Blaze Of Perdition
The Hierophant

1. The Hierophant

I am coming as an earthly spawn of Thoth
The master of time, numbers, signs and forbidden knowledge
I was the one teaching sages and to the kings showing the path
In new time of decadence I return
To bring back the meaning of ancient wisdom
To bring you these mysteries - knowledge of life and death

I am the Hierophant, envoy of the Brightest One
I walk the path strangled by the demiurge
I am the Hierophant, enkinder of divine flame
I bring you the keys to all arcanes

The moment has come, this is the time
To turn the Morning Star
Gnostic cult returns in unity of Darkness and Light
I give you this Black Flame
Open your souls

I am the Hierophant - I know the mystery of shadows
I crossed the path of Darkness adn draw power from fears
I am the Hierophant - I know the secrets of the creator
To stand triumphantly over all dualisms

My theachings shall be the tunnel leading to the Will of Existence
But before you drink nectar from the Holy Grail
You shall embrace the mysteries you have never dreamed of

I am the one, who died and resurrected ages before Christ
Periodically - to speak through the prophets' mouth
The master of Arcanes bearing the light of Gnosis
During downfall of the spirit
Messenger of Lucifer, envoy of Prometheus, incarnation of Thoth
Worshipper of Therion and Trismegistos

2. Back to the Womb

These words shall burst into heavens
As a scrream of thousand throats
This is the time, when the sky shall weep
Over the most glorious failure as god

My thoughts are razors, my words are cuts
On this work of deceit I shall mark my sign
With scythe across the throat of YHVH
Tetragrammaton - I am the end of thee
Feed him not with energy, feed him with pride
So he shall choke on our vanity
For this is what we were given
For this is what we are meant to be
Tetragrammaton - thy corpse shall give birth to me

Open hearts and seeds shall be planted
As we march towards damnation - to be reborn!
Open hearts for perdition to enter
For sins to bind us all
As we march towards Death
Not without fear, yet with sardonic smile on our faces

The truth I've chosen to search for
So distant, yet getting closer and closer
With caressing touch of a cold, pale hand
Reaching from black robe
I shall transform through holy thirteen
From serpent to eagle to fly beyond
To taste the fruits from the highest branches
Of the Tree of Death

Holy Death - Sodomize this feeble image of loss
Holy Death - Plant Thy seeds in me
Holy Death - Rape this feeble image of loss
Holy Death - Impregnate it with semen of utmost perfection

Mother of night, mother of night
Be my guide, through the halls of the dead
Across the path where no Will is limited
When nothing is real - everything is permitted

Come! Reap what demiurge has sown
water the fields with blood of man
Transform us, taker of life
Lead us away from this world
Take us back to the womb

3. Into the Hidden Light

4. Let There Be Darkness

Oh child, take this gift
Like the day of your birth you were given a sight
I shall give you this vision of what eyes couldn't perceive

Through me you shall see what god forbids you to see
As you walk through the fire in search for final release
For I am the way through the labyrinth of lies
To discover the truth of mystery divine

Let there be Darkness! Let there be Night!

Enter the halls where Death prevails
Where the Dark is new light overwhelming your mind
Where your journey begins
For the flesh doesn't hold your soul anymore

Return like the Ancient Serpent of Emptiness
The ruler of realm of perfect silence
And ascend from primeval waters of uncreation
To devour the sun once and for all

Crush thy eyes in ultimate denial
Glorify His sacred name
Unchain thy Will, unchain thy mind
Sanctify thyself

I am the sacred path between you and our true God
Thus you can only embrace his infinite might through me and...

Through me you shall see what god forbids you to see
As you walk through the fire in search for final release
For I am the way through the labyrinth of lies
To discover the truth of mystery divine

Let there be Darkness! Let there be Night!
Let no sunray shine from the sky!

5. Gospel of the Serpent's Kin

I am condemned for eternity
For I have suffered a cosmic fall
And no grace nor goodness can wash my sin

For I am the one, who was born of the first sinner's blood
Breed of the one, who takes a stand against the holy spirit

I am Legion of light lost
For we are many - offsprings of the Holy Snake
We are the seed of YHVH - marked with opposition
Born in the womb of Mother Lilith

I shall be as a beam in the eyes of the worst sinners
As a straw in the eyes of the ones who praise the Lord
I shall be your anxiety, doubt and a maggot of perversion
The one who will make you address questions
And search for the answers you don't want to know

I am coming cloaked with a glow of the Morning Star

As an offspring of the Brightest One
I shall bear the cosmic sin 'til the end of me

I am Legion of lost light
For we are many - offspring of the Holy Snake
We are the seed of YHVH - marked with opposition
Born in the womb of Mother Lilith

Hear the Word of raging flame
Chant of sin and a peaen to will
Hear the Word of raging flame
Gospel of the Serpent's kin

I was raised from harlot's womb to spread doubt among you
Created for you to have an enemy
For what would your love of god be without me?

I bring you this light of free will
Promethean flame stolen from gods

This is my destiny
To bloom and rot again like the fruit of sin
To march proudly across the path of the fallen ones
And there's no turning back!

