Death By Metal (demo) (1983) |
1. Legion of doom | 3:27 |
2. Mantas | | | (only on Mantas version) |
3. Evil dead | 3:00 |
4. Beyond the unholy grave | 3:01 | | (only on Death version) |
5. Power of darkness | 2:22 |
6. Dead by metal | 2:05 |
total time | 13:55 |
8.9 / 10 (28 votes)
1 review
8.9 / 10 (28 votes)
1 review
Reign Of Terror - Demo II (demo) (1984) |
1. Corpse Grinder | 2:55 |
2. Summon to Die | 2:26 |
3. Zombie | 3:03 |
4. Witch of Hell | 2:44 |
5. Reign of Terror | 2:15 |
6. Slaughterhouse | 2:23 |
total time | 13:39 |
8.4 / 10 (14 votes)
1 review
8.4 / 10 (14 votes)
1 review
Live 11/9/84 (demo) (1984) |
1. Mantas | 3:49 |
2. Summoned to Die | 2:50 |
3. Evil Dead | 3:46 |
4. Beyond the Unholy Grave | 3:43 |
5. Reign of Terror | 2:46 |
6. Power of Darkness | 3:47 |
7. Poison | 4:02 | | Venom cover |
8. Corpse Grinder | 4:12 |
9. Legion of Doom | 3:27 |
10. Zombie | 4:22 |
11. Witch of Hell | 2:51 |
12. Slaughterhouse | 3:23 |
13. Death by Metal | 2:23 |
total time | 45:21 |
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Infernal Death (demo) (1985) |
1. Infernal Death | 2:46 |
2. Baptized in Blood | 4:23 |
3. Arch Angel | 3:00 |
total time | 10:09 |
8.7 / 10 (13 votes)
1 review
8.7 / 10 (13 votes)
1 review
Rigor Mortis (demo) (1985) |
1. Rigor Mortis | 4:27 |
2. Rigor Mortis (Rough Mix) | 4:30 |
total time | 8:57 |
6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Back from the Dead (demo) (1985) |
1. Intro (Theme from Alfred Hitchcock Presents) | 0:33 |
2. Back from the Dead | 3:01 |
3. Mutilation | 2:28 |
4. Skill To Kill | 2:27 |
5. Legion of Doom | 3:09 |
6. Beyond the Unholy Grave | 3:10 |
7. Baptized in Blood | 3:39 |
total time | 18:27 |
8.7 / 10 (15 votes)
3 reviews
8.7 / 10 (15 votes)
3 reviews
Infernal Live (demo) (1985) |
1. Intro | 0:15 | | Live at Ruby's Pub in Tampa, Florida on December 30th, 1984 |
2. Infernal Death | 3:17 |
3. Summoed to Die | 2:04 |
4. Evil Dead | 3:26 |
5. Beyond the unholy Grave | 3:12 |
6. Reign of terror | 2:13 |
7. Power of Darkness | 2:39 |
8. Slaughterhouse | 2:43 |
9. Legion of Doom | 3:33 |
10. Curse of the Priest | 2:59 |
11. Witch of Hell | 2:33 |
12. Archangel | 3:30 |
13. Death by Metal | 5:31 |
14. Corpsegrinder | 3:34 |
total time | 41:29 |

8.1 / 10 (9 votes)
2 reviews
8.1 / 10 (9 votes)
2 reviews
Live 11/27/85 (demo) (1985) |
1. Back from the Dead | 3:02 |
2. Reign of Death | 2:25 |
3. Legion of Doom | 3:39 |
4. Infernal Death | 2:46 |
5. Archangel | 3:20 |
6. Corpsegrinder | 6:18 |
7. Skill to Kill | 2:28 |
8. Baptized in Blood | 4:47 |
total time | 28:45 |
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Rehearsal 28/3/86 (demo) (1986) |
1. Fuck Off Death |
2. Land Of No Return |
3. Zombie Ritual |
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No votes yet...
