Reviews for Negura Bunget - Om:
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Negura Bunget/Wiccan Rede succeeded in producing an album even better than 'N Crugu Bradului, for that reason: 99 out of 100

Review by: grote_smurf

While I do understand the reason this album is so highly appreciated by Negura Bunget fans and hailed as their best, I frankly do not share the same opinion!

Musically speaking, this is where they turn into a new style and add folkish elements to their sound, but probably the reason it is so beloved is because it is still trve underground black metal. (the later releases would switch to ambient/atmospheric black metal with lots of predominant folk elements)

The album itself has its fair share of instrumentals for a nice sense of ambience (Primul Om, Ceasuri Rele, Norilor, Al Doilea Om) and in this regard it reminds me of Cradle's Principle... album. And while the normal tracks are usually long, few of them have really nice ambience. Or maybe I just can't seem to find myself enjoying really raw stuff all the time. To give credit where credit is due, OM does evolve nicely, even if at certain points the tracks get a little boring.

All in all, avid black metal fans should get this and chunk it all day, for it is definitely what they seek: it is raw, it is brutal, it has atmosphere and its lyrics deal with Paganism and the concept of the First Man. What more would they ask for? And lyrically speaking, I did enjoy the last track a lot, as its lyrics dealing with a dance of a black sun were really innovative and fun.
Rating: 9/10
Favorite tracks: Tesarul de Lumini, Norilor, Hora Soarelui

Review by: DracuLeo

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