh

Visions have haunted me
Cries in my subconscious
Salty tears on my pillow
Blood marks on my aging body
Every morning again

Henceforth, tranquil dreams be my share
My glorious masterwork, finished!
My own Tower of Babylon
Reaching high, standing strong!

Hundreds of lives have melted
Into one heavenward spire
Seas of naked flesh, carefully selected and defiled
Reaped for one sole pure purpose
The completion of true perfection
The citadel in my head

My magnum opus will open its gates (for me)
Subdued to my will it is
For I am the one, the only one
To address this hell as his!

At last, my dreams and I will sleep in harmony
My decadent lifelong vision became reality

6. Crimson Cathedral

This dawn, this loathsome dawn
What horrid night it was!
I have bleeding scars and my wounds are fresh
No consolation will do
A conviction it is that this wicked desire will last.

My lifework isn't finished yet – I apprehend
The final element is missing – I now understand

A last piece must be placed on top
Of this cathedral born in dreams
This torment of desire shall end
(with the completion of my scheme)
With me on top
I shall be one
In the shadows of the night
And the light at the bitter end
My pulse will collide
With the crimson life stream

What higher purpose there is
But the completion of a dream?

Thousands of lives united in death
In my cathedral of might
My ark of apocalypse

My life ends as I sacrifice
My flesh, my blood: the final part
A collision with fate engulfed in flames
A new time is at hand as this tower lords these lands
Moira immaculate...

7. Vanity...

8. In Vain

In my never-ending quest
To reach absolute perfection
I climb up the decrepit walls of my keep
My empire is crumbling...

And I am falling down
A I reach for culmination
The shadows of my vanity are deepening
A life's work cast in concrete and skeletal remains...

Reaching the crest of my fort
Struggling upon walls of never-ending sleep
Closed eyelids covering burning passion
My desire and hatred collide
Into an intense repulsion...

All their hearts, all their blood
Their divine nectar I have consumed
Under the cynical glimpse of the vulture's song
Perished they are
Their beauty didn't last (long)...

I am the Judas of fate
Becoming the artefact of my hate
I am well aware that it's too late

Devilry and sloth, my companionship, well...
I, the architect of my own hell...

9. The Wanderer (live)

Night's veil had banished the sun
a deathlike breeze enshrouded the earth
when the eerie echo
on his footsteps emerged...

Slowly and silent he drifted alone
no shore to head to in this cemetery of stone
Burdened by grief he feared life's deceits
he craves for the night from daylight he hides

In those nocturnal hours
he scribbles and laments
looking for answers
to never let this memory end

Yet as the seasons pass
another year's been squandered
devoted to the arcane
apostacy devours his being

He repudiates his muse
and sinister schemes start to bloom
he maims her sacred image
her bliss turns into venom

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