

Hei, ziemel,u l,audis, vai dzirdat ka- dzied
Jau pirmie putni un sniegpulksteni-tes zied
Lu-zt upe-s ledus, zem pla-na- sniega
Ta- Zemes ma-te, kas mostas no miega

Sta-v dzidra debess li-dz apva-rsnim val,a-,
Tur gribas skriet, no prieka kliegt balsi- skal,a-;
Aiz kalniem taures sve-tku zin,u sauc –
Smagiem pakaviem da-rdot, šai zeme- U-sin,š brauc

Pa-r debesu kalnu, kumel,a- balta-
Uz laukiem, ko pirma- za-le kla-j;
Kopa- ar silto vasaras sauli,
Ta- katru gadu pie mums atkal U-sin,š ja-j

Nu vaidelošiem laiks, tie baltos sva-rkus velk,
Uz sve-tbirzi steidz, kur dievu ozoli aug,
Tur ugunis aizdedz un ar dziesmu teic:
Ai U-sin,, dievaiti, tavi be-rni tevi sveic!


Kur ir ta- zeme,
No kurienes vin,š na-k
Kas ir tas viedais,
Kurš zin, kas cel,u ra-di-t ma-k

Kur mu-ži-ga vasara,
Zal,a-s pl,ava-s puk,es zied,
Mums tur nekad nenokl,u-t,
Kaut visu dzi-vi iet

Un tikai vienreiz gada-,
Kad i-sa-ka- nakts ir kla-t,
Pats sirmais Dievin,š tad liek
Pie mums savam de-lam ja-t

Pa-r kalniem un ieleja-m,
Ar dziesma-m skal,a-m,
Tur jau vin,š ja-j,
Veriet a-tra-k va-rtus val,a-

Nošk,inde-ja zelta pieši Dieva de-lam atja-jot,
Ri-be-j zeme, skane-j lauki no kumel,a nolecot

Ozollapu vainagu galva-
Vin,š se-žas galda gala-,
Pirmo alus kausu tver,
Zemi sve-ti-dams to dzer

Un augsta-ko kalnu galos
Visu nakti Ja-n,u ugunis degs,
Li-dz agram ri-tam,
Kad mums atkal Saule le-ks

Ja-n,u diena - sve-ta diena
Aiz visa-m`i dienin,a-m,
Ja-n,u dienu Dieva de-ls
Saules meitu sveicina-ja


Melna-m sagša-m
Nakts zemi kla-j,
Ja-tnieks balts
Pa-r debesjumu ja-j.
Tas izredze-tais Saules precinieks,
Pa-r nakti un zvaigzne-m
Kungs un pave-lnieks.

Visuviedais zintnieks – karavi-rs,
Me-s ticam tava gaisma mums nekad nedzisi-s

Zvaigžn,ots apmetnis
Vin,a plecus sedz,
Dimanta zobenu asu
Pie vin,a sa-niem redz
Neskaita-ms karapulks
Ja-tniekam pakal, steidz,
Tumšajos silos
To meža zve-ri sveic.

Zemgales bra-l,i kara zirgus ju-dz,
Debesu ja-tniekam vin,i lu-dz:

Me-s teicam Tevi un Tavu zobenu aso,
Ir kara laime viss, ko no Tevis prasa-m

Nakts debesu karakungs,
Ja-j šonakti li-dzi mums,
Kara gaita-s pali-dze-t,
Ienaidnieku uzvare-t!
Lai tava gaisma mums cel,u ra-da,
Lai tava roka ci-n,a- vada,
Tev vin,u asinis dosim, me-s tevi atalgosim!

Kad kaujas lauka- karataures sauc,
Pa-r debessjumu baltais ja-tnieks trauc,
Mirdz zobenu asmen,i vin,a staros,
Vin,š šonakt atkal ar mums kopa- karos.


Tri-s dienas ga-ju caur dzil,u mežu,
Caur dzil,u mežu, caur mežu sve-tu;
Ceturta- diena- uzga-ju vienu
Dieva-ju se-tu, nekad neredze-tu.
Tek upe strauja gara-m tai se-tai,
Sidraba vil,n,us ta- upe me-ta-.

