Agathodaimon In Darkness 1. In Darkness (We Shall Be Reborn) There on the fields of death we meet again Surrounded by all the light - in vain This is our fortune – this is our burden - this is our last home This is the ending – this is absolution - this is our final tomb In Darkness we shall be reborn In Darkness we shall be reborn The shadow gods call with a wolves howl Oh great Akasha, let me rest Under a radiant moon I pass your last test This is our ending – our last goodbye Death is calling with his sweetest lullaby Destroy my shell to settle my ghost Carry me amongst the few of the lost The knife is sharpened – my skin is free O Mother Night – bring me to thee In Darkness we shall be reborn 2. I've Risen Through my eyes, with one hand For my will, within a breath I grabbed, owned... and brought terror to all the foreign lands I took the precious gift of life... throughout any realm of existence I have risen I have risen I gave life to thousands of sons and I saw them all fall before me I ruled the weak, I ruined worlds in my endless decades of might Uncountable is the amount of suns I've seen rise, pass and sink Unnamable all the kingdoms I've seen, conquered and destroyed I have risen I have risen For my will be done! I have risen, between the strong, above the weak I have grown up with demons and angels, in struggle and silence (You still) see my tales on the wall of any grave in forgotten lands (You can) see my shrunken temple, my body, once the house of a god (You can still) see the statues standing on my kingdoms soil, showing my pride (You might) realize my triumph above all flesh and steel, the god and devil am I I have risen I have risen For my will be done! I have risen, between the strong, above the weak I have grown up with demons and angels, in struggle and silence I have risen, between the strong, above the weak I have grown up with demons and angels, in struggle and silence I have risen, between the strong, above the weak I have created paradise and hell, in my era of domination 3. Favorite Sin People go to church for the same reasons The same reasons they go to a tavern To stupify themselves To forget their misery To imagine themselves Even only for minutes Free and happy [Mikhail Bakunin] ... So I looked behind and beheld a pale horse And his name who sat on him was Death And Hell followed with him... [Pre-chorus:] "Power was given unto them Over the fourth part of earth To kill with the sword With famine and death By the wild beasts of the earth When the sun turned black And the moon bloodred And the stars fell down to earth" To do all that one is able to do Is to be a man To do all that one would like to do Is to be a God [Chorus:] Woman, make a stand Come crawling to my hand Put away your fear It's only me, my dear Man, if there were dreams to sell What would you buy, tell? Eternally, your favourite sin Is pride that apes humility [Pre-chorus] [Chorus] Imensitate, veşnicie, Tu, haos, care toate-aduni... În golul tău e nebunie, - Şi ii faci pe toţi nebuni. Imensitate, veşnicie, Pe cînd eu tremor în delir, Cu ce supremă ironie Arăţi în fund un cimitir. [George Bacovia, excerpt of „Pulvis‟*] [Chorus] [*Translation of the excerpt:] Immensity, eternity, You, chaos, who gather everything ... In your void is insanity - You make us all insane. Immensity, eternity, With what supreme irony, As I shake with fever, you reveal In the background a cemetery. 