Storm Nordavind INNFERD (S. Wongraven) MELLOM BAKKAR OG BERG (Ny Trad./S. Wongraven) (Sang/vox Nagell, Rueslåtten, Wongraven) Mellom bakkar og berg ut med havet heve nordmannen fenge sin heim, der han sjølv heve tuftene grave og sett sjølv sine hus oppå deim. Han såg ut på dei steinute strender; det var ingen, som der hadde bygt. "Lat oss rydja og byggja oss grender, og so eiga me rudningen trygt." Han såg ut på det bårute havet; det var ruskut å leggja utpå; men det leikade fisk ned i kavet, og den leiken den ville han sjå. Hill nordmann Fram på vinteren stundom han tenkte: Gjev eg var her til evig tid! Og når nordljoset skinner ifrå oven, blir hans stålhjerte fylt med grusomt savn. BETWEEN HILLS AND MOUNTAINS (Ny Trad./S. Wongraven) (Sang/vox Nagell, Rueslåtten, Wongraven) Between hills and mountains out by the sea the norseman have found his home where he himself have digged the foundations and himself has placed his houses upon them. He stared out on the stone-covered shores; there was noone, who there had built. "Let us clear a place and build farms, and then we will safely own the clearing." He stared out at the waves on the sea; it was rough to embark out there; but fishes played down in the bustle, and that playing he wanted to see. Hail norseman! In the winter he seldom thought; If only I were here for ever! And when the northern lights shines from above his steelheart is filled with longing. HAAVARD HEDDE (Trad./S. Wongraven) (Sang/vox Nagell) Eg heitar Haavard Hedde og er så vein ein kar Nå vil eg bort å gifta meg og rydja meg en gard Eg bur oppunder fjell og jenta hev eg lova Eg sveik ho ikkje hell Eg heitar Haavard Hedde Og bur oppunder nut Nå vil eg bort å gifta meg Eg bur oppunder fjell og jenta hev eg lova Eg sveik ho ikkje hell Ja, garden den er liten Men skogen, den er god Der heve eg to furer og dei skal stå i ro Når borna dei vert mange og skuldi aukar på Så hugg eg ned den eine Den andre ho lyt stå Men når me verte gamle og kvar skal ha til sitt Så høgg eg ned den andre og da er skogen kvitt HAAVARD HEDDE (Trad./S. Wongraven) (Sang/vox Nagell) My name us Haavard Hedde And am so handsome a guy Now I want to go and get married And clear a place for a farm I live up-under mountains And the girl I have pledged myself to I didn`t let her down either My name is Haavard Hedde And live up-under peak Now I want to go and get married I live below mountains And the girl I have pledged myself to I didn`t let her down either Yes, the farm it is small But the forest, it is good There I have two pines And they shall stand in peace When the children become many and I owe more and more money Then I chop one down The second can be for now But when we become old and each shall have it`s own Then I chop the second down And the forest is gone VILLEMANN (Ny Trad./S. Wongraven) (Sang/Vox Nagell, Wongraven, Rueslåtten) NAGELLSTEV (Herr Nagell)(Sang/vox Nagell) Eg steve så: Solen går bak åse ned Skuggan blir så lange Natta kjem snart att Tekje meg i fange Krøttret uti kveen står Eg åt setersdøle går Mørkt det er i kvar ein bygd I dei djupe dale Her på fjell har solen dreg Ned å gå til garde _ eg kvile under tak Morgo er ho tidleg vak Snart eg gjer ho klar i kveld Så går eg til kvile SONG OF NAGELL (Herr Nagell)(Sang/vox Nagell) I sing thus: The sun goes down behind hills The shadows grows longer The night is soon to come Taking me as prisoner The cows out in the barn stand I go towards Dark it is in every village In the deep dales Her in the mountains the sun is gone I walk down to the farm Here I can rest under roof Tomorrow she is early awake Soon I will ready her tonight Then I go to rest OPPI FJELLET (Ny Trad./S. Wongraven)(Sang/vox Wongraven) .... Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Den tok meg vekk ifra folksom gard Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Og om dykk ikkje har hørt det før Eg blir i Norges land eg til eg dør Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Her i vårt rike er alt vårt savn Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Kring masse skoger vi slår vår favn Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Og er det nokon som ikkje ser Kvifor vi allrid til mor Noreg ber Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Ja, berg og gråstein det eter vi Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Vi skjems av blåmenn, vi går i hi Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Og friske elva den er for oss Hvis du vil ha den så må du slåss Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet En grusom død venter hver en mann Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Som ikke hyller vårt faderland Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Ja vi er norske og stolte av det De kristne kjøtere vil jo ikke se Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Nå har vi sagt det vi ville si Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet For norske brødre som alt vil gi Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Skogtroll varsler en grusom død Der Fenrisulven hørte samme glød Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Oppi fjellet, oppi fjellet Hey! Kan dere se han? Kan dere se