Endless Damnation (demo) (1991) |
1. Into the black mass | 1:09 |
2. Cursed angel of doom | 3:25 |
3. Eternal blasphemy | 4:35 |
4. Temple of evil | 4:16 |
5. Ceremony in chapel | 4:08 |
6. First embody remains | 3:17 |
7. Endless damnation | 1:15 |
total time | 22:05 |
8.3 / 10 (20 votes)
3 reviews
8.3 / 10 (20 votes)
3 reviews
The Return of the Northern Moon (demo) (1992) |
1. ...Of My Worship (Intro) | 7:18 |
2. Summoning of the Ancient Gods | 0:55 |
3. Dark Triumph | 5:08 |
4. Monumentum | 6:32 |
5. Rise of the Blackstorm Devil | 1:21 |
6. Aggressor | 3:22 | | Hellhammer cover |
7. Outro | 3:00 |
8. Dark Triumph | | | bonus |
9. Cursed Angel of Doom | | | bonus |
total time | 27:36 |
8.1 / 10 (21 votes)
1 review
8.1 / 10 (21 votes)
1 review
Thy Winter Kingdom (demo) (1993) |
1. Thy Winter Kingdom | 5:42 |
2. The Dance of the Pagan Flames | 5:18 |
3. Moonspell Rites | 8:49 |
total time | 19:49 |
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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...From the Pagan Vastlands (demo) (1993) |
1. From Hornedlands to Lindisfarne | 6:05 |
2. Thy Winter Kingdom | 5:25 |
3. Summoning (of the Ancient Ones) | 5:01 |
4. The Dance of the Pagan Flames | 4:07 |
5. Blackvisions of the Almighty | 4:59 |
6. Fields of Haar-Meggido | 6:41 |
7. Deathcrush | 3:25 | | Mayhem cover |
total time | 35:43 |
8.6 / 10 (69 votes)
4 reviews
8.6 / 10 (69 votes)
4 reviews
And the Forests Dream Eternally (1994) |
1. Transylvanian Forest | 5:37 |
2. Moonspell Rites | 6:03 |
3. Sventevith - Storming near the Baltic | 6:01 |
4. Pure Evil and Hate | 3:10 |
5. Forgotten Empire of Dark Witchcraft | 4:11 |
total time | 25:02 |

8.6 / 10 (52 votes)
2 reviews
8.6 / 10 (52 votes)
2 reviews
Sventevith (Storming near the Baltic) (1995) |
1. Chant of the Eastern Lands | 5:45 |
2. The Touch of Nya | 0:59 |
3. From the Pagan Vastlands | 4:32 |
4. Hidden in a Fog | 6:51 |
5. Ancient | 2:03 |
6. Entering the Faustian Soul | 5:37 |
7. Forgotten Cult of Aldaron | 4:37 |
8. Wolves Guard My Coffin | 4:31 |
9. Hell Dwells in Ice | 5:52 |
10. Transylvanian forest | 4:55 |
total time | 45:42 |
8.7 / 10 (79 votes)
5 reviews
8.7 / 10 (79 votes)
5 reviews
Grom (1996) |
1. Intro | 1:36 |
2. The Dark Forest (cast me your spell) | 7:07 |
3. Spellcraft and Heathendom | 4:51 |
4. Dragon's Liar (Cosmic Flames and Four Barbaric Seasons) | 5:56 |
5. Lasy Pomorza | 6:26 |
6. Rising Proudly towards the Sky | 6:54 |
7. Thou shalt forever Win | 6:38 |
8. Grom | 5:28 |
total time | 44:56 |

8.8 / 10 (91 votes)
5 reviews
8.8 / 10 (91 votes)
5 reviews
Bewitching the Pomerania (1997) |
1. With the spell of inferno (mephisto) | 4:39 |
2. Hidden in the fog | 5:13 |
3. Sventevith (Storming near the Baltic) | 5:15 |
total time | 15:07 |

8.4 / 10 (28 votes)
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8.4 / 10 (28 votes)
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Split with Damnation (1997) |
1. Transylvanian Forest | 5:35 | | Behemoth - And the Forest Dream Eternally |
2. Moonspell Rites | 6:01 |
3. Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic) | 6:08 |
4. Pure Evil and Hate | 3:09 |
5. Forgotten Empire of Dark Witchcraft | 4:12 |
6. Pagan Prayer | 4:39 | | Damnation - Forbidden Spaces |
7. Forbidden Spaces | 4:37 |
8. Time of Prophets | 4:55 |
9. The Rulling Truth | 6:45 |
total time | 46:01 |
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Pandemonic Incantations (1998) |
1. Diableria (The Great Introduction) | 0:49 |
2. The Thousand Plagues I Witness | 5:15 |
3. Satan's Sword (I Have Become) | 4:17 |
4. In Thy Pandemaeternum | 4:51 |
5. Driven by the Five-Winged Star | 5:00 |
6. The Past is Like a Funeral | 6:41 |
7. The Entrance to the Spheres of Mars | 4:47 |
total time | 36:39 |

