Reviews for Borknagar - Urd:
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Unfortunatelly this album is totally uninspired.
I mean, it's noticeable they tried to make a good work:

- They've let Simen do the clean vocals in most of the songs;
- Vintersorg did the grim vocals and mixed his clean vocals with Simen's;
- Simen wrote and sang alone a song
- Lars wrote and sang alone another song
- Oysten wrote lyrics with the nature theme, something related to their Olden Domain album

It should have worked. But, everything went wrong.

- None of the songs are 'catchy'.
- The lyrics are uninspiried: even though they talk about nature; seasons; etc. they are forgetable. Also, there's a passage that says "a mountain (...) where the wind explodes". Seriously, Oysten? The wind exlpodes? Pff
- Lars' song is out of place: "Beauty of dead cities"? It would fit on a solefald album.
- Vortex's song is also uninspiried.

I'd probably highlight the openning track. It starts powerfully but it doesn't keep the pace.

Anyway, this album is their worst since their debut album.

Review by: netin

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