Reviews for After Forever - Remagine:
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well after the brilliance of invisible circles..
this one is quite disappointing.. well to me at least..
in terms of song composition.. most of the songs are not as progressive as in the previous invisible circles..
and not that powerful as well.. i dont really 'feel' most of the songs in remagine..
well if you've never listened to invisible circles.. remagine is actually a groovy album with top notch album production.. decent none the less.
there are quite few notable songs.
but that's about it..i would expect more from this dutch outfit in their next album... this one i'll give 8/10

Review by: imranzain79

This album, together with Decipher are my favorites. The first few times I listened to Remagine I was dissapointed because Floor doesn't use her opera voice not that much on this album. But it seems the keyboardplayer on the other hand get's more chances to be heard in the songs. A lot of people I know don't like this album because it's different than the previous one's (it's not because it's different, it's automaticly bad, isn't it?). I saw this band live in november 2005 with their cd-presentation and this was one of the most convincing gigs I ever saw. I literally stood there with an open mouth (which does not happen very often..). Floor as a frontwoman has a very srong voice which actually can be used in every genre of music (something most girls can only dream of).
I also got quite touched by the ballad 'strong', this is one of the first songs with so much emotion in it, and the fact it's about real things makes it more convincing.
The main theme on this album is about dreaming, already from the very second the intro starts you are taken into the world of dreams. I should recommend this album to people who are quite open for newer things and female voices (if you only listen to music like vlad tepes you probably won't like it)

I actually can't remember what rating I gave this album but it probably won't be less than a nine

Review by: Aricia

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