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Siódma Pieczęć (demo) (1996)
Siódma Pieczęć (demo) 1. Intro 4:53
2. Crazy 2:44
3. Ogien i woda 4:01
4. Epitafium 6:20
5. Siódma pieczec 5:29
6. Rzeka istnien 5:09
7. Nazguls 4:48
8. Spotkanie 4:16
9. Styks 5:11
total time42:51

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#7 in the Demo top 10 from 1996!

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#7 in the Demo top 10 from 1996!

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Ukryty Wymiar (Hidden Dimension) (1997)
Ukryty Wymiar (Hidden Dimension) 1. Lisa 2:42
2. Czarno-biale sny 3:57Black and white dreams
3. Taniec 3:45Dance
4. Nazgul 4:47Nazguls
5. Siódma pieczec 5:20Seventh seal
6. Rzeka istnien 5:05The river of existences
7. Zywiolom spetanym 6:15Unconfined insurmountable forces
8. Epitafium 6:12
9. Góra przeznaczenia 5:07The mountain of destiny
10. Szmaragdowa noc 5:56Emerald night
11. Czarno-biale sny 3:45bonus
12. Taniec 3:39bonus
13. Szmaragdowa noc 2:48bonus
total time49:10(59:18 incl. bonus)

HD cover

9.1 / 10 (42 votes)

2 reviews

9.1 / 10 (42 votes)

2 reviews

W Imię Nocy (In the Name of the Night) (1998)
W Imię Nocy (In the Name of the Night) 1. Ukryty wymiar 9:17Hidden dimension
2. ( 2:00
3. Na wieki wiekow 4:56World without end
4. Hipnoza 5:18Hypnosis
5. W góre 4:48Towards the top
6. Nie ma nic 6:09Nothingness
7. Crazy 2:23
8. ) 1:11
9. Prosba 5:26The request
10. Do zla 4:05To evil
11. Prosba (instrumental) 5:27Bonus
12. Ukryty wymiar (instrumental) 9:05Bonus
total time47:11(60:18 incl. bonus)

HD cover

8.6 / 10 (28 votes)

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8.6 / 10 (28 votes)

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W górę (1998)
W górę 1. Ukryty wymiar (wersja radiowa) 5:38
2. W góre (wersja radiowa) 3:25
total time9:03

9.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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9.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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Pośród Kwiatów I Cieni (In The Flowers' Shade) (1999)
Pośród Kwiatów I Cieni (In The Flowers' Shade) 1. Nieprawdziwa historia cz.I (Unreal story I) 4:00
2. Nieprawdziwa historia cz.II (Unreal story II) 4:36
3. Biala karta (White page) 5:00
4. ♂ 2:14
5. A ja ... (And I will) 4:18
6. Morfeusz (Morpheus) 4:52
7. Posród kwiatów i cieni (Among flowers and shadows) 5:02
8. Kolejny rozdzial (The following chapter) 4:20
9. ♀ 4:56
10. Dwie drogi (Two ways) 4:38
11. My (We) 8:11
12. Omamiony (Delusion) 4:11
total time55:29

HD cover
3 Versions

8.9 / 10 (40 votes)

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8.9 / 10 (40 votes)

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Fetish (2001)
Fetish 1. Fetish 5:10
2. Druga twarz 5:08Second Face
3. Zniewolona myol 6:46Captive Thought
4. Prawda 4:17The Truth
5. Samuel 6:32
6. Zatruta 4:12Poisoned
7. Zanim wstanie owit 5:13Before the Dawn Rises
8. 1101010111 2:05Cosmos
9. Ostatni raz 3:24The Last Time
10. Mur 4:15The Wall
11. Suita 2:20
12. 010101110101 3:230100101110
total time52:45

HD cover

8.1 / 10 (18 votes)

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8.1 / 10 (18 votes)

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Koncert w Trójce (2001)
Koncert w Trójce 1. Prosba 5:36Live 5th of Feb 2000, Warsaw, Poland
2. Taniec 3:47
3. Ukryty wymiar 9:21
4. Nie ma nic 6:07
5. Szmaragdowa noc 2:53
6. W górę 4:56
7. Posród kwiatów i cieni 5:18
8. A ja 4:30
9. Nieprawdziwa historia I 3:21
10. Nieprawdziwa historia II 4:54
11. My 6:31
12. Djembe 2:45
13. Na wieki wieków 4:40
total time64:39

8.0 / 10 (10 votes)

#4 in the Live top 10 from 2001!

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8.0 / 10 (10 votes)

#4 in the Live top 10 from 2001!