8.5 / 10 (75 votes)
7 reviews
8.5 / 10 (75 votes)
7 reviews
Satanica (1999) |
1. Decade of therion | 3:19 |
2. Lam | 4:13 |
3. Ceremony of shiva | 3:33 |
4. Of sephirotic transformation and carnality | 4:30 |
5. Sermon to the hypocrities | 5:04 |
6. Starspawn | 3:32 |
7. The alchemist's dream | 5:40 |
8. Chant for eschaton 2000 | 5:21 |
total time | 35:12 |
8.9 / 10 (155 votes)
8 reviews
8.9 / 10 (155 votes)
8 reviews
Live Eschaton - The Art Of Rebellion (video) (2000) |
1. Decade of Therion | 3:59 | | Live at Studio TVP Leg, Kraków, Poland on the 27th of April 2000 |
2. LAM | 4:27 |
3. Satan's Sword | 4:45 |
4. From the Pagan Vastlands | 2:58 |
5. Driven by the Five Winged Star | 5:31 |
6. The Entrance to the Spheres of Mars | 4:16 |
7. Starspawn | 3:45 |
8. Carnage (Mayhem cover) | 3:52 |
9. Chant for Eschaton 2000 | 6:52 |
10. Pure Evil & Hate | 2:52 |
11. Decade of Therion (Video clip) | 3:19 |
12. Chant for Eschaton 2000 (Video clip) | 5:21 |
total time | 51:57 |

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Thelema 6 (2000) |
1. Antichristian phenomenon | 4:39 |
2. The act of rebellion | 3:46 |
3. Inflamed with rage | 3:12 |
4. Pan satyros | 4:23 |
5. Natural born philosopher | 3:56 |
6. Christians to the lions | 3:01 |
7. Inauguration of scorpio dome | 3:03 |
8. In the garden of dispersion | 3:21 |
9. The universe illumination | 3:30 |
10. Vinum sabbati | 3:24 |
11. 23 (the youth manifesto) | 4:53 |
total time | 41:08 |

8.9 / 10 (143 votes)
7 reviews
8.9 / 10 (143 votes)
7 reviews
Antichristian Phenomenon (2001) |
1. Antichristian phenomenon | 4:37 |
2. Malice | 2:23 |
3. From the pagan vastlands 2000 | 2:11 | | only on cd |
4. Sathanas (Sarcofago cover) | 2:05 |
5. Hello spaceboy (David Bowie cover) | 3:26 | | only on cd |
6. Day of suffering (Morbid Angel cover) | 2:14 | | only on cd |
7. Carnage (Mayhem cover) | 4:03 | | only on cd |
8. Christians to the Lions (live) | 4,29 Mb | | video (MOV) |
total time | 20:59 |

8.3 / 10 (26 votes)
1 review
8.3 / 10 (26 votes)
1 review
Metal Box (2001) |
1. Pandemonic Incantations cd | 60:15 |
2. Satanica cd | 35:12 |
total time | 1:35:27 |
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Zos Kia Cultus (Here and Beyond) (2002) |
1. Horns ov baphomet | 6:37 |
2. Modern iconoclasts | 4:27 |
3. Here and beyond | 3:26 |
4. As above so below | 5:01 |
5. Blackest ov the black | 3:44 |
6. Hekau 718 | 0:53 |
7. Harlot ov the saints | 2:47 |
8. No sympathy for fools | 3:48 |
9. Zos kia cultus | 5:32 |
10. Fornicatus benefictus | 0:52 |
11. Typhonian soul zodiack | 4:30 |
12. Heru ra ha: let there be might | 3:03 |
total time | 44:40 |

