Land of Frost (demo) (1988) |
1. Land of frost | 3:57 |
2. Winds triton | 1:53 |
3. Forest of darkness | 4:32 |
4. Odyssey of freedom | 3:26 |
5. Day of the dead | 5:23 |
total time | 19:11 |
6.8 / 10 (30 votes)
4 reviews
6.8 / 10 (30 votes)
4 reviews
A New Dimension (demo) (1988) |
1. Intro Twilight Dimension | 0:43 |
2. Snowfall | 9:04 |
total time | 9:47 |
7.6 / 10 (18 votes)
4 reviews
7.6 / 10 (18 votes)
4 reviews
7.3 / 10 (26 votes)
No reviews yet...
7.3 / 10 (26 votes)
No reviews yet...
Cromlech (demo) (1989) |
1. The watchtower | 5:03 |
2. Accumulation of generalization | 3:04 |
3. Sempiternal sepulchrality | 3:18 |
4. Iconoclasm sweeps cappadocia | 3:28 |
total time | 14:53 |
8.3 / 10 (22 votes)
1 review
8.3 / 10 (22 votes)
1 review
Thulcandra / Cromlech (demo) (1990) |
1. Eon / Thulcandra | 9:33 |
2. Archipelago | 4:53 |
3. The watchtower | 5:03 |
4. Accumulation of generalization | 3:04 |
5. Sempiternal past / Presence view sepulchrality | 6:46 |
total time | 29:19 |
7.1 / 10 (9 votes)
1 review
7.1 / 10 (9 votes)
1 review
Reh.tape-March 1990 (demo) (1990) |
1. Cromlech (Instrumental) |
2. Neptune towers (Instrumental) |
3. Soulside journey (Instrumental) |
7.1 / 10 (10 votes)
No reviews yet...
7.1 / 10 (10 votes)
No reviews yet...
Soulside Journey (1991) |
1. Cromlech | 4:11 |
2. Sunrise Over Locus Mortis | 3:30 |
3. Soulside Journey | 4:35 |
4. Accumulation of Generalization | 3:16 |
5. Neptune Towers | 3:13 |
6. Sempiternal Sepulchrality | 3:31 |
7. Grave With a View | 3:27 |
8. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia | 4:00 |
9. Nor the Silent Whispers | 3:17 |
10. The Watchtower | 4:57 |
11. Eon | 3:38 |
total time | 41:35 |
8.1 / 10 (150 votes)
11 reviews
8.1 / 10 (150 votes)
11 reviews
A Blaze in the Northern Sky (1992) |
1. Kathaarian life code | 10:36 |
2. In the shadow of the horns | 6:59 |
3. Paragon belial | 5:22 |
4. Where cold winds blow | 7:21 |
5. A blaze in the northern sky | 4:54 |
6. The pagan winter | 6:35 |
total time | 41:47 |

9.0 / 10 (306 votes)
#3 in User vote top 10 from 1992!
#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 1992!
27 reviews
9.0 / 10 (306 votes)
#3 in User vote top 10 from 1992!
#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 1992!
27 reviews
Under a Funeral Moon (1993) |
1. Natassja in eternal sleep | 3:33 |
2. Summer of the diabolical holocaust | 5:18 |
3. The dance of eternal shadows | 3:44 |
4. Unholy black metal | 3:30 |
5. To walk the infernal fields | 7:51 |
6. Under a funeral moon | 5:07 |
7. Inn i de dype skogers favn | 5:25 |
8. Crossing the triangle of flames | 6:13 |
total time | 40:41 |

9.2 / 10 (260 votes)
#3 in User vote top 10 from 1993!
21 reviews
9.2 / 10 (260 votes)
#3 in User vote top 10 from 1993!
21 reviews
Transilvanian Hunger (1994) |
1. Transilvanian Hunger | 6:08 |
2. Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner | 2:29 |
3. Skald Au Satans Sol | 4:27 |
4. Slottet I det Fjerne | 4:45 |
5. Graven Takeheimens Saler | 4:59 |
6. I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjod | 5:12 |
7. As Flittermice As Satans Spys | 5:55 |
8. En As I Dype Skogen | 5:02 |
total time | 38:57 |