Simtgadu ozols aug upes mala-,
Uzka-ru zobenu zeltzaru gala-,
Zelti-tie zari li-dz debesi-m sniedzas,
Visgara-m baltiem ma-kon,iem liecas;
Pats pa tiem zariem augšup es ka-pu,
Caur zvaigžn,u laukiem nu debesi-s tra-pu.

Es redze-ju debesi-s vienu augstu kalnu,
Ta- kalna gala- sta-ve-ja sme-de;
Ta- tik bij’ viena varena sme-de,
Zal,vara durvi-m, sidraba k,e-de-m.

Debesu sme-de- kale-js kala, dzirksteles šk,i-da;
Nokal, kale-j, mums sauli,
Sauli, ko redze-t pie debesi-m spi-dam.

Milzu a-murs kale-jam roka-s,
Dzelzs zem ta- a-mura ka- c(u-ska loka-s,
Melns pu-k,is ogles dze-sa,
Pa-r visu pasauli ziben,i le-ca.


Migla, migla, rasa, rasa,
Ta-s man labu nedari-j’-
Rasa- manas ka-jas mirka,
Migla- nozu-d kumelin,š

Nokri-t migla, nokri-t rasa
Atrod savu kumelin,;
Atrod savu kumelin,
Pie Me-neša namdurvi-m

Me-ness n,e-ma Saules meitu,
Aicin’ mani vedi-ba-s,
Ka- es ja-šu vedi-ba-si
Nesedlotu kumelin,’

Saule deva zelta sedlus
Me-ness sudrab’ iemauktin,s’,
Nu es varu droši ja-ti
Dieva de-lu pulcin,a-

Krustiem auga kokiem saknes,
Krustiem zvaigznes debesi-s,
Sa-niem ja-ja Dieva de-li,
Krustiem tek’a kumelin,’.


Asins rasa ri-ta migla-,
Žvadz dzelži, zobeni, pi-k,i,
Simtiem pakavu brada- Ta-lavas laukus,
Ko kla-j letu li-k,i;
Es redzu, sve-tkalna- melni vi-ri jau kokus ce-rt.

Tie stra-da- nakti un dienu,
Dievu akmens šk,elts, leja- gru-sts,
Sve-tie ozoli pa-rtop par sienu
Un debesi-s ieduras bazni-cas krusts;
Caur uguni, caur zobenu, caur asin,u ju-rai
Mums jauno tici-bu ma-ci-ties bu-s!

Tur pirmatne-jo mežu dzi-le-s
Steidziet, mekle-jiet vin,u,
Raganu, Laumas zintnieci,
C(u-sku sievietei nesiet zin,u –
Lai ta-s stiprie va-rdi spe-j mu-su la-stu a-rdi-t.

Ta-, kas dzimusi kopa- ar c(u-ska-m,
Zalkšu k,e-nin,a izredze-ta,
Odzes inde- sve-ti-ta,
Burvju va-rdos nepa-rspe-ta;
Melnu seju nu griežas ta- deja-:

Sper, sper Pe-rkoni devin,iem ziben,iem,
Sadedz, bazni-ca, ziliem ugun,iem,
Ni-ksti, dilsti, sveša- vara,
Kri-ti ka- rudens lapa no zara.

Pie šk,elta- akmens c(u-sku sieviete
Ziedu dodot Pe-rkonu lu-dz:
Na-c atpakal,, Debesu graude-j,
Šk,el, ce-rt, triec, ta- lai sveša- bazni-ca lu-zt!

“Pe-rkons brauc vara tiltu, devin,i zirgi,
Zal,a pa-taga roka-
Zal,a c(u-ska priekša-,
Ce-rt devin,os gabalos,
Met dzil,a- ju-ra- iekša-.”

Nodun pamale, notri-c zeme,
Zila-m gaisma-m piešk,i-st viss gaiss,
L,aunas ugunis raganas aci-s,
Pa-r zemi nogu-lies klusums baiss.

Rau, ka- velkas debeši melni,
Sa-rta-m liesma-m aizdegas krusts,
Na-c, na-c, Debesu graude-j,
Šk,el, ce-rt, triec, ta- lai sveša- bazni-ca lu-zt!


Tev šodien priekša- ta-ls cel,š kuru iet,
Pa šauru sarkanu taku, tur kur saule riet;
Caur devin,iem ru-nu akmen,iem Tu iena-c sve-taja-s liesma-s,
Aizver acis un ieklausies vel,u dziesma-s.