4. Oceans Of Black Beckon our last goodbye when you hear this call You can't face the fires once you feel them all Another time - another day - maybe once we can return We together in the oceans of great darkness we will burn Lay down with me and listen closely to the sounds of the old blue Tellin' stories long forgotten - can't you hear they're just for you Another time, another day - maybe once we can return We together in the oceans of great darkness we will burn Feed the flames of the pictures I adore We come together for the end while he's calling us for more Play the violins of death upon your naked skin Kiss me one last time and let us die in sin Once we will meet again in the burning halls Where all the sorrow flows and slowly death befalls Oceans of black shall carry us throughout the night Where only death is real they shall be our guiding light Swim, let yourself be carried with the tide And on a lovelorn day, put all your fears aside Behind the dreary path, look back to all that's past To realize that life is just the way to endless death at last Feed the flames of the pictures I adore We come together for the end while he's calling us for more Play the violins of death upon your naked skin Kiss me one last time and let us die in sin 5. Adio Young, wild, green with a children's mind and a heart so loyal and bright But stigmatized and sacrificed by the feedings of the light I turned away, head from the sway and find my only path In the blessings of the flaming ones, an aeon formed with a new oath Hold your head up high on the causal, sparkling rays of the barren, false and blind Or follow me where you can see the power of the blackest light Once the wolves will howl together and sing their mighty song And the blackest sun alights the world and saves us from all wrong [Chorus:] The solace of death can't revoke The pain of a thousand years and lies The solace of death can't remove - those bitter times I break down as the stars burn cold Burn bitter and cold - inside my heart Yawns a wound so deep - so deep and old Darkness filled with a mind so skilled and loyal to the blackest arts Concerned with light in her last rite to open up the darkest hearts We have found our final ground to evocate her bright In the shining of the silver moon into the mystic night Willing now to sacrifice and look beyond the ghastly ice Then break the mirror - set the knife and free yourself from life We who wander beyond the sun are blessed with her last kiss Damned to walk among the dead and cursed with human bliss [Chorus] De-acuma nu te-oi mai vedea, Rămâi, rămâi, cu bine! Mă voi feri în calea mea De tine. De astăzi dar tu fă ce vrei, De astăzi nu-mi mai pasă Că cea mai dulce-ntre femei Mă lasă. Căci nu mai am de obicei Ca-n zilele acele, Să mă îmbăt și de scântei Din stele, Când degerând atâtea dăți, Eu mă uitam prin ramuri Și așteptam să te arăți La geamuri. O, cât eram de fericit Să mergem împreună, Sub acel farmec liniștit De lună! Și când în taină mă rugam Ca noaptea-n loc să steie, În veci alături să te am, Femeie! Din a lor treacăt să apuc Acele dulci cuvinte, De care azi abia mi-aduc Aminte. Căci astăzi dacă mai ascult Nimicurile-aceste, Îmi pare-o veche, de demult Poveste. Și dacă luna bate-n lunci Și tremură pe lacuri, Totuși îmi pare că de-atunci Sunt veacuri. Cu ochii serei cei dentâi Eu n-o voi mai privi-o... De-aceea-n urma mea rămâi - Adïo! 6. Somewhere Somewhen When all the dust of gone times Is blown apart through the world's new spheres All pain of forgotten dark times, Is broken by the light of a bright growing day Somewhere, somewhen... Empty new world, unknown surrounding The power of creation is now in our own hands Beyond the knowledge of everything outside our realm We are forever to be Somewhere, somewhen... We'll meet again Survived the wildest waves Climbed the highest hills to see Crept through the most forgotten valleys And fought unimaginable wars Somewhere, somewhen... We'll meet again Survived the wildest waves Climbed the highest hills to see Crept through the most forgotten valleys And fought unimaginable wars Somewhere, somewhen... We'll meet again 7. Dusk Of An Infinite Shade Fâșii de văluri negre pe soare se-aștern Tu, lună-a vieții mele infăsură-te-n umbră