8.9 / 10 (123 votes)
10 reviews
8.9 / 10 (123 votes)
10 reviews
Historica (2002) |
1. ...And the forests dream eternally cd | 39:59 |
2. Sventevith - storming near the baltic cd | 44:43 |
3. Grom cd | 44:58 |
4. Pandemonic incantations cd | 41:02 |
--- Live in Krakow cd --- |
1. Diableria | 1:23 |
2. Decade Of Therion | 3:17 |
3. LAM | 4:05 |
4. Satan's Sword | 4:31 |
5. From The Pagan Vastlands | 2:57 |
6. Driven By The Five-Winged Star | 5:35 |
7. Chant For Eschaton 2000 | 6:44 |
8. Pure Evil & Hate | 2:52 |
9. Chwala Mordercom Wojciecha | 1:11 |
total time | 3:23:21 |

8.3 / 10 (21 votes)
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8.3 / 10 (21 votes)
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Conjuration (2003) |
1. Conjuration ov sleep daemons | 3:24 |
2. Wish (nine inch nails cover) | 3:37 |
3. Welcome to hell (venom cover) | 3:15 |
4. Christians to the lions (live) | 3:49 |
5. Decade ov therion (live) | 3:47 |
6. From The Pagan Vastlands (live) | 3:38 | | bonus |
7. Antichristian phenomenon (live) | 5:02 |
8. Lam (live) | 4:25 | | bonus |
9. Satan's Sword (I have become) (live) | 4:03 | | bonus |
10. Chant for eskathon 2000 (live) | 6:44 |
total time | 29:38 | | Abyssus Abyssum Invocat version: 41:44 |

7.9 / 10 (27 votes)
2 reviews
7.9 / 10 (27 votes)
2 reviews
Crush.Fukk.Create: Requiem for Generation Armageddon (video) (2004) |
1. Antichristian Phenomenon | 6:04 | | Live Pandemonium - Live at Party San Festival 2003 |
2. From the Pagan Vastlands | 3:40 |
3. Heru Ra Ha (Let There Be Might) | 3:19 |
4. Christians to the Lions | 3:07 |
5. Hekau 718 | 0:48 |
6. No Sympathy for Fools | 3:58 |
7. Decade ov Therion | 3:11 |
8. As Above So Below | 5:50 |
9. Chant for Eskhaton 2000 | 6:05 |
10. Pure Evil and Hate | 3:22 |
11. Christians to the Lions | 3:50 | | Mother Khaoz on Stage - Live at Mystic Festival 2001 |
12. Decade ov Therion | 3:51 |
13. From the Pagan Vastlands | 3:44 |
14. Antichristian Phenomenon | 4:56 |
15. LAM | 4:10 |
16. Satan's Sword | 4:12 |
17. Chant for Eskhaton | 6:31 |
18. As Above So Below (video) | 5:03 | | Videoclips |
19. Christians to the Lions (video) | 3:46 |
--- Disk Two: Speak With The Devil - Documentary --- |
1. Interview and introduction to selected episodes by Nergal |
2. The past is like a funeral... |
3. X-Mass festivals |
4. Italian affair |
5. First headlining experience |
6. Poland |
7. Barbarossa east tour |
8. Mexican episode |
9. European crusade |
10. Album production and studio scenes |
11. Conquering US and other stuff... |
total time | 1:19:27 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Demigod (2004) |
1. Sculpting The Throne Ov Seth | 4:41 |
2. Demigod | 3:31 |
3. Conquer All | 3:29 |
4. The Nephilim Rising | 4:21 |
5. Towards Babylon | 3:22 |
6. Before Aeons Came | 2:58 |
7. Mysterium Coniunctionis (Hermanubis) | 3:41 |
8. XUL | 3:11 |
9. Slaves Shall Serve | 3:04 |
10. The Reign Ov Shemsu-Hor | 8:26 |
total time | 40:44 |

8.8 / 10 (147 votes)
16 reviews
8.8 / 10 (147 votes)
16 reviews
Slaves Shall Serve (2005) |
1. Slaves Shall Serve (album version) | 3:03 |
2. Entering The Pylon Ov Light | 3:45 |
3. Penetration (The Nefilim cover) | 3:05 |
4. Until You Call On The Dark (Danzig cover) | 4:22 |
5. Demigod (live) | 3:37 |
6. Slaves Shall Serve (live) | 3:33 |
7. Lam (live) | 4:27 | | bonus |
8. As Above So Below (live) | 6:00 | | bonus |
9. Slaves Shall Serve | | | (enhanced video clip) |
total time | 21:39 | | Abyssus Abyssum Invocat version: 32:06 |

