Reviews for Aborym - Fire Walk With Us:
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Great album...but the last track really does my head in!
I wish they had never put that one in...

Otherwise a great listen. I like their version of the
Burzum classic 'Det som...' Well worth buying

Review by: m_amery

At first I was a bit disappointed with this album. But as I started to listen a bit more, it opened a whole new world for me. Though on some tracks Aborym try too hard to be something anyone else is not, the album is great. The songs that really stand out are 'Our Sentence', 'White Space', 'Here is no God S.T.A', and the last track, which has to be my favourite, as it makes me feel like someone's digging inside my brain, 'Theta Paranoia'. The Burzum cover was also pretty well done, but in my opinion it lacked some of the original magic of the song. A good album, and I can recommend it.

Review by: Sulphur

fire walk with us is most coolest album they made. What's really cool about it is that they really fuck with your mind on this cd

Review by: nekrobeast

Great disk with a lot of crap on though. First song and the burzum cover are the best

Review by: testicle omelette stomper

this is album is inherently evil, and will cause the weak to stir in their minds if under psychactive drugs at the time of listening to this CD, and an impressional mood as well!! Great performance by Attila and co. on this one, this is the only Aborym i've listened to as of yet, but it is a great piece of work.

Review by: sowwinwals

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