Šonakt no dieviem
Tev atkla-ts bu-s
Visliela-kais nosle-pums
Un piena-ks diena, kad šis nosle-pums
Tiks atkla-ts ikvienam no mums.

Tavs zobens Tev blakus un skaista-kais te-rps,
Ej droši pa taku, kur ga-ja tavs vecte-vs un te-vs;
Me-s tavas pe-das zeme- sle-pjam un minam,
Šeit nena-c vairs, ja tevi me-s neaicinam.

Uz priekšu, uz Aizsaules valsti, ved tavs cel,ojums,
Li-dz ar baltajiem du-miem aiziet dve-sele proja-m no mums,
Bet k,ermenis caur sve-taja-m sa-rta liesma-m,
Velin, Tu mirušo pave-lniek, lai Tev tas ziedots tiek!

Bet zini, tik ilgi
Kame-r ve-l be-rnu be-rni
Pa-r te-va pagalmu skries,
Tev bu-s kur atgriezties.

Un dre-gnos ruden,a vakaros,
Kad migla pa-r zemi kla-jas,
Tad ir tas laiks, kad Tevi atkal gaida ma-ja-s;
Kur kle-ti- galds bu-s lepni kla-ts,
Caur Aizsaules ugunsva-rtiem
Tu šeit atkal na-c.


Kurš var pateikt, kur ir sa-kums
Un kurš zin, kur ir gals,
Vai mums vienreiz dzi-ve dota,
Vai to ir daudz?

C(etriem zariem zi-me bezgali-ga,
Kur beidzas viens cel,š – cits sa-kumu n,em.
Aiz melniem ma-kon,iem silta saule spi-d,
Pe-c tumšas nakts atkal na-k ri-ts.

Ka-pe-c me-s šeit esam,
Ka-du je-gu sevi- nesam?
Vai ir par daudz, ja me-s prasa-m,
Vai tam ja-paliek neizprastam?

Pe-c ka- tiekties, ko šeit mekle-t-
Vai baltu gaismu, vai tumsu pekle-?
Vai Tu esi viens no simta,
Vai starp simtiem viens?

C(etri sve-tie zalkši, vi-ti mag,iska- loka-
Tavs liktenis gul, tava-s un Laimas roka-s.
Vai spe-si aiziet li-dz galam,
Vai pakriti-si cel,a mala-,
Vai gaismu atradi-si,
Vai mu-ži-gi paliksi tumsa- un sala-?


Hey Northern folk, can you hear them sing?
The very first birds and blooms of spring
The ice breaks on the rivers deep
Mother Earth is waking from her sleep

The Sky’s wide open to the horizon
One wants to run and shout for joy!
Beyond the hills the trumpets sound
As U-sin,š rides and shakes the ground

Over heavens’ hill, on a palfrey white
Over meadows green with spring’s delight
He brings the warmth of the summer sun
Each year it happens when U-sin,š rides again

For white-robed priests, the time is now
To go to sacred forests where God’s oaks grow
There fires are lit and songs are sung
“Your children await you, U-sin,š divine one!”


Where is that land?
From which he comes
Who is that wiseman?
Who knows to show the way

Where summer eternal reigns
And blossoms fill meadows green
A place we’ll never be
Should all our lives we try to see

Just once a year it occurs
When shortest of all nights has come
The grey, old God himself commands
His son to ride to us

Over hills and through vales
Singing hymns and songs so great
There, he rides, you can see
The gates must open, now!

Spurs of gold ring loud in the yard
Trembling the land and fields
As from his horse he springs

A wreath of green is on his head
He sits at the table’s end
The first cup of ale in hand
Blessing this Earth he drinks it

On the tops of the highest hills
The fires of Ja-n,i burn all night
Till dawn so dear will bring us light
And the Sun will give us lasting sight

The day of Ja-n,i blessed is
As no other day can be
On the day of Ja-n,i, the son of God
The daughter of Sun did greet


With blankets black
Night Earth does hide
A rider white
In heaven rides
This chosen groom of the Sun
The lord and master
Over night and the stars

The wise wizard - warrior
We believe, your light will never fade

A mantle of stars
Upon his shoulders
A diamond sharp sabre
Clings to his hip
Warriors beyond number
Follows the rider grim
From darkest woods
Forest beasts salute him

The Semigallians saddle steeds of war,
And to the heaven’s horseman they speak:

“We praise you and your sharpest sword
Good fortune in battle is all we seek”

Oh, warlord of the night Sky
Ride with us tonight
And help us in the fields of war
Our enemies to fight!
Your power gives us light to see
Your arm can guide our swords
Their blood we give you
As your reward!