9.0 / 10 (311 votes)
39 reviews
9.0 / 10 (311 votes)
39 reviews
Panzerfaust (1995) |
1. En vind av sorg | 6:21 |
2. Triumphant gleam | 4:24 |
3. The hordes of nebulah | 5:31 |
4. Hans siste vinter | 4:56 |
5. Beholding the throne of might | 6:06 |
6. Quintessence | 7:37 |
7. Snø og granskog (utferd) | 4:08 |
total time | 39:03 |
9.0 / 10 (218 votes)
13 reviews
9.0 / 10 (218 votes)
13 reviews
Under Beskyttelse Av Mørke (1995) |
1. Unholy Black Metal | 3:33 |
2. Under a Funeral Moon | 5:03 |
3. Crossing the Triangle of Flames | 5:55 |
total time | 14:31 |
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Total Death (1996) |
1. Earth's last picture | 5:12 |
2. Blackwinged | 4:31 |
3. Gather for attack on the pearly gates | 4:53 |
4. Black victory of death | 4:00 |
5. Magic desolate eye | 3:07 |
6. Blasphemer | 4:01 |
7. Ravnajuv | 4:20 |
8. The serpents harvest | 5:43 |
total time | 35:47 |

8.0 / 10 (105 votes)
12 reviews
8.0 / 10 (105 votes)
12 reviews
Goatlord (1996) |
1. Rex | 3:47 |
2. Pure Demoniac Blessing | 2:35 |
3. (The) Grimness of Which Shepherds Mourn | 4:22 |
4. Sadomasochistic Rites | 4:02 |
5. As Desertshadows | 4:41 |
6. In His Lovely Kingdom | 3:23 |
7. Black Daimon | 3:49 |
8. Toward(s) the Thornfields | 3:35 |
9. (Birth of Evil) Virgin Sin | 3:24 |
10. Green Cave Float | 4:01 |
total time | 37:39 |

7.4 / 10 (105 votes)
14 reviews
7.4 / 10 (105 votes)
14 reviews
Ravishing Grimness (1999) |
1. Lifeless | 5:42 |
2. The beast | 5:30 |
3. The claws of time | 7:03 |
4. Across the vacuum | 7:14 |
5. Ravishing grimness | 7:26 |
6. To the death (under the king) | 4:45 |
total time | 37:38 |

7.9 / 10 (115 votes)
8 reviews
7.9 / 10 (115 votes)
8 reviews
Preparing for War (2000) |
1. Transilvanian Hunger | 5:58 |
2. Snowfall | 9:03 |
3. Archipelago | 4:52 |
4. I En Hall Med Flesk Og Mjod | 5:04 |
5. The Pagan Winter | 6:34 |
6. Grave With A View | 3:27 |
7. Eon - Thulcandra (live) | 4:50 |
8. Soria Moria (live) | 3:42 |
9. Natassja In Eternal Sleep | 3:25 |
10. Cromlech | 4:08 |
11. In The Shadow Of The Horns | 6:56 |
12. Neptune Towers (live) | 3:27 |
13. Under A Funeral Moon | 4:56 |
14. Skald Av Satans Sol | 4:17 |
15. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia | 3:59 |
total time | 1:14:38 |

8.4 / 10 (43 votes)
#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2000!
6 reviews
8.4 / 10 (43 votes)
#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2000!
6 reviews
Plague Wielder (2001) |
1. Weakling avenger | 7:55 |
2. Raining murder | 5:14 |
3. Sin origin | 6:44 |
4. Command | 8:01 |
5. I, voidhanger | 5:38 |
6. Wreak | 9:15 |
total time | 42:47 |

