Evilfeast Funeral Sorcery 1. Funeral Sorcery Immortal is my admiration for the moment when the light is fading For a cold obscurity that embraces the expanse Life is a sparkle that expires in source The only battle which we will never conquer To perceive the conscience of dawn suffocated by the night Which won't surrender to the brightness again This vision haunts me and once I was close to fulfillment Arriving too late after they took the cardinal part of might Though the day shall come when I'll reach it For the wonder at this face is my internal fire I go out in the immense spaces bounded by crowns, drowned in fog The dawn casts off remains of moon's silvery cover I hear a ghastly call that leads me to this sacral place Dark beyond all expression The wood guides me where the scent of death becomes clear I am there at last, on a thatch lies What once was life's essence taken to hateful force In partial unity with soil, slowly returns to it The space majesty arisen by junction Nature's involution with death's one evokes a bit strange states From euphoria to fright, from aversion to morbid rejoice Despite the vision's end I know that the day shall come Of the encounter with my funeral sorcery... 2. I Reach The Winter Twilight Eternity is relentless, this notion harasses me Induces that all is worth nothing, the passing frightens You may speak of darkness at ease until you're touched by its cold Until it stops remaining an abstract term Infinity takes away what seems to be worth and might Each of mights decline and disappear... If the immortality opened as a horizon over this snowy plains As the circle closed at last Delusion would spout, the force of all deeds Nihilism would be shed as pest embittering the hearts of a rabble Would these considered the martial ones stand against it valiantly? It approaches... To touch this knowledge is a soul torment Only winter transfers it to the dimension I may conceive Its cruelty hardly substitute of a true great cold Which will deliever a battle condemned to failure at dawn Thus I did it once under the moon Confrontation of worths with what turns them into dust I reached the winter twilight though won't reach this dark Until it calls me by itself... 3. Krone Aus Kalten Sternen Der Wald ist meine Zuflucht, er wird mich nie wegwerfen Meine Seele wohnt dort sebst wenn Ich bin andernorts Ich kehre immer zurück, liegend auf der Streu schaue Ich an das Firmament Mitten des Zweiges und Kronen der Bäume Damals Sterne reflektieren sich in meinen Augen Sie schauen mich an mit dem lichtvollen Blick vor tausend Aeonen Sie überweisen die altertumliche Klugheit Sie werden hier sein wenn wir Staub sein werden Aber heute sie sind ein kaltes Sewölbe Unterstütz auf uralten Säuleen der Eichen und der Fichten Weiter nach Osten verbinden sie sich mit der Erde Auf benebelten Nassen Böden. Die Mondklugheit. Das astrale Wissen Heute gehe Ich nach dem dunkelsten Pfad wann habe Ich mich wieder getrogen Erwartend dass Würmer hinauf auffliegen werden Mein Wald hat mir die knorrige Hand gereicht Er flocht die Krone von Sternen und hat meine Schläfe verziert Ich werde mich zu schwarzen Raben gesallen auf dem blutigen Jagd Nachher in den grossen unheilgen Abgrund wegfliegen... 4. Tale Of Carpathian Wind Above the crest a whirlwind blows again with fury The crag monument appears in its dark magnificence Clouds ablaze trying to bridle the space, a single being amidst I've gone hunting anew to seize the highland spirit Across the spheres where the streams' ribbons attempt to break the resistance Unholy forests ascend vanishing before they reach the clouds A genuine realm of dusk shall be my realm this night When I'm breathing the frozen wind that descended throughout the Tatra pass Where no weak endures and the immensity is appalling, I'll be conquering... The filth always flows down, in a distant valleys it settles Hateful for they exhibit what's pure for trades As I clamber isolation rises, sacred dearest solitude is thy end Though the scum still pester... Nighttime journey Achieves monumental deeds in a stone freezing interior As the wolves come out hunting towards the sullen landscape The mild hide before deceptive moonlight The old sprits revive, the past returns, the purity of a winter kingdom That is still left as a primeaval splendour of the fatherland On a mountainside I observe clouds on a nightsky torn by Carpathian winder wind. With wolves I'll share my throne... 5. Iconoclast Eminence They increased to force the souls, I stood in comparison with them They wanted to seize my pride, it aroused the inner fire They tried to lower this land, we have upraised to cleanse it They replaced honour by compassion, we'll repay them with holocaust They stained the woods with blood, I want to see their blood in streams They have made my heart burning, let their temples be burnt My hatred is a river which sweeps away the vermin Let the storm evoked by a thousand ones make the sea open And absorb those which number transformed weakness into seeming might Who has made the cross this throne of a fucking feeble jewish scum Makes me dethrone him with all of my acts Their rejoice begets the black misanthropy A thirst for their decease is a basis of what I won't see through Though it will rise one day as a proud crowns of trees To lacerate heavens and make our ranks pure Be the sword on sanctities... Be the hammer on christ... 6. Im Schatten Der Majestät Des Eistodes Das Kalt kriecht heraus, es macht schwache Herzen gefrieren Ewigkeit wird sie wegnehmen, diese Reinheit ist so schön Wüste Täler, ausgestorbene Sitz des Lebens Solange die grausame Frau hat bedekt Alles mit ihr Leichentuch Wie der einsame Felsen steche Ich inmitten der Bäume Das Weiss des Schnees zieht mich an, Ich sehe nicht meine Haut Aber meine Seele würde sich hervortun Das Blut unter dem Eis, Körper waren neulich warm Jetzt sie sind Hort der Kühle, doch Alles ist Finsternis Die Einöde und Vereinsamung, Niemand werde Ich treffen Die letzte Sache deren begehre Ich Wälder haben sich nicht unterworfen aber Alles andere ist verluste Wenn die schlechte Dammerung ist herausgekrochen Die Macht der Trauer, das Heimweh füllt mich aus Wann der Mond erscheit auf dem Himmel Ich nehme wahr dass die Zeit auf mir kommt Zu verbinden mich mit dem Frost und diesem alten lieben Wald Der hat mich nicht verraten... As the obscurity crawls out the land, to embrace the old forest My path like a black stream tears off above the void Oh, the great cold carry me where the grim winds reign Where my cursed brethren of the wood dwell Let this unholy night strain the gates Im Schatten der Majestät des Eistodes habe Ich meinen Thron... GrimSpirit ‒ Vocals, guitars, drums, keyboards