When horns of battle call
The horseman streaks across the heavens
Sword blade flashing sparks of light
He fights with us into the night

Warlord of the night Sky!


Through forest deep three days I walked
A forest vast, a forest holy
On the fourth day my eyes did see
A wondrous sight not meant for me
A land of God, a river churning
With silver waves forever turning

An ancient oak was on the bank
On which my sword I hung
Branches of gold to heaven reached
Embraced by the clouds above
I climbed the branches far and high
Through fields of stars into the Sky

A hill tall in the sky I saw
A smithy huge on that hill
A forge like I’d never seen
With doors of copper, silver beams

A blacksmith shaped in heaven’s forge
And mighty sparks did fly
Forge for us a Sun, o smith!
A Sun for us to see into the Sky!

A hammer great the blacksmith held
And iron flowed like serpent’s coils
A dragon black on coals then blew
Over the world the lightning flew


This is a folk tale telling of a wonder as a man
comes across the wedding of the Moon with
the daughter of the Sun and he is allowed to
behold this event…


Bloody dew in morning’s mist
Clanging swords, chains and pikes
Horses tread the fields of Ta-lava
Covered with corpses of Letgallians.
I glimpse black men on the sacred hill
Digging their axes into the trees

All day and night they toil
The stone of Gods is split and cracked
The holy oaks become a wall
And the cross on the steeple stabs the Sky
Through fire, through sword, through seas of blood
A new faith comes to us!

There in the depths of ancient woods
Hurry, seek her out
The witch, the wise one of Lauma
Bring news to the woman of serpents
So her sharp words can break this curse

She who was born among serpents
Chosen by the Lord of the Snakes
Blessed in the venom of vipers
Unmatched in words of magic
Her face black, she turns in dance:

“Strike! Strike! Thunder with lightning and fire
Burn churches in flames blue
Whither and die unholy power
Fall like an autumn leaf and be destroyed!”

By the holy stone the woman of serpents
Sacrifices and prays:
“Come, return, ruler of the Sky
Hack, slash, shatter and shake!
This foreign church must finally break!”

“Pe-rkons rides the bridge of iron, his horses nine
A green whip in hand,
A green snake rides in front.
Slash into pieces nine
Throw into the deepest see”

The land shakes and the Earth trembles
And blue lights spark the air
Evil fires in the witch’s eyes,
Dire silence descends on Earth

Behold! The Sky is turning black
Look! The cross is set on fire
“Come, return, ruler of the Sky
Hack, slash, shatter and shake!
This foreign church must finally break!”


Your path tonight is long and hard
A narrow trail of red, into the dying Sun
Through nine stones of runes you enter the holy fire
Close your eyes and songs of death you hear:

“Tonight the Gods reveal
To you the secret,
The greatest secret that
One day we all
Shall know”

Your sword is by your side, your clothing fine
Walk firm along the paths your fathers and their fathers trod
We hide the traces of your steps and say:
“Do not return, if not shown the way!”

Forward to the Otherworld your journey leads
Your soul ascends in clouds of white smoke
While your body through the sacred flames of fire walks
Velin, master of the Dead, take it as a sacrifice!

But know as long as
Your children and their children
The land of ancestors can see
You can return here free

On dark, cold autumn evenings
When mist covers the Earth
You are again awaited home
A table in the barn is grandly set
Through the gates of fire of Otherworld
You come back home again


Who can tell where it starts?
And who knows where it ends
Are we given one life to live for?
Or many more to spend

Endless is the sign with four branches
Where one road ends, another begins
Beyond the black clouds a bright Sun sparks
There’s always dawn after a night so dark

Why we are here
What meaning do we bear?
Too much to ask, yes - we request!
And we will follow our quest

What do we strive for and seek?
A white light or darkest night
Are you - one of a hundred?
Or among the hundreds - one

Four sacred Grass snakes entwined in a magic circle
Your fate lies just in your hands
Will you reach the end?
Or fall by the wayside lost
Will you find the light?
Or forever stay - in darkness and frost
Lyrics in plain text format

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