Reviews for Deströyer 666 - Defiance: | |||||||||||
User Reviews: | Your Review:
The production on this album is awful. Who the hell thought that a modern, over-compressed, washy, everything-run-together-with-the-drums-on-top production fit this band? Defiance has close to zero dynamic range, and practically the entire album is clipping. Everything's very close to the same (ridiculously-overdriven) volume, even when it shouldn't be (for example, the lead vocals, backing vocals, and lead guitar on A Sermon To The Dead), which saps all the impact from the performance. Nothing "stands out" from this production at all, so every single part with vocals and more than two instruments sounds terrible on this record. There are lead guitar parts which can barely be heard, and much of the lyrics are incomprehensible, buried as they are beneath a messy layer of instrumentation. A barely average release for an above average band. 6 out of 10 | Review by: NerotheHero
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