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Mutilation (demo) (1986) |
1. Land of No Return | 2:48 |
2. Zombie Ritual | 4:22 |
3. Mutilation | 3:14 |
total time | 10:24 |

8.4 / 10 (11 votes)
1 review
8.4 / 10 (11 votes)
1 review
Scream Bloody Gore (1987) |
1. Infernal death | 2:54 |
2. Zombie ritual | 4:35 |
3. Denial of life | 3:37 |
4. Sacrifical | 3:43 |
5. Mutilation | 3:30 |
6. Regurgitated guts | 3:47 |
7. Baptized in blood | 4:31 |
8. Torn to pieces | 3:38 |
9. Evil dead | 3:01 |
10. Scream bloody gore | 4:35 |
11. Beyond the unholy grave | 3:08 |
12. Land of no return | 3:00 |
total time | 43:59 |
8.7 / 10 (169 votes)
12 reviews
8.7 / 10 (169 votes)
12 reviews
Leprosy (1988) |
1. Leprosy | 6:20 |
2. Born dead | 3:27 |
3. Forgotten past | 4:36 |
4. Left to die | 4:38 |
5. Pull the plug | 4:27 |
6. Open casket | 4:56 |
7. Primitive ways | 4:33 |
8. Choke on it | 5:54 |
total time | 38:51 |

8.7 / 10 (166 votes)
#8 in Zenial's top 10 from the eighties!
7 reviews
8.7 / 10 (166 votes)
#8 in Zenial's top 10 from the eighties!
7 reviews
Spiritual Healing (1990) |
1. Living monstrosity | 5:07 |
2. Altering the future | 5:34 |
3. Defensive personalities | 4:45 |
4. Within the mind | 5:34 |
5. Spiritual Healing | 7:44 |
6. Low life | 5:23 |
7. Genetic reconstruction | 4:52 |
8. Killing spree | 4:16 |
total time | 43:15 |

8.2 / 10 (160 votes)
10 reviews
8.2 / 10 (160 votes)
10 reviews
Human (1991) |
1. Flattening of emotions | 4:28 |
2. Suicide machine | 4:19 |
3. Together as one | 4:06 |
4. Secret face | 4:36 |
5. Lack of comprehension | 3:39 |
6. See through dreams | 4:26 |
7. Cosmic sea | 4:23 |
8. Vacant planets | 3:48 |
9. God of thunder | 3:56 | | japanese bonus |
total time | 34:02 | | (japanese 37:58) |

9.2 / 10 (212 votes)
#1 in User vote top 10 from 1991!
#4 in Zenial's top 10 from 1991!
18 reviews
9.2 / 10 (212 votes)
#1 in User vote top 10 from 1991!
#4 in Zenial's top 10 from 1991!
18 reviews
Fate - The Best of Death (1992) |
1. Zombie ritual | 4:33 |
2. Together as one | 4:08 |
3. Open casket | 4:57 |
4. Spiritual healing | 7:45 |
5. Mutilation | 3:28 |
6. Suicide machine | 4:22 |
7. Altering the future | 5:36 |
8. Baptized in blood | 4:29 |
9. Left to die | 4:39 |
10. Pull the plug | 4:26 |
total time | 48:23 |
5.5 / 10 (35 votes)
#5 in the Compilation top 10 from 1992!
2 reviews
5.5 / 10 (35 votes)
#5 in the Compilation top 10 from 1992!
2 reviews
Individual Thought Patterns (1993) |
1. Overactive imagination | 3:28 |
2. In human form | 3:55 |
3. Jealousy | 3:39 |
4. Trapped in a corner | 4:11 |
5. Nothing is everything | 3:16 |
6. Mentally blind | 4:45 |
7. Individual thought patterns | 4:00 |
8. Destiny | 4:04 |
9. Out of touch | 4:19 |
10. The philosopher | 4:10 |
total time | 39:57 |

9.2 / 10 (203 votes)
#4 in User vote top 10 from 1993!
