Frozen Shadows Dans les Bras des Immortels Dans les Bras des Immortels En ces lieux immémoriaux s'est infusé mon être Dans ces capitales de perdition j'ai erré sans pudeur Sous les hivers éternels ou s'étiolent les fleurs du mal j'ai dormi Dans les Bras des Immortels... Noirceur, haine, satanisme, tous ces atours parent mon âme Toujours ma voie m'a entraîné vers ces enfers de givre Là où la lumière agonise et se dressent les Damnés Ces portes défiant l'éternité j'ai franchi sans hésiter Au delà de ces steppes sempiternelles Où les rafales sombres lacèrent les anges meurtris Sur ces trônes perdus, fixant des arcanes oubliés Ces augustes Déchus j'ai enfin découvert "Dans ces yeux malveillants d'où s'épanche la sagesse En des flots de vermeil, sous des lunes obscures fut enfin scellé mon pacte" Maudissant ce qui est saint j'ai plongé dans la nuit Guidé par leurs cris je me suis noyé dans mes péchés Ces murmures infinis que je chérirai toujours Chevauchant les vents infernaux tel un héraut je reviens Poser mon regard vengeur sur ce monde misérable toi race impure qui t'abreuve de tes délires Drapé dans mon aura noire je méprise ta faiblesse Moribonde et sectaire ta foi s'éteint Dans le tissu des ténèbres un nouvel empire se tisse Forsaken Whispers Woe to the powers of the light... Where others were to drown In these oceans of sin I was but washed ashore Where the Darkness itself Whispers the Art Enthralled by the voices That were soon to be mine Unheard from above Yet to these ears Ever so loud As the curse of life was extinguished I was branded a paragon of evil For each blasphemy carved upon my soul Came with a scar I wore with pride Where coldness was given it's true meaning My weak and weary flesh was sculpted anew I would return soon imbued with new powers To storm upon the right hand path As a sheep amongst wolves I was asked to pay The price of blind servitude Where others would swallow their pride in silence I sketched a grotesque smile ... As I came here to reign Beyond the Pallid Vales Pallid. With only such a fleeting word could I describe this holy place... Where the throes of life had yet to pierce the skies And the sun was swallowed by (these) godforsaken vales They were to be found in their silent slumber Waiting to be freed by mere mortal breath Like a dark ripple upon a white ocean I stood For I was a creature of the flesh With thorns of destiny I had to let it flow The pureness of the snow forever washed away Horrid screams of joy were to be heard As fear swept across the lands of god My flesh pierced by their razors I hit the white grounds smiling Where holiness was raped under ebony skies And the scarlet moon was to reign forevermore As millions of horns were held up high Beyond the pallid vales I became one of them