Reviews for Within Temptation - Live in Tilburg 013:
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Disapointing!!!! thats what it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!
once there their music was wery good and the had their own style. But it have been replaced with some mainstream crap and
they sound far too much like evanescence
instead of focusing on the music, it sounds like they only want to make money out of it and they have lost all their charm!!
this is not an album with genius songs like Mother earth, but only boring hit singles with "sing along chrous" instead of a good atmosphere!
the only song I realy like is the ballad "somewhere". Perhaps the rest of the songs are okey, but WT can make it a lot better than this!!!!
to all the fans I can say: They have sold out! This is perhaps the end of a once great band!!!!!

If you haven't heard WT before: Don't buy this!!!!!! buy Mother earth instead!

Review by: Cemetery fog

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