8.4 / 10 (21 votes)
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8.4 / 10 (21 votes)
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Demonica (2006) |
1. ...Of My Worship (Intro) | 1:37 | | The Return of the Northern Moon demo |
2. Summoning Of The Ancient Gods | 6:09 |
3. The Arrival (Instrumental) | 0:59 |
4. Dark Triumph | 5:26 |
5. Monumentum (Instrumental) | 1:20 |
6. Rise Of The Blackstorm Of Evil | 7:04 |
7. Aggressor (Hellhammer cover) | 3:35 |
8. Goat With A Thousand Young (Instrumental) | 3:11 |
9. Bless Thee For Granting Me Pain (Ragnarok cover) | 2:20 | | Previously unreleased songs |
10. Cursed Angel Of Doom | 3:11 |
11. Transylvanian Forest | 3:16 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. From Hornedlands To Lindisfarne | 5:58 | | ...From the Pagan Vastlands demo |
2. Thy Winter Kingdom | 5:19 |
3. Summoning (Of The Ancient Ones) | 4:57 |
4. The Dance Of The Pagan Flames | 4:01 |
5. Blackvisions Of The Almighty | 4:51 |
6. Fields Of Haar-Meggido | 6:37 |
7. Deathcrush (Mayhem cover) | 3:22 |
8. Moonspell Rites | 6:55 | | Previously unreleased songs |
9. Blackvisions Of The Almighty | 6:42 |
10. Pure Evil & Hate | 3:17 |
11. The Oak Between The Snows (Instrumental) | 2:31 |
12. Spellcraft & Heathendom | 3:33 |
total time | 1:36:11 |
9.2 / 10 (9 votes)
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9.2 / 10 (9 votes)
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The Apostasy (2007) |
1. Rome 64 C.E. | 1:25 |
2. Slaying the Prophets Ov Isa | 3:23 |
3. Prometherion | 3:03 |
4. At the left hand ov god | 4:58 |
5. Kriegsphilosophie | 4:23 |
6. Be without fear | 3:17 |
7. Arcana hereticae | 2:58 |
8. Inner sanctum | 5:01 |
9. Libertherme | 4:53 |
10. Pazuzu | 2:37 |
11. Christgrinding avenue | 3:51 |
total time | 39:49 |

8.8 / 10 (10 votes)
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8.8 / 10 (10 votes)
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At the Arena ov Aion - Live Apostasy (2008) |
1. Rome 64 C.E. | 1:34 | | Live 17.02.2008 in Paris, France |
2. Slaying the Prophets ov Isa | 3:39 |
3. Antichristian Phenomenon | 4:13 |
4. Demigod | 3:35 |
5. From the Pagan Vastlands | 3:56 |
6. Conquer All | 4:17 |
7. Prometherion | 3:14 |
8. Drum Solo | 1:14 |
9. Slaves Shall Serve | 3:08 |
10. As Above So Below | 5:46 |
11. At the Left Hand ov God | 4:57 |
12. Summoning ov the Ancient Gods | 5:23 |
13. Christgrinding Avenue | 4:04 |
14. Christians to the Lions | 3:16 |
15. Sculpting the Throne ov Seth | 4:55 |
16. Decade of Therion | 2:47 |
17. Chant for Ezkaton 2000 e.v. | 5:28 |
18. I Got Erection (Turbonegro cover) | 3:44 | | bonus |
19. Pure Evil & Hate | 3:08 | | bonus |
total time | 65:23 | | digi 72:18 |

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#4 in the Live top 10 from 2008!
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#4 in the Live top 10 from 2008!
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Ezkaton (2008) |
1. Chant for Ezkaton 2000 e.v. | 5:12 |
2. Qadosh | 4:58 |
3. Jáma Pekel (Master's Hammer Cover) | 3:59 |
4. I'm Not Jesus (Ramones Cover) | 2:41 |
5. From the Pagan Vastlands (Live) | 3:02 |
6. Decade ov Therion (Live) | 2:56 |
7. Chant for Ezkaton 2000 e.v. (Live) | 5:08 |
total time | 27:56 |

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Evangelion (2009) |
1. Daimonos | 5:15 |
2. Shemhamforash | 3:56 |
3. Ov Fire And The Void | 4:27 |
4. Transmigrating Beyond Realms Ov Amenti | 3:27 |
5. He Who Breeds Pestilence | 5:41 |
6. The Seed Ov I | 4:58 |
7. Alas, Lord Is Upon Me | 3:15 |
8. Defiling Morality Ov Black God | 2:49 |
9. Lucifer | 8:06 |
10. Total Invasion (Killing Joke Cover) | 7:21 | | Japanese bonus |
total time | 41:54 | | (Japanese 49:21) |