12 reviews
9.2 / 10 (203 votes)
#4 in User vote top 10 from 1993!
12 reviews
Symbolic (1995) |
1. Symbolic | 6:32 |
2. Zero tolerance | 4:48 |
3. Empty words | 6:22 |
4. Sacred serenity | 4:27 |
5. 1,000 eyes | 4:28 |
6. Without judgement | 5:28 |
7. Crystal mountain | 5:07 |
8. Misanthrope | 5:03 |
9. Perennial quest | 8:21 |
total time | 50:36 |

9.4 / 10 (269 votes)
#4 in User vote top 10 from 1995!
18 reviews
9.4 / 10 (269 votes)
#4 in User vote top 10 from 1995!
18 reviews
The Sound of Perseverance (1998) |
1. Scavenger of human sorrow | 6:54 |
2. Bite the pain | 4:29 |
3. Spirit crusher | 6:44 |
4. Story to tell | 6:34 |
5. Flesh and the power it holds | 8:25 |
6. Voice of the soul | 3:42 |
7. To forgive is to suffer | 5:55 |
8. A moment of clarity | 7:22 |
9. Painkiller | 6:03 |
total time | 56:08 |

8.5 / 10 (260 votes)
19 reviews
8.5 / 10 (260 votes)
19 reviews
Picture Disc boxset (1999) |
1. Scream Bloody Gore picture lp | 43:59 |
2. Leprosy picture lp | 38:51 |
3. Spiritual Healing picture lp | 43:15 |
4. Human picture lp | 34:02 |
5. Individual Thought Patterns picture lp | 39:57 |
total time | 3:20:04 |
9.1 / 10 (13 votes)
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9.1 / 10 (13 votes)
No reviews yet...
Live in Eindhoven '98 (2001) |
1. The philosopher | 4:19 | | Live '98 |
2. Trapped in a corner | 4:38 |
3. Crystal mountain | 4:59 |
4. Suicide machine | 4:18 |
5. Together as one | 4:03 |
6. Zero tolerance | 4:48 |
7. Lack of comprehension | 3:43 |
8. Flesh and the power it holds | 8:37 |
9. Flattening of emotions | 4:24 |
10. Spirit crusher | 6:54 |
11. Pull the plug | 5:18 |
total time | 56:01 |
8.2 / 10 (23 votes)
#7 in the Live top 10 from 2001!
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8.2 / 10 (23 votes)
#7 in the Live top 10 from 2001!
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Live in L.A. (Death & Raw) (2001) |
1. The philosopher | 3:52 | | Live at Whisky A Go-Go in Los Angeles, California, December 5, 1998 |
2. Spirit crusher | 6:26 |
3. Trapped in a corner | 4:25 |
4. Scavenger of human sorrow p1 | 2:48 |
5. Scavenger of human sorrow p2 | 3:51 |
6. Crystal mountain | 4:47 |
7. Flesh and the power it holds | 8:01 |
8. Zero tolerance | 5:00 |
9. Zombie ritual | 4:41 |
10. Suicide machine | 4:14 |
11. Together as one | 4:11 |
12. Empty words | 7:03 |
13. Symbolic | 6:16 |
14. Pull the plug | 6:22 |
total time | 71:57 |
8.6 / 10 (60 votes)
#6 in the Live top 10 from 2001!
2 reviews
8.6 / 10 (60 votes)
#6 in the Live top 10 from 2001!