7.7 / 10 (97 votes)
21 reviews
7.7 / 10 (97 votes)
21 reviews
Hate Them (2003) |
1. Rust | 6:45 |
2. Det Svartner Nå | 5:37 |
3. Fucked Up And Ready To Die | 3:44 |
4. Ytterst I Livet | 5:25 |
5. Divided We Stand | 5:18 |
6. Striving For A Piece Of Lucifer | 5:31 |
7. In Honour Of Thy Name | 6:27 |
total time | 38:47 |

8.5 / 10 (124 votes)
18 reviews
8.5 / 10 (124 votes)
18 reviews
Sardonic Wrath (2004) |
1. Order Of The Ominous | 2:32 |
2. Information Wants To Be Syndicated | 3:43 |
3. Sjakk Matt Jesu Krist | 4:03 |
4. Straightening Sharks In Heaven | 3:26 |
5. Alle Gegen Alle | 3:21 |
6. Man Tenker Sitt | 3:04 |
7. Sacrificing To The God Of Doubt | 4:33 |
8. Hate Is The Law | 3:21 |
9. Rawness Obsolete | 6:14 |
total time | 34:17 |

7.9 / 10 (96 votes)
15 reviews
7.9 / 10 (96 votes)
15 reviews
Too Old Too Cold (2005) |
1. Too Old Too Cold | 3:05 |
2. High On Cold War | 3:31 |
3. Love In A Void | 2:37 |
4. Graveyard Slut | 3:58 |
total time | 13:05 |

7.1 / 10 (24 votes)
1 review
7.1 / 10 (24 votes)
1 review
The Cult Is Alive (2006) |
1. The Cult of Goliath | 4:02 |
2. Too Old Too Cold | 3:04 |
3. Atomic Coming | 4:50 |
4. Graveyard Slut | 4:03 |
5. Underdogs and Overlords | 4:01 |
6. Whiskey Funeral | 3:59 |
7. De Underjordiske | 3:13 |
8. Tyster Pa Gud | 3:09 |
9. Shut Up | 4:45 |
10. Forebyggende Krig | 3:41 |
11. Too old too cold | | | bonus video |
total time | 38:47 |

7.5 / 10 (54 votes)
7 reviews
7.5 / 10 (54 votes)
7 reviews
Forebyggende Krig (EP) (2006) |
1. Forebyggende Krig | 3:41 |
2. Bad Attitude (Testors Cover) | 1:42 |
total time | 5:23 |
7.0 / 10 (7 votes)
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7.0 / 10 (7 votes)
No reviews yet...
F.O.A.D. (2007) |
1. These Shores Are Damned | 5:04 |
2. Canadian Metal | 4:44 |
3. The Church Of Real Metal | 4:36 |
4. The Banners Of Old | 4:40 |
5. F.O.A.D. | 3:52 |
6. Splitkein Fever | 4:45 |
7. Raised On Rock | 3:27 |
8. Pervertor Of The 7 Gates | 4:25 |
9. Wisdom Of The Dead | 4:43 |
total time | 40:16 |

5.3 / 10 (8 votes)
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5.3 / 10 (8 votes)
No reviews yet...
NWOBHM - New Wave of Black Heavy Metal (2007) |
1. Wisdom of the dead | 4:06 |
2. Canadian metal | 4:39 |
3. Hedninger fra helvete | 5:12 |
4. Bad attitude | 1:47 |
total time | 15:44 |
4.3 / 10 (6 votes)
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4.3 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
Dark Thrones and Black Flags (2008) |
1. The Winds They Called the Dungeon Shaker | 3:52 |
2. Oath Minus | 4:16 |
3. Hiking Metal Punks | 3:21 |
4. Blacksmith of the North | 3:13 |
5. Norway in September | 5:46 |
6. Grizzly Trade | 4:16 |
7. Hanging Out in Haiger | 3:22 |
8. Dark Thrones and Black Flags | 2:24 |
9. Launchpad to Nothingness | 4:31 |
10. Witch Ghetto | 3:56 |
total time | 38:57 |

