Reviews for Sad Legend - The Revenge Of Soul:
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After an eight year hiatus, Naamah of Sad Legend finally decided to revive his ambitious black metal project and thus 'The Revenge of Soul' was born.

Fans of the old sound will be a little bit disappointed in the sense that the production is a lot more polished here and the clean vocals that in the debut album only saw rare moments to shine and in the Searching for Emptiness... EP were prominent only on the second track, here they are pretty much the main focus on most if not all the tracks. The keyboards also have more moments to shine compared to the other two releases, but not enough to make this record Symphonic Black Metal.

Thematically speaking, while the first album dealt with depression and suicide, this one is about war and revenge. The girl who hangs herself on the first album's cover is now back with a thirst for vengeance. If you understand Korean, you will be taken into a lyrical journey with stories of experiments upon innocent people (Maruta), executions of slaves (Executioner), waiting for death to arrive (The Reaper's Song), or even a nocturnal hunt (Night of Hunt). Personally, I prefer these sort of exotic themes over the overall depression that is to be found on their earlier records.

Musically speaking, they have evolved quite a lot, now focusing more on catchy choruses of lamenting clean vocals (see Maruta, Imjin War, Night of Hunt), but never forgetting their black metal roots (Axe, Executioner), and ultimately managing to keep the sorrowful atmosphere they were always known for (Elegy of Slaughter..., The Reaper's Song).

Yes, that about wraps it up. If you can find the CD anywhere, don't pass off the offer, for it's definitely an interesting add to one's black metal collection. All I can say is that I wish to hear even more from this band in the future, for Naamah definitely proved he has talent.
Favorite tracks: Axe, Maruta, Imjin War, The Reaper's Song, Night of Hunt
Rating: 10/10

Review by: DracuLeo

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