Reviews for Vintersorg - Hedniskhjärtad:
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Vintersorg has one hell of a talent in writing music. I think you could call it a hybrid mixing black and viking metal. Mighty guitar riffs and great vocals (both clean growl) and you have a magnificent mini-CD. This is everything but bad. The only poor thing is the strange hollow production, but there's no problem to overlook that because of the mighty music.

Review by: mactatuz

What an album!The brilliant acoustic riffs of Norrland and serene atmoshpere,the nice use of female vocals and clean vocals on Stilla,the awesome riffs and growls on my fave song Norrskensdrömmar,the fast Tussmörkret and the epic Hednaorden which closes this wonderful masterpiece.Truly amazing.10 stars

Review by: Nokturnal_Sorg

I just love this album. I´ve heared it so many times now so I´m getting tired of it.
Damn, if they just would have continued making swedish-lyric-albums after "Ödemarkens son" :(
However.. Great album

Review by: Gustav_

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