6.9 / 10 (7 votes)
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6.9 / 10 (7 votes)
No reviews yet...
Frostland Tapes (2008) |
1. Land of Frost | 4:06 | | Land of Frost demo (1988) |
2. Winds of Triton | 1:56 |
3. Forest of Darkness | 4:41 |
4. Odyssey of Freedom | 3:32 |
5. Day of the Dead | 5:39 |
6. Twilight Dimension | 0:45 | | A New Dimension demo (1988) |
7. Snowfall | 9:04 |
8. Eon | 3:46 | | Thulcandra demo (1989) |
9. Thulcandra | 5:46 |
10. Archipelago | 4:42 |
11. Soria Moria | 3:42 | | Extra track |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. The Watchtower | 5:11 | | Cromlech demo (1989) |
2. Accumulation of Generalization | 3:09 |
3. Sempiternal Past / Presence View Sepulchrality | 3:21 |
4. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia | 3:59 |
5. Cromlech | 4:31 | | Live in Denmark (1991) |
6. Sunrise over Locus Mortis | 3:36 |
7. Soulside Journey | 4:59 |
8. Accumulation of Generalization | 3:26 |
9. Sempiternal Past / Presence View Sepulchrality | 3:56 |
10. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia | 4:28 |
11. Neptune Towers | 3:19 |
--- Disk Three --- |
1. Rex | 4:09 | | Goatlord instrumental demo (1991) |
2. Pure Demoniac Blessing | 2:48 |
3. The Grimness of Which Shepherds Mourn | 4:40 |
4. Sadomasochistic Rites | 4:19 |
5. As Desertshadows | 5:02 |
6. In His Lovely Kingdom | 3:33 |
7. Black Daimon | 2:15 |
8. Towards the Thornfields | 3:53 |
9. (Birth of Evil) Virgin Sin | 3:37 |
10. Green Cave Float | 4:08 |
11. A Blaze in the Northern Sky | 4:56 | | Extra tracks |
12. Fenriz Drum Solo | 2:34 |
total time | 2:11:02 |

6.8 / 10 (4 votes)
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6.8 / 10 (4 votes)
No reviews yet...
Circle The Wagons (2010) |
1. Those Treasures Will Never Befall You | 4:21 |
2. Running For Borders | 4:04 |
3. I Am The Graves Of The 80s | 3:07 |
4. Stylized Corpse | 7:33 |
5. Circle The Wagons | 2:47 |
6. Black Mountain Totem | 5:36 |
7. I Am The Working Class | 5:09 |
8. Eyes Burst At Dawn | 3:32 |
9. Bränn Inte Slottet | 4:37 |
total time | 40:46 |

7.0 / 10 (4 votes)
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7.0 / 10 (4 votes)
No reviews yet...
Sempiternal Past - The Darkthrone Demos (2011) |
1. Land Of Frost | 3:54 | | Land of Frost demo (1988) |
2. Winds Of Triton | 1:53 |
3. Forest Of Darkness | 4:33 |
4. Odyssey Of Freedom | 3:23 |
5. Day Of The Dead | 5:22 |
6. Intro | 0:47 | | A New Dimension demo (1988) |
7. Snowfall | 9:04 |
8. Eon | 3:50 | | Thulcandra demo (1989) |
9. Thulcandra | 5:54 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Archipelago | 4:59 |
2. The Watchtower | 5:12 | | Cromlech demo (1989) |
3. Accumulation Of Generalization | 3:09 |
4. Sempiternal Past / Presence View Sepulchrality | 3:22 |
5. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia | 3:57 |
6. Soria Moria | 3:43 | | Oslo TV (1989) |
7. Eon / Thulcandra | 4:53 |
8. God Of Disturbance And Friction | 3:42 | | Unreleased track |
total time | 1:11:37 |
8.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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8.0 / 10 (2 votes)
No reviews yet...
The Underground Resistance (2013) |
1. Dead Early | 4:49 |
2. Valkyrie | 5:14 |
3. Lesser Men | 4:55 |
4. The Ones You Left Behind | 4:16 |
5. Come Warfare, the Entire Doom | 8:38 |
6. Leave No Cross Unturned | 13:49 |
total time | 41:41 |
7.8 / 10 (4 votes)
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7.8 / 10 (4 votes)
No reviews yet...
Introducing Darkthrone (2013) |
1. Cromlech | 4:09 |
2. Green Cave Float | 4:02 |
3. In the Shadow of the Horns | 6:56 |
4. Inn i de dype skogers favn | 5:16 |
5. Skald av Satans sol | 4:18 |
6. Triumphant Gleam | 4:23 |
7. Blackwinged | 4:26 |
8. To the Death (Under the King) | 4:44 |
9. Command | 7:58 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Rust | 6:44 |
2. Sacrificing to the God of Doubt | 4:33 |
3. Too Old Too Cold | 2:59 |
4. Forebyggende Krig | 3:41 |
5. Canadian Metal | 4:40 |
6. The Winds They Called the Dungeon Shaker | 3:50 |
7. Witch Ghetto | 3:53 |
8. I Am the Graves of the 80s | 3:04 |
9. Circle the Wagons | 2:44 |
total time | 1:22:20 |