6. I Am Thy Plague

Infected myself, I am a messenger of pain
I breathe to make them never breathe again
I burn to be reborn or was I just born tu burn?
Behold! The true Punishment returns!
And a glorious, glorious song I carry
And a cross of red on all the doors

A guest in every home, a drop in a cup of water
A worm in every cunt, a moth in every mouth
A legion of rats, or a nation of maggots
Following my new flagellant procession

I lead them all to orgy, I lead them to unite
Let them spread their Word, and I will spread mine
For I fear even the echo of Thy wisper
Oh lord I am devoured by Thy horrible Magic!

I am Thy plague; I am Thy tool, Thy flag, Thy flail
I am Thy plague, spread by Thee to separate
The blessed from the worthless, the Perfect from the deformed
The sin from the sinner, and all never to see the dawn
I am thy plague! Thy storm spawned to flagellate!
A sharpened blade thou hath made my lips
With selfish bliss I shalt inflict Thy work!

Of Deconstruction in the trance of death
Of mutilation in the name of the Self
By orgasm through decay, I inject the faith into all wombs

Let them lick my wounds
To swarm my song of mass sacrifice
Little hands of this generation
Striking the window of the incinerator
Forced communion of infected sperm
Soaking innocent lips of daughters of man

Let them lick my wounds
To swarm my song of mass sacrifice
Let them cry "Oh God! Save me from the flies!"

And the glorious song I carry
I am thy plague! I am thy promised plague!
A sharpened blade thou hath made my lips
With selfish bliss I shalt inflict Thy Work!
Of Deconstruction in the trance of death
Of mutilation in the name of the Self
Of building thy new church out of the dead

7. The Tower of Loss

Each circle must be closed, alike each world
Must fade away!

All is for nothing! ALL IS FOR NOTHING!
Thus all thy light reflects as shadow
Any way chosen is a path of defeat
To a painful monument of the genre of catastrophe

All is uncertain! All has gone mad!

Oh feeble man, oh slave of thyself!
Thou art as infants with heroin addiction
As an inverted tower fall with all humility
Unlikely to reach thine image of Eden
Oh feeble man made of juice and clay, surrender!
For thou hath failed to bear thy name with dignity!
As a worm untransformed, thou hath never seen the Light
And so thy existence itself is a blasphemy!

As a monument of pain, architecture of denial
Chaotic emanation of all that is for nothing
The punishment of life, the final judgement reversed
Enwing thyself with suffering, encrown with thorns

All is uncertain, all has gone mad,
All is inverted like the Tower from the Cards!

The Tower of loss! The oracle of failure!
As distant wars become so close
And distant fears now stand befory thy home
And like serpents of incest rape they brood

Thou art witness to a construction of loss
Thus the pain of man is a pain of a GOD!
Thou wisheth to be the locust of the earth,
Only thou hath reached becoming the vermin
Thou gleameth hopefully unto the void
Tough the void returns only chosen smiles
When sails thee towards perdition, nail thy feet to the deck!

All is for nothing! ALL IS FOR NOTHING!
All that you percept is a lie so blind
All is uncertain all has gone mad
All is inverted like the tower from the Cards!

8. Speak of Me Not

There manifests the sovereign of the world
The highest of all angels, ruling over all
Whispers of His name resound in our hearts
Sacred words that can never be pronounced

Speak of me not - mention not my name
Speak of me not - lest ye be guilty of sin
For ye have no knowledge thereof
Speak of me not - at all
No words are able to define me
For I was, I am now, I shall be forever!

Hail Melek Taus, avatar of Ahriman!
Manifest! Shayitan! Melek al Kawat!

Tell us all Thy mysteries, hidden to the blind
Through the feathers of Thy tail we shall stare into His eyes
In the darkness of our minds we wake the blackest flame
Illuminated by the obscure light we invoke Thy sacred name

Burn! Burn! Let wrathful flames consume our souls
The Serpent King shall rise again and unify us all
Fly! Fly! Spread Thy wings across the sky
And awaken now the fiery Lord, who shall grant us liberation
Rise! Rise! With Thy Light the Darkness comes
To those, who are unworthy of the secrets you hide
Shine! Shine! Burning snake of flame divine
We eradicate-dedicate our lives to Thee

"Mention not my name or my attributes,
as strangers do, lest ye be guilty of sin..."

There manifests sovereign of the world
Brightest of the angels - the rulers of all
Whispers of His magic resound in our minds
Sacred words that can never be pronounced
Hark to His law!

9. The Grail of Transfiguration

I drink blood from the grail of initiation
I drown in nameless void
Kneeling in the circle of my kin's skulls

A blaze of back candles brightens my path
Beyond the gates of perception
I seek the mythical Hanged Man
Who shall guide me further towards Death

Before me the path covered with cards
Like a Fool I step naively towards the abyss
But in the end, there lies a key to the mystery
Immemorial mystery

The undead shall take me across the bridge
Bridge over a chasm of madness and amok

I mix sacrificed blood with ashes
So in shall be burned by the holy flame and unified
With dirt of the earth

I pour my claret down to the crail of the initiated
Thus my life essence can merge with theirs
And we shall become one on mutual path
A path through Darkness to reach the Light

This is an initiation - the act of new birth
Transfiguration, in which death is the beginning

The very first step on the path of the Hierophant
The very first attempt to (create) an uniot between fire and air
To know the mysteries of destruction and creation
Eternity and nonexistence

I have died to resurrect
To soak enslaved souls of the blind with venom
I have died to resurrect
To bring you these mysteries
I am Thrice-Wise of the New Aeon!

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