han? Se den kristne kjøter`n! Deng ham opp! Deng ham opp! Og om du noengang lukter kristenmanns blod Oppi fjellet Ja, hent øksa og... kutt dem ned! UP IN THE MOUNTAINS (Ny Trad./S. Wongraven)(Sang/vox Wongraven) [he says something about what they call him] Up in the mountains, up in the mountains It took me away from crowded village Up in the mountains, up in the mountains And if you haven`t hear it before I`ll stay in Norway`s land till I die Up in the mountains, up in the mountains Here in our realm is all our longing Up in the mountains, up in the mountains We embrace the vast forests Up in the mountains, up in the mountains And is it someone who doesn`t see Why we always to mother Norway pray Up in the mountains, up in the mountains Yes, rock and stones that`s what we eat Up in the mountains, up in the mountains We are disgusted by bluemen, we go to our lairs Up in the mountains, up in the mountains And the fresh stream it is for us If you want it then you have to fight Up in the mountains, up in the mountains Up in the mountains, up in the mountains A cruel death awaits for each man Up in the mountains, up in the mountains Who doesn`t hail our fatherland Up in the mountains, up in the mountains Yes we are norwegian and proud if it The christian bastards won`t see Up in the mountains, up in the mountains Now we have said what we wanted to say Up in the mountains, up in the mountains For norwegian brothers who`ll give all Up in the mountains, up in the mountains A forest-troll heralds a cruel death Where the Fenris-wolf heard the same Up in the mountains, up in the mountains Up in the mountains, up in the mountains Hey! Can you see him? Can you see him? See that christian bastard! Beat him up! Beat him up! And if you ever smell christian blood Up in the mountains Then get your axe and... chop them down! LANGT BORTI LIA (Ny Trad./S. Wongraven) (Sang/vox Rueslåtten, Wongraven, Nagell) LOKK (Kari Rueslåtten)(Sang/vox Kari Rueslåtten) Eg veit eit sted oppe i mellan åsen Kor måsene mjuk og trea kaster skugge Eg veit ein gut, den stautaste tå alle Auge ljose i mørkret, "Vil du staden sjå?" Eg ventar til dagen er omme før eg til staden fer Set meg ned på hella, tru om han kjem? Eg vert so varm, kjenner kor hjartet banker Kom, kom hit hjå meg, ta meg i den favn CALLING (Kari Rueslåtten)(Sang/vox Kari Rueslåtten) I know a place up inbetween the hills Where the gulls cry and the trees cast shadows I know a boy, the kindest of them all Eyes shining in the darkness, "Do you want to see the town?" I wait till the day is over before I travel towards the town Sitting down on the stone, I wonder if he comes? I grow so warm, feeling how the heart beats Come, come here to me, take me in your embrace NOREGSGARD (Herr Nagell,S. Wongraven)(Sang/vox Nagell,Wongraven,Rueslåtten) Ein drugal kar ifra garden dro han fulgte furu og sus opp gjennom åsen, gråstein og mark staut hans gange var Svøpt i morgengry under en helnorsk himmel Hans føtter traurig vandret hen mot sitt mål og på høyde Ein værbitt hand griper sverdet fatt og kløyver blåmennenes skalle Hans kjeft den vrir seg i ulmende hat ufreden kommer at falle Så stod han der på utkikkstopp hans øyne ei fekk kvile For han søkte reint et syn Men det blei ein grusom pine Der blant norges skog og mark Hans grimme sinn skulle vise dem at norsønn han har nok av tæl Norsønn tapte noregsgard for ein _ hær Stolt han var da han kom igjen for å kløyve dem med sitt sverd NORWAY`S HOME (Herr Nagell,S. Wongraven)(Sang/vox Nagell,Wongraven,Rueslåtten) A strong guy from the farm went he followed pine and breeze up through the hills, greystone and wilderness bold his steps was Swathed in twilight under a (completely) norwegian sky his feet steadily wandered towards their goal and upon heighs A weatherbitten hand cluthes the sword and cleaves the blumen`s heads His mouth twist in smoldering hate Unpeace will fall Then he stood there on the look-out top his eyes couldn`t rest Because he sought a pure sight but it became a cruel pain There in the midst of norwegian forest and wilderness His grim mind should show them that a son of the north has lots of guts The son of the north lost Norway`s home to a _ army Proud he was when he returned to cleave them with his sword UTFERD (S. Wongraven/Ny Trad.) Storm was created by S. Wongraven because of his love for Norway and hunger for playing folksongs from his own shores. Nagell joined him and together they melted the music style they are used to with old folksongs. Right before "Nordavind" was finished Wongraven found Kari Rueslåtten and she he had the same feeling for this as they had and she joined. Mixing this styles has never been done before in this way.And it can not be done either if it does not come straight from your heart. The musical performances on "Nordavind" comes straight from the heart and and there is a lot of feeling in it from the artists side. It was meant to turn out exactly the way it did. "Nordavind" is Storm's hymn to Norway and must be looked upon in that way. As pro- bably many of you know all the members have their own bands. But will still continue with their crusade for Norway through Storm. The future looks norse.