8.4 / 10 (9 votes)
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8.4 / 10 (9 votes)
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Ov Fire and the Void (2009) |
1. Ov Fire and the Void | 4:28 |
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Evangelia Heretika (video) (2010) |
1. Intro | 2:32 | | Live 25.09.2009 in Warsaw, Poland |
2. Ov Fire and the Void | 4:35 |
3. Demigod | 3:55 |
4. Pan Satyros | 5:02 |
5. Shemhamforash | 4:10 |
6. Conquer All | 4:24 |
7. Decade of Therion | 3:29 |
8. Wolves Guard My Coffin | 4:27 |
9. Christians to the Lions | 3:50 |
10. At the Left Hand ov God | 5:14 |
11. Slaves Shall Serve | 4:05 |
12. As Above so Below | 4:52 |
13. Inferno's Drum Solo | 1:08 |
14. LAM | 5:26 |
15. Alas, Lord Is upon Me | 3:57 |
16. Antichristian Phenomenon | 5:16 |
17. Chant for Eschaton 2000 | 6:32 |
18. Lucifer | 8:27 |
19. Rome 64 C.E. | 1:33 | | Live 17.02.2008 in Paris, France (Live Apostasy) |
20. Slaying the Prophets ov Isa | 3:38 |
21. Antichristian Phenomenon | 4:14 |
22. Demigod | 3:35 |
23. From the Pagan Vastlands | 3:59 |
24. Conquer All | 4:14 |
25. Prometherion | 3:14 |
26. Inferno's Drum Solo | 1:14 |
27. Slaves Shall Serve | 3:49 |
28. As Above so Below | 5:04 |
29. At the Left Hand ov God | 5:58 |
30. Summoning ov the Ancient Ones | 3:57 |
31. Christgrinding Avenue | 4:28 |
32. Christians to the Lions | 3:41 |
33. Sculpting the Throne ov Seth | 4:13 |
34. Decade of Therion | 3:09 |
35. Chant for Eschaton 2000 | 7:07 |
36. I Got Erection (Turbonegro Cover) | 3:22 |
37. Pure Evil and Hate | 3:30 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Evangelia Nova | 56:51 | | Documentaries |
2. De Arte Heretika | 55:45 |
3. Decade ov Therion | 3:20 | | Videos |
4. As Above So Below | 5:04 |
5. Conquer All | 3:33 |
6. Slaves Shall Serve | 3:04 |
7. Prometherion | 3:09 |
8. At the Left Hand ov God | 5:09 |
9. Inner Sanctum | 5:03 |
10. Ov Fire and the Void | 5:09 |
11. Alas, Lord Is Upon Me | 5:57 |
12. Making of "Prometherion" | 3:54 |
13. Making of "At the Left Hand ov God" | 9:17 |
14. Making of "Inner Sanctum" | 2:25 |
15. Making of "Ov Fire and the Void" | 9:20 |
16. Making of "Alas, Lord Is upon Me" | 3:09 |
--- CD Disk --- |
1. Intro | 2:11 |
2. Ov Fire and the Void | 4:34 |
3. Demigod | 3:31 |
4. Pan Satyros | 4:32 |
5. Shemhamforash | 4:06 |
6. Conquer All | 4:11 |
7. Decade ov Therion | 2:55 |
8. Wolves Guard my Coffin | 5:11 |
9. Christians to the Lions | 3:10 |
10. At the Left Hand ov God | 5:05 |
11. Slaves Shall Serve | 4:05 |
12. As Above So Below | 4:52 |
13. Drum Solo | 1:11 |
14. LAM | 4:40 |
15. Alas, Lord Is Upon Me | 3:46 |
16. Antichristian Phenomenon | 5:44 |
17. Chant for Ezkaton 2000 E.V. | 4:56 |
18. Lucifer | 8:27 |
total time | 6:52:36 |

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Abyssus Abyssum Invocat (2011) |
1. Conjuration + bonustracks cd | 41:44 |
2. Slaves Shall Serve + bonustracks cd | 32:06 |
total time | 1:13:50 |

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The Satanist (2014) |
1. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | 4:25 |
2. Furor Divinus | 3:06 |
3. Messe Noire | 4:04 |
4. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer | 5:35 |
5. Amen | 3:49 |
6. The Satanist | 5:33 |
7. Ben Sahar | 5:34 |
8. In the Absence of Light | 4:58 |
9. O Father O Satan O Sun! | 7:13 |
total time | 44:17 |