2 reviews
Chuck Schuldiner: Zero Tolerance (2004) |
1. Control Denied Track 1 | 8:57 | | New Control Denied songs |
2. Control Denied Track 2 | 6:57 |
3. Control Denied Track 3 | 7:33 |
4. Control Denied Track 4 | 7:09 |
5. Infernal Death | 3:01 | | Infernal Death demo 1985 |
6. Baptized in Blood | 4:47 |
7. Archangel | 3:21 |
8. Land of No Return | 3:09 | | Mutilation demo 1986 |
9. Zombie Ritual | 4:49 |
10. Mutilation | 3:36 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Legion of Doom | 3:34 | | Death By Metal demo 1984 |
2. Evil Dead | 3:11 |
3. Beyond the Unholy Grave | 3:14 |
4. Power of Darkness | 2:29 |
5. Death by Metal | 2:16 |
6. Corpse Grinder | 2:55 | | Reign Of Terror demo 1985 |
7. Summon to Die | 2:26 |
8. Zombie | 3:03 |
9. Witch of Hell | 2:44 |
10. Reign of Terror | 2:15 |
11. Slaughterhouse | 2:25 |
12. Living Monstrosity | 4:10 | | Live After Dark Club, Texas 1990 |
13. Pull the Plug | 4:27 |
14. Zombie Ritual | 4:33 |
15. Altering the Future | 5:36 |
16. Left to Die | 4:38 |
17. Spiritual Healing | 7:45 |
18. Defensive Personalities | 4:46 |
19. Mutilation | 3:30 |
total time | 2:03:16 |

8.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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8.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Live in Cottbus '98 (video) (2005) |
1. The Philosopher | 2:46 |
2. Spirit Crusher | 6:43 |
3. Trapped in a Corner | 4:30 |
4. Scavenger of Human Sorrow | 6:54 |
5. Together as One | 3:11 |
6. Flesh and the Power It Holds | 7:35 |
7. Drum Solo | 2:16 |
8. Flattening of Emotions | 4:11 |
9. Symbolic | 6:19 |
10. Pull the Plug | 5:49 |
total time | 50:14 |
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
No reviews yet...
Vivus! (2012) |
1. Death & Raw - Live in L.A. cd | 71:57 |
2. Live in Eindhoven cd | 56:01 |
total time | 2:07:58 |

7.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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7.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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Non:Analog - On:Stage Series (digital) (2020) |
--- Disk One: Live Montreal 06-22-1995 --- |
1. Spiritual Healing | 8:13 |
2. The Philosopher | 5:03 |
3. Suicide Machine | 5:53 |
4. Crystal Mountain | 5:34 |
5. Jealousy | 4:44 |
6. Zero Tolerance | 5:01 |
7. Lack of Comprehension | 5:04 |
8. 1,000 Eyes | 6:07 |
9. Empty Words | 7:20 |
10. Symbolic | 8:55 |
11. Pull the Plug | 6:38 |
--- Disk Two: Live Chicago, IL 01-21-1988 --- |
1. Regurgitated Guts | 3:28 |
2. Torn to Pieces | 3:50 |
3. Denial of Life | 5:01 |
4. Left to Die | 5:04 |
5. Zombie Ritual | 5:21 |
6. Sacrificial | 7:03 |
7. Mutilation | 3:14 |
8. Open Casket | 5:31 |
9. Land of No Return | 3:38 |
--- Disk Three: Live Tijuana 10-06-1990 --- |
1. Mutilation | 4:02 |
2. Living Monstrosity | 5:45 |
3. Within the Mind | 5:43 |
4. Zombie Ritual | 5:19 |
5. Left to Die | 5:07 |
6. Pull the Plug | 5:06 |
7. Altering the Future | 6:17 |
8. Denial of Life | 4:02 |
9. Defensive Personalities | 5:11 |
10. Infernal Death | 3:50 |
--- Disk Four: Live Showcase Theater, CA 07-14-1995 --- |
1. Spiritual Healing | 8:10 |
2. The Philosopher | 5:07 |
3. Suicide Machine | 4:55 |