Vino, zână, fii crudă și fii sumbră Cufundă-te-n hăul urâtului etern... .. Fii tot ce vrei, fii noapte sau roșie-auroră O singura-mi regină făptura-mi-ntreagă te-adoră Și-n mine orice fibră te-ntâmpină voioasă... Umbre multe se-ngroapă adânc în noapte. Ruini! Suntem un sânge, solemni în fiecare noapte lar carnea-i rece, străpunsă de-a ta umbră Ma-mbată tot ce-mi dărui - dureri sau vis etern... Robit de-a ta privire, din vraja ochilor îți sorb Tu mă mângâi pân'la sânge, cu ghearele-ți (ca) de corb... .. Și-mi arde sufletul, esența, într-un foc aprins în inimă De ființa ta nocturnă; dar tu-mi pari ca-ndepărtezi ironic Adâncile zenituri de brațele-mi întinse spre negre infinituri... Și de fiecare dată, când luna, ea dispare Când noaptea dă să plece și umbre-ncep să ardă Atunci, eu lacom, strâng regina-mi palidă-n brațe Ca un muribund ce-n taină mormântul și-l dezmiardă..! Umbre mute se-ngropau adânc în noapte.. [German translation:] Streifen von schwarzen Schleiern bedecken langsam die Sonne Oh Mond meines Lebens, verhulle dich mit Schatten... Nahere dich mir, oh Stern, Sei grausam, Sei duster... Meine einzige Konigin, Mein ganzes Wesen verehrt dich, Jede Faser meines Ich Streckt sich dir entgegen (Dunkle Schatten begraben sich tief in der Nacht) Trummer! Wir sind ein Blut, feierlich jede Nacht Doch das Fleisch ist kalt, Durchbohrt von deinem Schatten Alles, was du mir schenkst, macht mich trunken Seien es Schmerzen oder endloser Traum! Versklavt von deinem Blick Trinke ich aus dem Zauber Deiner Augen Wahrend du mich bis zum Blut streichelst, Mit rabenahnlichen Krallen In deinem Bett, Abgrund des Vergnugens Verschwindet jeder qualende Gedanke Dein Mund; eine nicht austrocknende Quelle, Verstromend ein Gift, das langsam verbrennt... Verbrennend meine Seele, meine Essenz In den Flammen, die du, Wesen der Finsternis, In meinem Herzen heraufbeschworen hast! Doch du scheinst den Zenit von meinen Augen zu entfernen Die zu den schwarzen Unendlichkeiten ausgestreckt sind Und jedes Mal, wenn der Mond verschwindet Wenn die Nacht zu gehen scheint... Und Schatten langsam verbrennen Halte ich gierig meine Konigin in den Armen Wie ein Sterbender, der leidenschaftlich sein Grab liebkost (Viele Schatten habe sich tief in dieser Nacht begraben) Blood began to clog Still in the rain, Some things can't be remembered And some are harder to forget... 8. Höllenfahrt Der Selbsterkenntnis Wir haben den Augenblick, den lebenswichtigen Strahl Der noch andauert, der, wenn er erlischt Alles vergehen lässt... Ein Schatten in tiefer Dunkelheit. Die Sterne sind verloschen Wie im Herbst die Blätter fallen Für immer entschwunden In der endlosen Ödnis herrscht keine Regung mehr In der Nacht des Unwesens stürzt alles nieder Alles schweigt, alles schweigt Und die Maschine der Welt kehrt zurück - Doch mit euch vergeht die Zukunft Was einst war, wird nie mehr sein Wir sind erneut Vergangenheit, ohne Herz, trist und kalt... Wenn Schlaf, des Todes Bruder, würdig die Welt regiert Mit geschlossenen Lidern und seinen stillen Träumen Altert um mich die Zeit Wie eine alte Tanne auf hohem Felsen verdorre ich auf meinem Thron Bald wird der mächtige Tod Seinen schwarzen Mantel über mir ausbreiten... Und seine Flügel meinen Hauch auf ewig tragen Denn ich bin und werde immer Vergangenheit sein Ohne Seele, trist und kalt.... Alles fällt, alles schweigt Und alles ist mir fremd... Hier... Ash - Vocals Sathonys - Guitars, Vocals, Keys Thilo Feucht - Guitars, Keys Till Ottinger - Bass Manuel Steitz - Drums Guest appearances by: Kristian "Kohle" Kohlmannslehner - Keys, Vocals (Backing), Additional Guitars & Psychological Assistance Faerynia - Violin Alex Schmidt - Lyrics for "I'have Risen" and "Somewhere, Somewhen" Vlad Dracul - Original Lyrics for „Dusk Of An Infinite Shade‟, „Höllenfahrt der Selbsterkenntnis‟ & Musical Inspiration