Herfst The Fall (demo) 1. Mournful Afterglow It is I who writes in the scarlet ink of passion I scrawl words in the warm glow of the dying sun Scarlet rays comfort me This October eve... This is how I spend my evenings after being spit out by the day... Countless hours of being lost and denying my fall... Trying to resist the enticing void of self-denial yet failing in it all... I'm absorbed in dreamworlds, dimensions unknown, dwelling in the shades of sorrow, the daylight now gone,... This dying day, I embrace the obscure outside the moon rises a thick mist caresses the scenery... drifting towards night shores My lids start to tremble and fall in demise... My head spins The realm of sleep opens its doors... 2. The Dream In the ebony lake that is the universe, anchored in the cosmic sea, an inhuman perfection points its claws at me... That cold night she haunted me in my dreams she cried out my name... Whispers in the silent hours Shivers at midnight... She came and enthralled me enwreathed by her thorns In her divine and enigmatic beauty she froze my heart The mere image of her I was unable to grasp She vanished yet enmeshed my mind dried on the pallet of my eternal reflection, a mere glimpse of her eyes tore my life apart... 3. Loathsome Dawn Sunrise, loathsome dawn you shattered my dreams where is she? Drowned in the vaguy veil of nostalgia, a lost paradise in which I'd like to revel myself in every single day I try to remember how and where and why she vanished and left this fool behind... She holds the key to the gates of my dreams she tortures my soul feeds my reverie... I walk outside and greet the majesty of daylight, it blinds me and I can't help but believe my soul has gone, she took it from me... Nightly mysteria, kingdom of dream Betrayer of senses, You make my heart bleed... 4. The Wanderer Night's veil had banished the sun a deathlike breeze enshrouded the earth when the eerie echo on his footsteps emerged... Slowly and silent he drifted alone no shore to head to in this cemetery of stone Burdened by grief he feared life's deceits he craves for the night from daylight he hides In those nocturnal hours he scribbles and laments looking for answers to never let this memory end Yet as the seasons pass another year's been squandered devoted to the arcane apostacy devours his being He repudiates his muse and sinister schemes start to bloom he maims her sacred image her bliss turns into venom 5. Bridge of Infinity For ages I craved I dwelled among graves, scrutinised the sky, enslaved by her eyes Now my search has ended I have found peace with myself I no longer chase dreams I plan to leave this hell I salute the soil and gaze towards the horizon as I climb the staircase of my end I stare down below into a churning stream, my own private Styx I'll find consolation in her bittersweet embrace I take a deep breath as I fall into my fate The wanderer still remains In the sights beneath the leaves, in the glimpse of an eye his spirit will never die When all joy and light fade at the end of the day... He'll cast his shadow As the scarlet ray of passion Dissolves into a distant grey