Perdition Pure Fucking Degradation (demo) 1. Possession 2. Total Massmurder Air filled with the burning stench of bodies Entire nations destroyed in one purpose Total massmurder, legal annihilation Supported by religion Love and death, God and Satan All mixed up in a chaotic illusion Trapped in a barbed wire and poisoned by gas There is no place in the world for us Factories of death rebuilt by "Them" People should die in the torment of hel! There is no meaning of life! Fields of hairless, thin corpses Thrown into endless pit without any emotions Imaginations became reality! Mind touches emotions (We are) enemies of life! Death to all! Holocaust! Die die die! Die in fucking TORMENT! "This is the pain I shall lead..." 3. Incantated Selfdestruction Enter the agony of human minds Shattered wastelands of reality Let immortality become a vision Of your own self-destruction Seek the only solution Bring yourself to annihilation Let your mind become one With the body and flesh Within your darkest visions Unite with chaos for all times Find the cure For the sickness Find the way to die! Flow down in the wind of Madness, pure desire of death Cut the real face of wonders Praise the time of lamentations in pain! Your world, falling in the depth of cold darkness The black vortex of tortured emotions Can you feel the touch of illusion? Can you feel the touch of frozen death? The freezing wind tears your soul apart There is no escape! There is no time to sleep! There is time to play with your demons And I dance on your funeral And I take the key to your deepest emotions and dreams And I open my grave to show you the deepest Desires of pain If you live your god, I live for death 4. Necromessiah Necromessiah Mudded manuscripts Written by pesants Gathered in shit Collected and censored By judaic preacher Sold to the Empire so that You would be submissive This is the word of our savior Anarhist that set rebellion Among jewish vulgarity The outlaws of society Rotted on cross for his faults Killed by the enemies Now beeing praised by themselvs So you would have faith and became enslaved This is your messiah false, voracious, pigs They embay in the sea of jewels Full of contempt they taste life While you feed on their extrements While you pray to them at night They drink wine and rape whores This is Your God You rot, imprisoned in dogmat Having faith for immortality You are one of million fools. Your eden is an endless decay Your immortality will feed Maggots This is salvation you deserve 5. Genocide Sodomy Look in the dawn, the dawn of new time Annihilation of the human scum Reborn in a cold, chaotic, dying flesh From the ages of war and desires Comes the symbol of abomination This is the rise of empire of shit This is the symbol of new age ChaoSatan New jesus of sodomy and lust The way of rebirth through Antihuman Divinity Pain is the new bible Death of rotting messiah Is the salvation in antithesis reality Salvation in anti-life slaughter Taste the shit of virgin Mary Eat the body of new god of cancer Taste the carrion nailes to the cross Kneel before the altar of madness! I praise destruction of all shining morals I praise all humans massmurder Spread your legs you fucking jesus whore And cut your flesh in the name of dying god I am the way Through the universe of suffering Without moral barriers I spread the disease 6. Inhuman Desires Destruction of reality This is the sword of destruction Fire of thousands of curses The forest of gallowses emerges out of the gloom This is the kingdom of future This is the knife, take it and do your duty of destruction Smelly world of human foibles Beautiful will be their screams in the abyss of pain Beautiful will be their bitter tears shed when they are waiting for mercy The glory to the desire of power This is the throne of might covered with blood and decaying corpses The human body - extensive linen for the future landscape of pain The mankind and its foibles - this is the disease that should be surmounted This is the fire of purity, take it and do your duty of destruction Beautiful is agony Beautiful is fear …in the eyes of dying world Glory to the fire of destruction devouring man Let the human blood spread like oceans Let the human tears fall like streams Let the scream of agony be the sweetest symphony of this world The mankind - final disease of reality Let the day of praise of nihilism come Let the human bodies be torn in the glory of nothingness Let the despair spread over the centuries This is the limit of bloody mankind so let's adore the performance This is the beginning of the thing called man 7. Destruction of Reality (Live) Destruction of reality This is the sword of destruction Fire of thousands of curses The forest of gallowses emerges out of the gloom This is the kingdom of future This is the knife, take it and do your duty of destruction Smelly world of human foibles Beautiful will be their screams in the abyss of pain Beautiful will be their bitter tears shed when they are waiting for mercy The glory to the desire of power This is the throne of might covered with blood and decaying corpses The human body - extensive linen for the future landscape of pain The mankind and its foibles - this is the disease that should be surmounted This is the fire of purity, take it and do your duty of destruction Beautiful is agony Beautiful is fear …in the eyes of dying world Glory to the fire of destruction devouring man Let the human blood spread like oceans Let the human tears fall like streams Let the scream of agony be the sweetest symphony of this world The mankind - final disease of reality Let the day of praise of nihilism come Let the human bodies be torn in the glory of nothingness Let the despair spread over the centuries This is the limit of bloody mankind so let's adore the performance This is the beginning of the thing called man