4.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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4.7 / 10 (3 votes)
No reviews yet...
Peaceville Presents Darkthrone (digital) (2013) |
1. In the Shadow of the Horns | 6:57 |
2. Inn I De Dype Skogens Fabn | 5:25 |
3. The Hordes of Nebulah | 5:33 |
4. Striving for a Piece of Lucifer | 5:30 |
5. Too Old Too Cold | 3:01 |
6. Lesser Men | 4:55 |
total time | 31:21 |
6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Black Death and Beyond (2014) |
--- Disk One: Black --- |
1. Kathaarian Life Code | 10:24 | | bonus |
2. In the Shadow of the Horns | 6:45 |
3. Inn I De Dype Skogers Favn | 5:09 |
4. Under a Funeral Moon | 4:51 |
5. Transilvanian Hunger | 5:54 | | bonus |
6. I en Hall Med Flesk og Mjod | 5:01 |
7. The Hordes of Nebulah | 5:31 |
8. Gather for Attack on the Pearly Gates | 4:45 | | bonus |
9. The Claws of Time | 6:49 |
10. Command | 7:44 | | bonus |
11. Rust | 6:04 | | bonus |
12. Fucked Up & Ready to Die | 3:39 |
13. Hate Is the Law | 3:16 |
14. The Cult of Goliath | 3:56 |
--- Disk Two: Death --- |
1. Snowfall | 8:57 |
2. The Watchtower (Cromlech demo version) | 5:11 | | bonus |
3. Sunrise over Locus Mortis | 3:24 |
4. Soulside Journey | 4:28 |
5. Neptune Towers | 3:09 |
6. Nor the Silent Whispers | 3:16 |
7. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia (NRK version) | 3:54 |
8. Sadomasochistic Rites | 3:57 |
9. In His Lovely Kingdom | 3:18 |
10. Black Daimon | 3:44 |
11. Green Cave Float | 4:02 | | bonus |
12. Paragon Belial | 5:16 |
13. A Blaze In the Northern Sky | 4:50 | | bonus |
--- Disk Three: Beyond --- |
1. Atomic Coming | 4:47 | | bonus |
2. Graveyard Slut | 3:55 |
3. Whiskey Funeral | 3:57 | | bonus |
4. Forebyggende Krig | 3:37 |
5. These Shores Are Damned | 4:53 |
6. The Banners of Old | 4:37 | | bonus |
7. Pervertor of the 7 Gates | 4:16 |
8. Wisdom of the Dead | 4:40 |
9. The Winds They Called the Dungeon Shaker | 3:47 |
10. Grizzly Trade | 4:09 |
11. Norway In September | 5:44 | | bonus |
12. Those Treasures Will Never Befall You | 4:12 |
13. Running For Borders | 4:02 | | bonus |
14. Stylized Corpse | 7:19 |
15. Dead Early | 4:48 | | bonus |
16. The Ones You Left Behind | 4:16 |
total time | 2:13:24 |

