Møl Jord 1. Storm vision grow within me wither the word we once spoke devoid from a restless world into obscurity open arms with hands that never yield give into the storm open arms with hands that never yield give into the storm now 2. Penumbra bleach these days black to grey not guiding me extinguish the light aimless stride moonless nights senseless skin we felt the fall we felt the winter within brightness outblown eventide return smother your prayers despairing light we felt the wither within blackening the eyes that follow wandering a hand that keeps us trembling the passing light is beckoning decide the passing light is beckoning bleach these days black to grey not guiding me extinguish the light 3. Bruma these throes, our plight bound by mortal sight still we think ourselves chainless these dreams are fast our glow will fade and die still we think ourselves timeless wither blind before the timeless deceived totemic idols we're shadows of self before the timeless eternal great unknown evig nat vi er borte evig nat vi er væk these throes, our plight bound by mortal sight still we think ourselves chainless these dreams are fast our glow will fade and die still we think ourselves timeless wither blind before the timeless deceived totemic idols we're shadows of self before the timeless eternal great unknown evig nat vi er borte evig nat vi er væk greet the age of all end return to substance, ascend what is simple will remain unshackled, unfeigned what is simple will remain unshackled, unfeigned these throes, our plight bound by mortal sight still we think ourselves chainless these dreams are fast our glow will fade and die still we think ourselves timeless burning free and bright our eyes will see and die 4. Vakuum vi venter på det som forgår det er høst for vi er markens sønner vi længes mod det som består ved hver kyst for vi er havets sønner dvæl min søn forløst styrk dig i lyset dømt til liv fortvivl dvæl i mørket død født min søn styrk dig i lyset et liv du længes i dag i dag et liv du lever i dag i dag synk med nattens sorg løftet af dagens sang til dig synk med havets sorg dybets klang, genlød i dig vi venter på det som forgår ved hver kyst for vi er sandets sønner dømt til liv fortvivl dvæl i mørket dvæl min søn forløst styrk dig i lyset vend dit blik fra verden dybets favntag havet velkommer dig vend dit blik mod smerten dybets favntag havet velkommer dig velkommer dig synker med verdens sorg livets klang, genlød i dig dit liv du længes i dag i dag dit liv du lever i dag i dag 5. Lambda 6. Ligament terror terror delight searing into flight searing into flight you are screaming your purpose to everyone what to believe in know who you are what you care about terror terror delight searing into flight searing into flight I am the flower I am the passage the glimpse of day momentary temporary swept away in our time we’re terrified the woe is blind take me deeper the weakening this is our last time out of reach how can you grasp what you won't understand fear of the future keep you captive this is our last time time searing into flight searing into flight you are screaming your purpose to everyone our eyes caught the dawnless skies the dawnless skies 7. Virga weight ghost weightless suspended for days weightless suspended in time the body trapped between the free a body trapped within me floating child freed, unearthed morning tide rebirth mourning child freed, unearthed roaring light rebirth weightless suspended for days weightless suspended in time the body trapped between the free a body trapped within me the body trapped between the free a body trapped within me floating child freed, unearthed morning tide rebirth mourning child freed, unearthed roaring light rebirth aborning from lightning delivered through pain adorning from lightning delivered through rain aborning adorning delivered through rain through rain 8. Jord jordens barn jeg glemmer mit ophav i min afmagts sold jordens barn mit skrig ej forstummes sluk min tørst med vold tørst min sygdom din hævn er trældom tidens ånd jeg flygter fra trængslen fra stormens vold sultens bånd jeg fyldes af længsel mod gravens sold mod dvalens sold væk mig en dag væk mig igen når en længsel bliver et hjem en indre bolig brændt evig tørst i et hav af forløsning mit fængsel er mit hjem forkullet og forbrændt livet solgt til tabte visioner når en længsel bliver et hjem en indre bolig brændt tørstig i et hav af forløsning mit fængsel er mit hjem forkullet og forbrændt mit hjem