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Metal Box (2001)
Metal Box 1. Ukryty Wymiar cd 59:18
2. Koncert W Trójce cd 64:39
total time2:03:57

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Melange (2002)
Melange 1. Kolej rzeczy? 4:49(The order of things)
2. Bez zludzeń 4:31(No illusions)
3. Malo slów 5:46(Few words)
4. Melange 4:53
5. Codzienooć 4:22(Everyday)
6. Gdzieo pomiędzy 3:25(Somewhere inbetween)
7. Twoja otchlań 4:59(Your abyss)
8. Angemel 0:57
9. Wiem 4:38(I know)
10. Spelnione dni 3:38(The days fulfilled)
11. Impre Sjon 3:48bonus
total time45:46

6.2 / 10 (11 votes)

2 reviews

6.2 / 10 (11 votes)

2 reviews

Live in Kraków (video) (2002)
Live in Kraków (video) 1. Na wieki wieków 4:43
2. Do zla 4:25
3. Ukryty wymiar 5:48
4. Taniec 3:41
5. Morfeusz 5:01
6. Crazy 2:42
7. Prosba 5:25
8. Posród kwiatów i cieni 5:03
9. A ja 4:24
10. Szmaragdowa noc 6:14
11. Posród kwiatów i cieni 4:15Music videos
12. Morfeusz 5:02
total time56:43

HD cover

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Con Trust (2006)
Con Trust 1. Tym Dla Mnie Jest 4:36
2. Nie Chce Nigdy Czuc Jak Ty 4:43
3. W Pólsnie 4:42
4. Byl Jak Diament 4:35
5. Caly Obcy Mi 4:08
6. Nie Oceniaj 4:32
7. Tak Bylo, Jest i Bedzie 3:03
8. Con Trust 3:23
9. Wiesz Tylko Ty i On cz. I 5:14
10. Wiesz Tylko Ty i On cz. II 4:55
total time43:51

7.0 / 10 (6 votes)

1 review

7.0 / 10 (6 votes)

1 review

Metal Box (2006)
Metal Box 1. In Nomine Noctis cd 60:18
2. In the Flowers Shade cd 55:29
total time1:55:47

HD cover

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Imago (2011)
Imago 1. Arche 1:29
2. Nie tamta juz 3:46
3. Za wszystko - nic 6:25
4. Juz tylko snij 4:46
5. Moje niebo 4:23
6. Chce znów tam byc 5:37
7. Imago 5:48
8. Doskonala 5:54
9. Tysiac prawd 4:32
10. Fatalne przeznaczenie 5:39
11. Panta Rhei 6:48
total time55:07

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Never Let Me Down Again (digital) (2013)
Never Let Me Down Again (digital) 1. Never Let Me Down Again 4:58Depeche Mode cover

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Odi et Amo (digital) (2015)
Odi et Amo (digital) 1. Odi et Amo 4:22

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Odi et Amo (2015)
Odi et Amo 1. Sabat 3:55
2. Nasze Requiem 4:33
3. Odium 4:26
4. Nie zostalo nic 4:28
5. Za pózno by snic 5:18
6. Odi et Amo 4:23
7. W imie nocy 5:13
8. Bladzic ludzka rzecz 4:35
9. Laudanum 4:25
10. Amor bonus - Julio Iglesias cover
11. Nienawisc bonus - Hanna Banaszak cover
total time41:16

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Morbid Noizz 4th Issue
Morbid Noizz 4th Issue


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Morbid Noizz 5th issue
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Twilight Of The Gods Vol. 2 - The Gothic/Black Metal Collection

Off Road Tracks Vol. 16
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In Goth We Trust - A Gothic Industrial Collection (video)
In Goth We Trust - A Gothic Industrial Collection (video)

Official homepage

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> Formed in 1995 in Poland
> Members are:
Medeah / Magdalena Stupkiewicz-Dobosz - vocals, keyboards (since 1995)
Maciej Niedzielski - keyboards, programming (since 1995) - also in Sui Generis Umbra, was in Umbra
Janusz Jastrzebowski - drums (since 2011) - was in Neolithic, Groan, Carnal, and Closterkeller
Gregor - guitars (since 2011)
> Previous members:
Grunthell / Rafal Grunt - guitars (1999-2011)
Piotr Milczarek - bass (2011) - was in Miscarriage
Artur Tabor - guitars (2011)
Remo / Remigiusz Mielczarek - bass (2002-2010) - was in Sacriversum and Electric Chair
MacKozer / Krystian Kozerawski - guitars (2002-2010) - now in Electric Chair, was in Sacriversum and Hermh
Migdal / Lukasz Migdalski - keyboards (2005-2010) - now in Electric Chair and Lebenssteuer, was in Sacriversum and Aion
Swicol - drums (2006-2010) - now in Electric Chair, was in Sacriversum
Lombardo / Konrad Biczak - drums (2005-2006) - was in Sacriversum, Act of Grace, Aquaritia, and Immortal Visions
Mario / Mariusz Kuszewski - guitars (2003-2004) - was in Sacriversum and Tenebris
Marcin Pendowski - bass (1998-2001)
Krzysztof "Chris" Bialas - guitars (1995-1999)
> Session musicians:
Inferno – drums (on reedition of "Ukryty Wymiar")
Magdalena Kogut – violin (on reedition of "Ukryty Wymiar")
Artur Dominik – tablas, bongos (on "Posrod Kwiatow i Cieni" in "Djembe")
Magdalena Stelmaszyk – violin (on "Ukryty Wymiar" in "Szmaragdowa Noc")
Pawel Sloniowski – bass (on "Ukryty Wymiar")
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Last update: 07/01/24