4. Crystal Mountain | 6:19 |
5. Jealousy | 4:59 |
6. Zero Tolerance | 5:39 |
7. Lack Of Comprehension | 5:30 |
8. 1,000 Eyes | 5:33 |
9. Open Casket | 6:03 |
10. Symbolic | 7:05 |
11. Pull The Plug | 7:11 |
--- Disk Five: Live 1990, 1991 Unknown --- |
1. Land of No Return | 4:46 |
2. Left to Die | 4:37 |
3. Flattening of Emotions | 5:51 |
4. Zombie Ritual | 5:37 |
5. Together as One | 4:45 |
6. Within the Mind | 6:12 |
7. Living Monstrosity | 5:21 |
8. Denial of Life | 4:02 |
--- Disk Six: Tampa, FL 02-10-1989 --- |
1. Torn To Pieces | 2:19 |
2. Denial Of Life | 4:39 |
3. Regurgitated Guts | 3:52 |
4. Open Casket | 5:19 |
5. Zombie Ritual | 4:50 |
6. Sacrificial | 7:22 |
7. Left To Die | 5:13 |
8. Land Of No Return | 3:36 |
9. Choke On It | 5:40 |
10. Scream Bloody Gore | 5:14 |
--- Disk Seven: Belgium 12-23-1991 --- |
1. Suicide Machine | 4:29 |
2. Left to Die | 4:53 |
3. Flattening of Emotions | 5:41 |
4. Zombie Ritual | 5:25 |
5. Together as One | 4:51 |
6. Within the Mind | 6:28 |
7. Lack of Comprehension | 4:22 |
8. Living Monstrosity | 6:04 |
9. Denial of Life | 5:16 |
--- Disk Eight: Detroit, MI 1993 --- |
1. Leprosy | 6:48 |
2. The Philosopher | 5:29 |
3. Suicide Machine | 5:43 |
4. In Human Form | 5:31 |
5. Living Monstrosity | 6:08 |
6. Overactive Imagination | 4:36 |
7. Lack Of Comprehension | 5:02 |
8. Jealousy | 5:13 |
9. Within The Mind | 7:08 |
10. Flattening Of Emotions | 5:31 |
11. Zombie Ritual | 2:45 |
--- Disk Nine: New Rochelle, NY 12-03-1988 --- |
1. Leprosy | 6:55 |
2. Open Casket | 5:33 |
3. Zombie Ritual | 4:49 |
4. Pull the Plug | 5:10 |
5. Left to Die | 5:37 |
6. Forgotten Past | 5:32 |
7. Denial of Life | 4:09 |
8. Born Dead | 4:09 |
9. Primitive Ways | 5:41 |
10. Choke on It | 8:54 |
11. Infernal Death | 4:10 |
3.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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3.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Live "Resi" 26.02.1992 (2023) |
1. Live "Resi" 26.02.1992 |
No votes yet...
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No votes yet...
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Not Forgotten Past (1988) |
1. Leprosy | | | Live Pittsburgh 15.12.88 |
2. Open casket |
3. Zombie Ritual |
4. Pull the Plug |
5. Mutilation |
6. Born dead |
7. Forgotten past |
8. Denial of life |
9. Primitive ways |
10. Choke on it |
11. Infernal death |
12. Left to die | | | "Leprosy" rehearsal Dec 87 |
13. Open casket |
14. Pull the plug |
15. Choke on it |
16. Born dead |
8.3 / 10 (6 votes)
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8.3 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
Infernal Death 1985 |
1. Infernal Death | | | "Infernal Death" 1985 |
2. Baptized in Blood |
3. Arch Angel |
4. Intro | | | "Back from the Dead" 1986 |
5. Back from the dead |
6. Mutilation |
7. Reign of Death |
8. Beyond the unholy Grave |
9. Baptized in Blood |
10. Legion of Doom |
11. Skill to kill |
12. Fuck of Death | | | Slaughter with Evil Chuck Vocals 1985 |
13. Land of no return | | | Rehearsal 28.3.86 |
14. Zombie Ritual |
9.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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9.3 / 10 (4 votes)
No reviews yet...