8.3 / 10 (3 votes)
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8.3 / 10 (3 votes)
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Xiądz (2014) |
1. Nieboga Czarny Xiadz | 6:05 |
2. Moonspell Rites | 7:01 | | Re-recorded |
3. Towards the Dying Sun We March | 6:57 |
total time | 20:03 |

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Xiądz / Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel (2014) |
1. Nieboga Czarny Xiadz | 6:08 | | Xiądz |
2. Moonspell Rites | 7:08 |
3. Towards the Dying Sun We March | 7:00 |
4. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | 4:25 | | Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel |
5. If I Were Cain | 3:27 |
6. Ludzie Wschodu (Siekiera cover) | 4:11 |
total time | 12:03 |
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Thy Winter Kingdom / From the Pagan Vastlands... (2015) |
1. Thy Winter Kingdom + bonus cd | 45:17 |
2. From the Pagan Vastlands... + bonus cd | 34:44 |
total time | 1:20:01 |
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Live at the BBC (2015) |
1. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | 4:50 | | Live Dec 2014 in London, UK |
2. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer | 6:16 |
3. Chant for eskhaton 2000 | 5:03 |
4. O Father O Satan O Sun! | 7:47 |
--- 12" LP --- |
1. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | 4:50 |
2. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer | 6:16 |
3. Chant for eskhaton 2000 | 5:03 |
4. O Father O Satan O Sun! | 7:47 |
total time | 47:52 |

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Amen (2017) |
1. Ludzie Wschodu (Siekiera Cover) | 4:14 |
2. Chant For Ezkaton 2000 E.V. | 5:13 |
3. Qadosh | 5:00 |
4. Furor Divinus (live) | 3:22 |
5. Messe Noir (live) | 4:41 |
6. Amen (live) | 3:54 |
total time | 26:24 |

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Messe Noire (video) (2018) |
--- Live Satanist, live at Progresja, Warsaw, Poland on October 8, 2016 --- |
1. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | 6:15 |
2. Furor Divinus | 3:16 |
3. Messe Noire | 4:39 |
4. Ora pro Nobis Lucifer | 6:09 |
5. Amen | 3:46 |
6. The Satanist | 6:35 |
7. Ben Sahar | 5:44 |
8. In the Absence ov Light | 4:46 |
9. O Father O Satan O Sun! | 8:43 |
10. Ov Fire and the Void | 4:51 |
11. Conquer All | 4:16 |
12. Pure Evil and Hate | 4:05 |
13. At the Left Hand ov God | 5:14 |
14. Slaves Shall Serve | 3:31 |
15. Chant for Ezkaton 2000 | 6:38 |
total time | 3:03:07 |

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God = Dog (ep) (2018) |
1. God = Dog | 3:58 |
2. God = Dog (Single Version) | 3:58 |
total time | 7:56 |

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#8 in the EP top 10 from 2018!
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#8 in the EP top 10 from 2018!
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I Loved You At Your Darkest - The Demos (2018) |
1. Wolves Ov Siberia |
2. Rom 5:8 |
3. If Crucifixion Was Not Enough |
4. Havohej Pantocrator |
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I Loved You at Your Darkest (2018) |
1. Solve | 2:04 |
2. Wolves ov Siberia | 2:54 |
3. God = Dog | 3:58 |
4. Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica | 4:49 |
5. Bartzabel | 5:01 |
6. If Crucifixion Was Not Enough… | 3:16 |
7. Angelvs XIII | 3:41 |
8. Sabbath Mater | 4:56 |
9. Havohej Pantocrator | 6:04 |
10. Rom 5:8 | 4:22 |
11. We Are the Next 1000 Years | 3:23 |
12. Coagvla | 2:04 |
13. O Pentagram Ignis | 4:49 | | Japanese bonus |
total time | 46:32 |

4.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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4.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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The Metal Mind Years (2018) |
1. And the Forests Dream Eternally cd | 42:24 |
2. Sventevith cd | 45:22 |
3. Grom cd | 44:55 |
4. Pandemonic Incantations cd | 41:10 |
total time | 2:53:51 |

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O Pentagram Ignis (2019) |
1. O Pentagram Ignis |
2. Sabbath Mater (Live) |
3. Wolves ov Siberia (Live) |
4. Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica (Live) |

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Evangelicis (2019) |
1. Daimonos (Live) |
2. Ov Fire And The Void (Live) |
3. Lucifer (Live) |
4. Total Invasion | | | Killing Joke Cover |
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Live from Maida Vale (2020) |
1. Wolves ov Siberia | 2:56 |
2. God=Dog | 3:59 |
3. Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica | 4:53 |
4. Bartzabel | 5:00 |
total time | 16:48 |

