Reviews for Excrementory Grindfuckers - Fertigmachen Szeneputzen:
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so here are the Grindfuckers.
for some people it seems to be funny making this so called "Music". this is nothing. Shitty sound, not so funny "lyrics" and a couple of 0:03 min songs. Although there are 99 tracks on this cd, DON'T buy it! and even don't buy it if there were 999 songs on this cd.

Review by: Kronus

Fucking Anal Cunt wannabees!

Review by: Theorgrin

anal cunt wannabees? these guys are nothing like anal cunt, man. the only similar thing between them is that they're both kinda joke bands. these guys can play some serious shit that really gets grinding, not to mention the awesome vocal harmonies. while I wouldn't say these guys are the greatest grinders ever (that would have to go to Napalm Death or Agoraphobic Nosebleed), they definitely get the job done

Review by: False Messiah

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