Reviews for Enslaved - Isa:
User Reviews:

Your Review:

I had quiet high expectations after the great "below the lights" album...
But "isa" sounds to me like a big disappointment...
I respect Ivar and Grutle, for they have created many masterpieces...which are full of emotions and power...
But "isa" contains no power, no heavyness, nothing is just an ordinary Metal album with no has no significant character...
the tracks I really enjoyed are "secrets of the flesh" and "violet dawning"...
the artwork is just great...nice job...
beautiful black-white photos...
but finally the music 5/10...

Review by: baran

Problably the most peculiar band in black Metal spectre. With their own style and a pleasure to a experimented and sofisticated ears.

That "isa" will become an item in their career!

Enslaved rules ...don't change!

Review by: sysiphus

this is the return of enslaved, for the fans of the old enslaved, isa is better than mardraum, monumension and below the light, but is not the best enslaved feature.............

Review by: blot

Less experimental and mellower than their previous album, Isa still delivers what it should. Another very nice work from the Vikings.

Review by: kafir

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