4.7 / 10 (3 votes)
No reviews yet...
4.7 / 10 (3 votes)
No reviews yet...
Arctic Thunder (2016) |
1. Tundra Leach | 5:02 |
2. Burial Bliss | 4:59 |
3. Boreal Fiends | 5:50 |
4. Inbred Vermin | 5:49 |
5. Arctic Thunder | 4:41 |
6. Throw Me Through the Marshes | 5:00 |
7. Deep Lake Tresspass | 4:48 |
8. The Wyoming Distance | 3:12 |
--- Bonus tape: 2 Track Promo --- |
1. Boreal Fiends |
2. Inbred Vermin |
total time | 39:21 |

8.0 / 10 (3 votes)
No reviews yet...
8.0 / 10 (3 votes)
No reviews yet...
The Wind of 666 Black Hearts (2016) |
1. A Blaze In The Northern Sky | 4:55 |
2. Kathaarian Life Code | 9:11 |
3. The Pagan Winter | 5:21 |
4. Where Cold Winds Blow | 7:36 |
5. In The Shadow Of The Horns | 6:45 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Summer Of The Diabolical Holocaust | 5:15 |
2. Crossing The Triangle Of Flames | 5:55 |
3. Under A Funeral Moon | 5:08 |
4. The Dance Of Eternal Shadows | 4:25 |
5. Unholy Black Metal | 3:38 |
total time | 58:09 |
6.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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6.5 / 10 (2 votes)
No reviews yet...
Burial Bliss / Visual Aggression (ep) (2017) |
1. Burial Bliss (Raw Master Version) | 5:05 |
2. Visual Aggression (Celtic Frost cover) | 3:19 |
total time | 8:24 |
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
The Hardship of the Scots (digital) (2019) |
1. The Hardship of the Scots | 7:35 |
9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Old Star (2019) |
1. I Muffle Your Inner Choir | 6:26 |
2. The Hardship of the Scots | 7:36 |
3. Old Star | 4:28 |
4. Alp Man | 5:27 |
5. Duke of Gloat | 6:49 |
6. The Key Is Inside the Wall | 7:24 |
total time | 38:10 |

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#5 in User vote top 10 from 2019!
No reviews yet...
9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#5 in User vote top 10 from 2019!
No reviews yet...
Shadows of Iconoclasm (2021) |
1. Land of Frost tape | 19:11 |
2. A New Dimension tape | 9:47 |
3. Thulcandra tape | 14:26 |
4. Cromlech tape | 11:25 |
5. Soulside Journey lp | 41:07 |
6. Goatlord lp |
7. Live in Esbjerg, Denmark 1990 lp |
8. Live in Oslo, Norway, November 1990 lp |
9. Live in Riihimaki, Finland, 1991 lp |
10. Live in Lahti, Finland, 1991 lp |
--- ep --- |
1. Visual Aggression |
2. Soria Moria |
3. Eon / Thulcandra |
--- DVD --- |
1. Live in Oslo, November 1990 |
2. Live in Riihimaki, Finland, 1991 |
3. Live in Lahti, Finland, 1991 |
4. Extras |
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Hate Cloak (digital) (2021) |
1. Hate Cloak | 9:16 |
9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 2021!
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 2021!
No reviews yet...
Eternal Hails... (2021) |
1. His Master's Voice | 7:17 |
2. Hate Cloak | 9:16 |
3. Wake of the Awakened | 8:24 |
4. Voyage to a North Pole Adrift | 10:01 |
5. Lost Arcane City of Uppakra | 7:02 |
total time | 42:00 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#8 in User vote top 10 from 2021!
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#8 in User vote top 10 from 2021!
No reviews yet...
Caravan of Broken Ghosts (2022) |
1. Caravan of Broken Ghosts | 7:53 |