Back From the Dead |
1. Intro + Back From the Dead | 3:34 | | Back From the Dead |
2. Mutilation |
3. Skill to Kill |
4. Beyond the Holy Grave |
5. Baptized in Blood |
6. Legion of Doom |
7. Corpsegrinder | | | Reign of Terror |
8. Summon to Die |
9. Zombie Attack (Instrumental) |
10. Witch of Hell |
11. Reign of Terror |
12. Slaughterhouse |
13. Infernal Death | | | Blood Curse |
14. Baptized in Blood |
15. Arch Angel |
16. Rigor Mortis |
17. Torn to Pieces | | | Violence and Death |
18. Evil Dead |
9.6 / 10 (5 votes)
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9.6 / 10 (5 votes)
No reviews yet...
Spiritual Mutilation (1990) |
1. Pull the Plug |
2. Zombie Rittual |
3. Genetic Reconstruction |
4. Open Casket |
5. Altering the Future |
6. Denial of Life |
7. Within the Mind |
8. Left to Die |
9. Mutilation - Infernal Death |
8.0 / 10 (6 votes)
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8.0 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
Baptized in Blood (1991) |
1. Intro | 1:33 |
2. Suicide machine, left to die | 10:04 |
3. Flattening of emotions | 4:57 |
4. Zombie ritual | 5:12 |
5. Together as one | 4:52 |
6. Within the mind | 6:05 |
7. Lack of comprehension | 4:18 |
8. Living monstrosity | 5:08 |
total time | 42:09 |
8.4 / 10 (5 votes)
1 review
8.4 / 10 (5 votes)
1 review
Symphonic Technicalogy (1995) |
1. Spiritual Healing |
2. The Philosopher |
3. Suicide Machine |
4. Crystal Mountain |
5. Jealousy |
6. Zero tolerance |
7. Lack of comprehension |
8. Flattening of emotions |
9. Empty Words |
10. Open Casket |
11. Symbolic |
12. Zombie ritual |
13. Pull the plug |
9.4 / 10 (5 votes)
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9.4 / 10 (5 votes)
No reviews yet...
Baptized in Gore |
1. Spiritual Healing |
2. The Philosopher |
3. Suicide Mashine |
4. Crystal Mountain |
5. Jealousy |
6. Zero Tolerance |
7. Lack of Comprehension |
8. Flattening of Emotions |
9. Empty Words |
10. Open Casket |
11. Symbolic |
12. Zombie Ritual |
13. Pull the Plug |
9.5 / 10 (4 votes)
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9.5 / 10 (4 votes)
No reviews yet...
Demos |
1. Legion Of Doom | | | Death By Metal - demo &+1 |
2. Evil Dead |
3. Beyond The Unholy Grave |
4. Power Of Darkness |
5. Death By Metal |
6. Corpse Grinder | | | Reign of Terror - demo &+2 |
7. Summon To Die |
8. Zombie |
9. Witch Of Hell |
10. Reign Of Terror |
11. Slaughterhouse |
12. Poison (Venom) | | | Rehearsal 1984 |
13. Death By Metal |
14. Evil Dead |
15. Zombie |
16. Black Magic (Slayer) | | | Rehearsal july 1984 |
17. Demon Flight |
9.5 / 10 (8 votes)
1 review
9.5 / 10 (8 votes)
1 review
Death Was Good for You |
1. Infernal death | | | Infernal death-Demo |
2. Baptized in blood |
3. Arch angel |
4. Evil dead | | | Live in Brandon, Florida, 30.12.1984 |
5. Death by metal |
6. Corpse grinder |
9.0 / 10 (4 votes)
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9.0 / 10 (4 votes)
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Death live at Dynamo (1998) |
1. The Philosopher |
2. Trapped In A Corner |
3. Crystal Mountain |
4. Suicide Machine |
5. Together As One |
6. Zero Tolerance |
7. Lack Of Comprehension |
8. Flesh And The Power It Holds |
9. Flattening Of Emotions |
10. Spirit Crusher |
11. Pull The Plug |
9.8 / 10 (8 votes)
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9.8 / 10 (8 votes)
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