Aeon Winds
Enshrouded by the Veil of Night (digital)

1. Enshrouded by the Veil of Night

In the dead of the night its strength is growing,
with the strike of the midnight pendulum.
It awaits at the doorstep of dreams,
to drink the blood from the chalice of your body.

When your soul suffers in the veil of the night,
your stiff flesh is writhing in pain.
Eyes weep without tears, face troubled and twisted,
a black being feeding of your dreams.

The dawn enshrouded by the veil of night
without stars and moonlight.
With the black glow of the bottomless void,
it will take you before the morning comes.

2. Sepulchral Whispers

Beyond the gate of steel
Buried by many centuries
A King is towering on the throne
Amid the cold walls of his abandoned fortress

Kingdom of rust and marble
Where servants with rodentsĀ“ teeth
Feast in the oaken shrines
And crush crumbling bones to dust

Symbol of humility stands proudly on the tower
Enslaved by words and empty phrases
Only a certain way leads under the ground
Where it awaits every one of us

Grey walls are covered with inscriptions
In long forgotten languages
They invoke glory of the death
Rising with the sound of the last trumpets

Lyrics in plain text format

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