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#9 in User vote top 10 from the twenties!
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#9 in User vote top 10 from the twenties!
No reviews yet...
Astral Fortress (2022) |
1. Caravan of Broken Ghosts | 7:53 |
2. Impeccable Caverns of Satan | 5:34 |
3. Stalagmite Necklace | 5:22 |
4. The Sea Beneath the Seas of the Sea | 10:10 |
5. Kevorkian Times | 4:27 |
6. Kolbotn, West of the Vast Forests | 1:54 |
7. Eon 2 | 4:40 |
total time | 40:00 |

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#10 in User vote top 10 from the twenties!
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#10 in User vote top 10 from the twenties!
No reviews yet...
Goatlord: Original (2023) |
1. Phantasm | 4:09 | | rehearsal 1990-1991 |
2. Hearses | 2:46 |
3. Possessed | 4:37 |
4. Below | 4:03 |
5. Blasphemer | 4:56 |
6. Rise | 3:55 |
7. Eclipse | 3:51 |
8. Wings | 3:50 |
9. Wolf | 3:47 |
10. A Blaze in the Northern Sky | 4:48 |
11. Trident | 4:06 |
total time | 44:48 |
No votes yet...
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No votes yet...
No reviews yet...
Unholy Black Metal (2023) |
1. A Blaze in the Northern Sky tape | 42:05 |
2. Under a Funeral Moon tape | 40:41 |
3. Transilvanian Hunger tape | 39:04 |
4. Panzerfaust tape | 39:03 |
5. The Wind of 666 Black Hearts tape | 58:09 |
total time | 3:39:02 |
No votes yet...
No reviews yet...
No votes yet...
No reviews yet...
Thulcandra (2023) |
1. Land of Frost | 3:57 | | Land of Frost demo |
2. Winds of Triton | 1:53 |
3. Forest of Darkness | 4:32 |
4. Odyssey of Freedom | 3:26 |
5. Day of The Dead | 5:23 |
6. Intro: Twilight Dimension | 0:43 | | A New Dimension demo |
7. Snowfall | 9:04 |
8. Eon | 3:45 | | Thulcandra demo |
9. Thulcandra | 5:48 |
10. Archipelago | 4:53 |
total time | 43:24 |

