Aeon Winds
1. Of Times Forgotten...
2. A Cosmic Sky Ablaze
Fly, dark ravens
Bring word of the flames
Messengers of shadow
Spread fear of their power
A cosmic sky ablaze
Ashes floating ever high
As mountains old have seen
The burnt path simmering
Charred and dead remain
The stars themselves are fire
Inferno awakening
The flames climb high to reach them
But ravens you must climb higher!
The winds will soon engulf you
When feathers turn to vapour
You will fall from skies above
A glow of crimson rises
Brighter than the moon
Clouds of denser blackness
Creep silently and true
No raven flies in darkness
No message ever heard
Their ashen heads lay lifeless
This silent fate is theirs
And mountains old have seen them
Amongst the burning trees
The flame takes all before it
Now tinder to its avid needs
3. Beyond All Empty Places
Carved wings of bone reach for the sky
Remnants of all that was
Left in burning pyres
Reborn in that instant of dark understanding
As the rays of death
Come resting in my eyes
Spirit drift into perpetual nothingness
Dreams lost in a ghostly dead mirage
I have stood here gazing
I have stood here burning
As their rolling eyes reflects the fire from my soul
Spirit shift into frozen cold amber
Eyes of stone like far horizons of old
I have stood here waiting
I have stood here longing
As ghosts are dancing on the surface of my soul
Beyond all empty places (Ad Noctem) The eternal fall
Ice-winds scraping
Like a chorus of mournful souls
Black are the teeth of death
Chattering in the ancient tongues
Void storms howling
Like a pack of hungry wolves
Black is the mist of death
Engulfing my flesh and old soul
Dead echoes roaring
Like a river from the bowels
Black is the touch of death
Leading my bones down below
Fire-spirits screaming
Like a thousand raging storms
Black is the sign of death
Carved in this skin with white worms
Bone rings rattling on their knuckled hands
The veil of whispers
Sweeping over the land
Like a cold shadow on the horizons of sanity
As the hand of death
Come leading me to eternity
As the land falls forever into night
The wails of the lost souls in wandering calls
The cursed hands reaching out from hell
To the fields beyond all empty places
Beyond all empty places (Ad Noctem)
Eternities call
Beyond all empty places (Ad Noctem)
The eternal fall
Take me beyond
I will walk here forever
In all empty places
4. Dawn of the Untamed Moon
I've been waiting for so long
Until thy light shines upon my stone
Now I'm standing here reborn
In the woods of the shadows forlorn
I am the ghost of the past
The last green leaf of an ancient tree
I am the thought, neither first nor last
And this night is mine to be free
I will be vanished when there's no one to believe
I am aware of my doom
I am the magic sentenced to leave
In the last night of the harvest moon
Dancing in the ring of stones
Binding the moonlight with the soil unstained
The seed I planted still grows
In the depths of these forests untamed
I will be vanished when there's no one to believe
I am aware of my doom
I am the magic sentenced to leave
In the last night of the harvest moon
I am the shadow of the harvest moon
5. It Is Beneath Where the Mountains Sing
6. Legacy of the Unconquered Sun
Posledné svetlo dňa v západe umiera
V plameni ohňa tvár, keď noc sa začína
V úplnku mesiac, život zhasína
Pred bránami sila s tmou ožíva
Na krížnych cestách, hranici lesa
V objatí smrti, v úsvite času
Odetá v bielom, čerpajúc silu
Na prahu noci s tmou ožíva
V kolíske stromov, krajine ľadu
Za dlhých nocí, v súmraku času
Nárekom vetra, na tróne mrazu
S príchodom zimy, spečatí vládu
V chráme lesa, zasnežených pláni
Keď slnko zrodí sa v žiari hviezd
Z útrob stromov, bránami mystéria
V hodine vlkov, končí sa deň
7. Stormveiled
Praskajúc vetrom práchnivých stromov
Keď v bolesti utícha plameň života
Na konci obzoru v závoji mrakov
Prichádza prastará búrka vekov
Dunivé hromy vo svetle bleskov
Razia si cestu prázdnou krajinou
V rachote skál, prašnou cestou
Korene života, skúšané nákazou
Ruiny stromov, zjazvené víchricou
Hladiny riek, zbesilé dažďom
Spustnutá zem, páchnuca krvou
Ničivá sila, spútaná nárekom!
8. Dying Star Remembrance
9. To Embrace the Void
We embrace the void
The flash of a dying star
The time of the countless aeons
A corpse of a soul made of scars
How silent is the distant clock
The ultimate judge of our fate
Dim despair of an unsettling dream
In your twisted mind awaits
Spirit becalmed, emotions embalmed
They hide the deep cracks in your heart
You feel the torture of fixing the past
The cold bitterness in a mouthful of dust
We embrace the void
The flash of a dying star
The time of the countless aeons
A corpse of a soul made of scars
Untamed passion, unnerving lust
Silence grows darker and time runs slow
From slumber arises, always the last
Voracious bite of old hope
Crimson eyes in a veil of grey
An abhorrent laughter, a deathly grin
You reach for a hand, blackened and stained
It dissolves in shadows and remains unseen
Voice of a spirit with eyes made of scars
Is a prison of soul in a dying star
Haunted by the past you have tried to avoid
To chase a false hope is to embrace the void
To embrace the void
Voice of a spirit with eyes made of scars
Is a prison of soul in a dying star
Haunted by the past you have tried to avoid
To chase a false hope is to embrace the void
The void
(To chase a false hope is to embrace the void)
10. ...and Woods Forlorn
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