In Ruins Four Seasons of Grey The Haunted Moon ...Funereal moon, you pray to die. Embrace the gloom, the silence cries... Four Seasons of Grey ...Hiding in consuming fire, she trampled the face of endless desire. Clinging to perversion daughter eve, destroy the light and curse the night, her daughter will decieve. Tied and bound, where is power lying naked, helpless on the ground? Feeling your time slip by, Treacherous deceit repaid, her daughter now must die... Nocturne Vampyre, Garden of Thorns ...Sacrament of pain, I taste your flesh again. Fallen angels cry, as blood pours from the sky. Twilight shines upon the graves, the open casket calls. The moonlight greets its's newborn slave as the veil of mortality falls... Forest of the Impaled ...Sacrificed on a pillar of white stone. The ancient lore awakens the vision of the doomed. The kindred sound their call... Black Thorns ...Time does not erase... Beyond the Black Lake ...One with the moon, one with the night. The darkest light reveals the gateway. Through this world, the soul never dies... The Gathering Storm