Herfst The Deathcult pt. I: An Oath in Darkness 1. Prologue - An Oath in Darkness 2. Tonight It Descends Where at night the shadows feast (… shadows feast) High above the city, fast asleep (… fast asleep) Skywards strides a slender beast (… slender beast) With solemn cries, his lips concealed (… lips concealed) A voice so raw, Death rattle, that sound (… that sound) With his rotten paws and daunting claws, (… daunting claws) He dwells before the waning moon, (… waning moon) Above rooftops and lanterns' eerie gloom... He soars and seeks the flickering light The glow that guards us through the night A thin black line across the sky A drawing so elegant yet awry Hovering, uttering an ominous cry Through fog and blight, with all-seeing eye Paris below, all draped in snow Life buried, it lies beneath the stars, aeons of light, that died. We mourn them when we sleep. A voice so raw, Death rattle, that sound (… that sound) With his rotten paws and daunting claws, (… daunting claws) He dwells before the waning moon, (… waning moon) Above rooftops and lanterns' eerie gloom... Here hidden amidst butcheries and home of many a whore Under the cobwebs of time, lingers enticement of yore Wary lanterns flicker, illuming lost lore Casting shifting shadows on the decor A gathering of men, varied in age and profession Yet they all share this macabre obsession To abolish the chains in which morality is bound To burn down all dogma right down to the ground six impious feet profound In the dungeons, almost forgotten, together alone Condemned to the gallows, their name cast in stone Reside the sinners, their cult full-blown Sharing their tales before kissing the skies The hourglass ticking away that precious time Time to die… So tonight it descends again to spy on these 7 mortal men, Whose shadows stride like ghosts Black hearts in which dark secrets host Insidiously they ritually congregate at the den, so ornate The raven lands on their moldy inn And waits for their stories to begin… Where at night the shadows feast (… shadows feast) High above the city, fast asleep (… fast asleep) Skywards strides a slender beast (… slender beast) With solemn cries, his lips concealed (… lips concealed) So gather, parvenus of the world around Let us take you on a journey unbound Listen to these tales of erotica and the grave the misfortune of those enslaved 3. The Thing in the Mirror “An individual chooses and makes himself.” I spent years gaining wisdom acquired during centuries, my addiction defined by the wise, the priests, giving liturgies in the mortuary in anatomy and surgery… I witnessed a myriad of afflictions Even gained myself a morphine addiction I, however, was brilliant in my field The competition, moved to tears A honours student, defeated by none I destroyed the opposition, one by one At 27 I was top of the bill Yet my morals went straight downhill Every morning I took a step back Obsessed with my reflection, a putrid wreck... I devised a scheme to restructure my face Rethink this concept of this degenerate race Absolve the imperfections without a trace My incisions as visions of grace Cut by cut I approached absolution Beauty lies in fierce retribution Mankind is a pitiful institution The time is nigh… Wait… wait… wait… wait… Absolve me, this clutch of flesh repels me And cast away these chains And behold true to form my incarnation, almost complete... From vile blood we've been spawned conceived in a womb unbound Semen and blood in collision such malediction, a surgeon's frustration Wait … Several years have passed The scars are healed, yet I must confess What once was, has departed forevermore and as in nature I too should cease my face has turned into something that should not be A human wreck, crumbling on foundations of chalk. I am no longer a divine creation I am a grotesque manifestation A devil far beyond recognition Now delivered in the arms of perdition I learned to distinguish the ugly from the divine Yet I lost track of my very design science alone delivered a cursed solution a faulty design that led to no absolution 4. Eyeless - Soulless Imagine a world bereft of light All is painted black, everblight This obsidian symphony In the noxious caress of night Eternal solstice, bestowed upon me Born eyeless in an abject universe A precious gift Eyeless… I am Soulless… You are Now be my witness… And confess… The sin of being enslaved Deep within me I started to be Aware of a world beyond The limited senses, our mortal coil by humanity spawned Regression immanent Boundaries omnipresent A cure needs to be found for the helpless and the damned Eyeless… I am Soulless… You are "The disease that contaminates our spirits must be exhumed exposed and exterminated Before we perish and fall into a perpetually besieged void Bleak and ice-cold we would fall and fall and fall until we vanish In the thick black poisonous fume out of which we have been formed" A frozen landscape consumes me A nightmare vision of the horror that awaits us from dimensions unknown from beyond the grave (the spirit maze) the spirit maze (from beyond the grave) Eyeless… I am Soulless… You are Now be my witness… from beyond the grave (the spirit maze) the spirit maze (from beyond the grave) Imagine a world bereft of light All is painted black, everblight This obsidian symphony In the noxious caress of night Eternal solstice, bestowed upon me Born eyeless in an abject universe A precious gift Alas… I am So less… You are Now be my witness… And confess… The sin of being enslaved A frozen landscape consumes me A nightmare vision of the horror that awaits us from dimensions unknown from beyond the grave (the spirit maze) the spirit maze (from beyond the grave) 5. Code Noir In the name of Bon Dieu I recall a tale that shattered the dreams of us all, we, disciples of the elder faith with the Loa, keepers of our spirit gate Bugid Y Aiba, herald of war Avenge the evil they're liable for Self-proclaimed erudites Pompous, insolent parasites In the name of science they would oppress Their baleful trail drenched in blood and heinousness As our village was plundered and torched Our spirit, flesh and cult was scorched Debased and violated A stigma branded on our head! Baron Kriminel, judgement betide those who ravaged our land and our pride Strike fear into their hearts Ere head from body departs In the name of science they would oppress Their baleful trail drenched in blood and heinousness I stood behind the trees and witnessed a display of atrocity and vice The tortured cries of my beloved still echoed through my mind …through my mind I dragged myself onto their ship surrounded for weeks by rats and the stench of disease to finally stray into Parisian alleyways "A race so trivial… Barbarians, mere animals unworthies, impure and devolved... Let's exploit these peasants and have beens, they're lecherous, disgusting, repulsive, obscene and unclean Abolish their habits, rituals and families, burn their houses, they're cursed Deny their presence, convictions and heritage unburied they will be, food for vultures" So say your blessings, dear mad men In this world, belong no more A sacrifice in blood you will be to feed the Iwa Say your blessings, dear mad men For this world is no longer yours Kneel down and bid adieu to the ground As the barons escort you underground La Croix! Samedi! Cimitière! Kriminel! I thank you for your future contribution to the spirit world in which you will reside This ritual, materialized, will put an end to the suffering of those sacrificed So quiet now, for soon you'll be dead Fear not as I Fear not as I claim your head