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Black Dawn Affiliation (digital) (2024) |
1. Black Dawn Affiliation | 6:11 |
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It Beckons Us All... (2024) |
1. Howling Primitive Colonies | 6:30 |
2. Eon 3 | 5:43 |
3. Black Dawn Affiliation | 6:11 |
4. And in That Moment I Knew the Answer | 3:17 |
5. The Bird People of Nordland | 7:27 |
6. The Heavy Hand | 4:18 |
7. The Lone Pines of the Lost Planet | 10:03 |
total time | 43:29 |
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In the Shadow of the Horns (ep) (1992) |
1. Blackwinged |
2. In the Shadow of the Horns |
6.9 / 10 (9 votes)
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6.9 / 10 (9 votes)
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A Night of Unholy Black Metal (1996) |
1. Intro | 0:47 | | Oslo, Norway - April 6th 1996 |
2. Under a Funeral Moon | 5:16 |
3. Blackwinged | 5:23 |
4. Transilvanian Hunger | 7:48 |
5. In the Shadow of the Horns | 5:16 |
6. Paragon Belial | 5:25 | | Finland - May 4th 1991 |
7. A Blaze in the Northern Sky | 4:57 |
8. Life (unreleased) | 3:47 |
9. Untitled (unreleased) | 4:05 |
10. Under a Funeral Moon | 5:15 | | Rehersal 1992 |
11. Unholy Black Metal | 3:41 |
12. Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust | 5:24 |
total time | 57:04 |
7.8 / 10 (20 votes)
6 reviews
7.8 / 10 (20 votes)
6 reviews
The Roots of Evilness Live (1997) |
1. Cromlech | 4:50 | | Live in Esberg, Denamrk 8/6/90 |
2. Sunrise Over Locus Mortis | 3:42 |
3. Soulside Journey | 5:00 |
4. Accumulation of Generalization | 3:48 |
5. Sempiternal Past/Prescence View Sepulchrality | 4:06 |
6. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia | 4:36 |
7. Neptune Towers | 3:42 |
8. Dismissal | 0:34 |
9. Eon/Thulcandra | 9:34 | | Thulcandra Demo '88 |
10. Archipelago | 4:53 |
11. Kathaarian Life Code | 8:59 | | Live in Norway '92 |
total time | 53:44 |
7.1 / 10 (18 votes)
2 reviews
7.1 / 10 (18 votes)
2 reviews
The True Legends in Black (2000) |
1. Eon / Thulcandra | 9:28 | | Darkthrone Thulcandra demo |
2. Archipelago | 4:49 |
3. Silvester anfang | 1:58 | | Mayhem Deathcrush demo |
4. Deathcrush | 3:30 |
5. Witching hour (Venom cover) | 1:48 |
6. Necrolust | 2:33 |
7. Manheim | 2:58 |
8. Outro | 1:14 |
total time | 28:18 |
7.7 / 10 (22 votes)
6 reviews
7.7 / 10 (22 votes)
6 reviews
Unholy Black Metal Rehearsal |
1. Unholy black metal | 3:39 |
2. Summer of diabolical holocaust | 5:27 |
3. Crossing the triangle of flames | 6:01 |
4. Natassja in eternal sleep | 4:18 |
total time | 19:25 |
9.3 / 10 (3 votes)
1 review
9.3 / 10 (3 votes)
1 review
Evil Past |
1. Eon | 3:44 | | Thulcandra demo |
2. Thulcandra | 5:50 |
3. Archipelago | 4:52 |
4. Land of frost | 3:44 | | Land of Frost demo |
5. Winds triton | 1:52 |
6. Forest of darkness | 4:28 |
7. Odyssey of freedom | 3:19 |
8. Day of the dead | 5:13 |
9. Snowfall | 5:12 | | New dimension demo |
total time | 38:14 |
9.1 / 10 (15 votes)
2 reviews
9.1 / 10 (15 votes)
2 reviews
Crossing the Triangle of Flames (1992) |
1. Under a funeral moon |
2. Unholy black metal |
8.2 / 10 (9 votes)
1 review
8.2 / 10 (9 votes)
1 review
Demo LP |
1. Land of frost | | | Land of Frost demo |
2. Winds of Triton |
3. Forest of darkness |
4. Odyssey of freedom |
5. Day of the dead |
6. God of disturbance and fiction | | | (Rehearsal track) |
7. Eon / Thulcandra | | | Thulcandra demo |
8. Archipelago |
9. The watchtower | | | Cromlech demo |
10. Accumulation of generalization |
11. Sempiternal past / Present view sepulchrality |
9.3 / 10 (6 votes)
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9.3 / 10 (6 votes)
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Return to Ultima Thule |
1. Eon \ Thulcandra | | | Thulcandra demo |
2. Archipelago |
3. Snowfall | | | New Dimension demo 1988 |
4. Life |
5. Untitled live songs (Finland 1991) |
8.2 / 10 (6 votes)
1 review
8.2 / 10 (6 votes)
1 review
Live from the Past |
1. Eon/Thulcandra | | | Live '89 Norway |
2. Soria Moria |
3. Cromlech | | | Live '90 Denmark |
4. Sunrise Over... |
5. Soulside Journey |
6. Accumulation of Generalization |
7. Sempiternal Past |
8. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadicua |
9. Neptune Towers |
10. Dissmisal |
11. Green Cave Float | | | Live '91 Finland |
12. A Blaze In The Northern Sky |
13. Intro | | | Live '96 Norway |
14. Under A Funeral Moon |
15. Blackwinged |
16. Transylvanian Hunger |
17. In The Shadow Of The Past |
8.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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8.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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