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Live Audio Recordings (digital) (2020) |
1. Rom 5:8 | 4:23 | | Live 16.01.2020 in Manchester, The United Kingdom |
2. Ov Fire and the Void | 5:38 | | Live 17.01.2020 in Newcastle, The United Kingdom |
3. Rom 5:8 | 4:27 | | Live 18.01.2020 in Glasgow, The United Kingdom |
4. Bartzabel | 5:18 | | Live 20.01.2020 in Sheffield, The United Kingdom |
5. Conquer All | 3:34 | | Live 21.01.2020 in Nottingham, The United Kingdom |
6. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | 4:50 | | Live 22.01.2020 in Cardiff, The United Kingdom |
7. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer | 6:43 | | Live 24.01.2020 in Birmingham, The United Kingdom |
8. Wolves ov Siberia | 3:01 | | Live 25.01.2020 in London, The United Kingdom |
9. Chant for Eskhaton 2000 | 4:58 | | Live 28.01.2020 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
10. Wolves ov Siberia | 3:06 | | Live 29.01.2020 in Frankfurt, Germany |
11. Bartzabel | 5:20 | | Live 30.01.2020 in Paris, France |
12. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer | 6:37 | | Live 1.02.2020 in Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
13. Daimonos | 5:38 | | Live 2.02.2020 in Lyon, France |
14. Wolves ov Siberia | 3:03 | | Live 4.02.2020 in Budapest, Hungary |
15. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer | 6:33 | | Live 6.02.2020 in Lódz, Poland |
16. Rom 5:8 | 4:40 | | Live 8.02.2020 in Stuttgart, Germany |
17. Daimonos | 5:36 | | Live 9.02.2020 in Munich, Germany |
18. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | 4:34 | | Live 11.02.2020 in Milan, Italy |
19. Rom 5:8 | 4:45 | | Live 12.02.2020 in Zurich, Switzerland |
20. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | 4:42 | | Live 14.02.2020 in Vienna, Austria |
21. Ov Fire and the Void | 4:41 | | Live 16.02.2020 in Hamburg, Germany |
22. Bartzabel | 5:12 | | Live 17.02.2020 in Berlin, Germany |
23. Chant for Eskhaton 2000 | 5:08 | | Live 18.02.2020 in Dortmund, Germany |
24. Daimonos | 5:41 | | Live 20.02.2020 in Copenhagen, Denmark |
25. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | 4:50 | | Live 21.02.2020 in Stockholm, Sweden |
26. Bartzabel | 5:20 | | Live 22.02.2020 in Oslo, Norway |
27. Chant for Eskhaton 2000 | 5:04 | | Live 24.02.2020 in Helsinki, Finland |
total time | 2:13:04 |

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#8 in the Live top 10 from all time!
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#8 in the Live top 10 from all time!
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A Forest (2020) |
1. A Forest (The Cure cover) | 5:48 | | feat. Niklas Kvarforth (Shining) |
2. A Forest (live) | 5:57 | | feat. Niklas Kvarforth (Shining) |
3. Shadows ov Ea Cast upon Golgotha | 4:17 |
4. Evoe | 3:13 |
total time | 19:15 |

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In Absentia Dei (2021) |
1. Evoe | 6:07 | | Live in Poland, September 2020 |
2. Wolves ov Siberia | 2:55 |
3. Prometherion | 3:30 |
4. From the Pagan Vastlands | 3:25 |
5. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel | 5:36 |
6. Antichristian Phenomenon | 5:28 |
7. Conquer All | 4:15 |
8. Lucifer | 8:49 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer | 7:50 |
2. Satan's Sword (I Have Become) | 6:08 |
3. Ov Fire and the Void | 5:21 |
4. Chwala Mordercom Wojciecha (997-1997 Dziesiec Wieków Hanby) | 4:48 |
5. As Above So Below | 6:16 |
6. Slaves Shall Serve | 3:33 |
7. Chant for Eskhaton 2000 | 5:38 |
8. Sculpting the Throne ov Seth | 6:56 |
9. Bartzabel | 5:03 |
10. Decade of Therion | 3:22 |
11. O Father O Satan O Sun! | 10:42 |
total time | 1:45:42 |

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#5 in the Live top 10 from 2021!
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#5 in the Live top 10 from 2021!
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Ov My Herculean Exile (digital) (2022) |
1. Ov My Herculean Exile | 4:43 |

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Opvs Contra Natvram (2022) |
1. Post-God Nirvana | 3:10 |
2. Malaria Vvlgata | 2:18 |
3. The Deathless Sun | 4:43 |
4. Ov My Herculean Exile | 4:43 |
5. Neo-Spartacvs | 4:18 |
6. Disinheritance | 4:22 |
7. Off to War! | 4:47 |
8. Once upon a Pale Horse | 4:16 |
9. Thy Becoming Eternal | 4:09 |
10. Versvs Christvs | 6:29 |
total time | 43:15 |

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#8 in User vote top 10 from 2022!
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#8 in User vote top 10 from 2022!
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The Deathless Sun (ep) (2023) |
1. The Deathless Sun | 4:43 |
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Chaotica - The Essence of the Underworld (1998) |
--- Disk One: Storms to Unleash --- |
1. The chant from the eastern lands | 5:35 |
2. The touch of nya | 0:50 |
3. From the pagan vastlands | 4:22 |
4. Hidden in a fog | 6:43 |
5. Ancient | 1:56 |
6. Enterning the faustian soul | 5:26 |
7. Forgotten cult of aldaron | 4:30 |
8. Wolves guard my coffin | 4:23 |
9. Hell dwells in ice | 5:43 |
10. The dark triumph | 4:40 |
11. Cursed angel of doom | 3:01 |
12. Transylvanian forest | 5:33 |
13. Moonspell rites | 5:58 |
14. Sventevith (storming near the baltic) | 6:05 |
15. Pure evil and hate | 3:05 |
16. Forgotten empire of dark witchcraft | 4:09 |
--- Disk Two: Thunders to Erupt --- |
1. Intro | 1:35 |
2. The dark forest (cast me your spell) | 7:06 |
3. Spellcraft and heathendom | 4:49 |
4. Dragon's lair | 5:55 |
5. Lasy pomorza | 6:25 |
6. Rising proudly towards the sky | 6:52 |
7. Thou shalt forever win | 6:37 |
8. Grom | 5:27 |
9. Total disaster | 4:35 |
10. Freezing moon | 6:04 |
11. With spell of inferno | 4:36 |
12. Hidden in a fog | 5:11 |
13. Sventevith (storming near the baltic) | 5:14 |
total time | 2:22:25 |

9.0 / 10 (40 votes)
1 review
9.0 / 10 (40 votes)
1 review
Wacken to the Lions |
1. Christians to the lions | 4:52 |
2. Decade of therion | 4:14 |
3. Antichristian phenomenon | 6:19 |
4. From the pagan vastlands | 3:53 |
5. The act of rebellion | 5:27 |
6. Pan satyros | 5:34 |
7. Satan's sword | 5:21 |
8. Lam | 5:24 |
9. Chant for eskhaton 2000 | 5:49 |
total time | 46:53 |
8.0 / 10 (7 votes)
2 reviews
8.0 / 10 (7 votes)
2 reviews
Live in Strasbourg |
1. Diableria (the great introduction) | 0:44 |
2. The thousand plagues I witness | 5:25 |
3. Satan's sword (I have become) | 4:48 |
4. From the pagan vastlands | 3:30 |
5. Driven by the five-winged star | 5:33 |
6. The entrance to the spheres of mars | 4:40 |
total time | 24:40 |
7.9 / 10 (10 votes)
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7.9 / 10 (10 votes)
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Pure Evil and Hate |
1. Into the black mess | 0:55 | | Endless Damnation Demo |
2. Cursed angel of doom | 3:23 |
3. Eternal blasphemy | 4:31 |
4. Temple of evil | 4:11 |
5. Endless damnation | 4:12 |
6. ...Of My Worship (Intro) | 1:01 | | The Return Of The Northern Moon Demo |
7. Summoning of the Ancient Gods | 8:06 |
8. Dark Triumph | 5:05 |
9. Monumentum | 2:59 |
10. Rise of the Blackstorm Devil | 7:57 |
11. Aggressor | 3:25 |
12. Thy winter kingdom | 5:23 | | Unreleased Studio Session 24.09.1993 |
13. The dance of the pagan flames | 5:10 |
14. Moonspell rites | 7:01 |
15. Black visions of the almighty | 6:46 |
16. Pure evil and hate | 3:20 |
17. The oak between the snows | 2:32 |
total time | 75:57 |
8.4 / 10 (9 votes)
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8.4 / 10 (9 votes)
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