From Behind the Light
1. The Curse of Poenari
Far away and deep inside the land of the phantoms
Where nighttime has turned into day
Trapped within the ancient predatoric kingdom
Where ferocious wolves hunts down their prey
Feel the presence of supernatural forces
As you reach the land of the undead
Stay away from the forever cursed castle
An empty tomb awaits you as bed
You won't escape from behind these walls
When you have entered these marble halls
Drained for blood, pale and fading
Taste the sweetness of a new awakening
Welcome to the haunted ruins of Poenari
Legendary untouched diabolical pandemonium
In protection from the incandescent sunlight
The pure savage draconian territorium
Please enter of your own free will
Caught in the labyrinth to remain forlorn
I promise you'll never again leave
The castle of no return...
2. Crucifictional Disinfection
Wake up! Don't bite the poisoned apple
It was left there for you to find
Don't let them take you - they will rape you
Consuming mankind with their book in hand
Making us believe in what we can't see
Slowly we're losing the grip of reality
Salvation or manipulation? It's all the same to me
Keep away from Christ - there are better things in life
Constantly reminded about the importance of his existence
A fictional creation of a lunatic's imagination
I shall remain convinced until his appearance
The Holy Trinity has taken a permanent vacation
I don't want to be a part of this game
It's about time they take responsibility
End our lives for the glory of his name?
Fuck your God and set yourself free!
Reject the false prophecies
Make up your own mind
Crush the cross of corruption
Let the lord wipe away his own kind
Killed with passion - no compassion
Thy kingdom gone... Forever!
Lead me into temptation
Crucifictional Disinfection
3. Arges - Riul Doamnei
Jeg speiler meg i det blodrøde vann
Og minnes min prinsesses bortgang
Et ubeskrivelig savn
En sorg uten narn
Hennes tårar... Hennes blod
Elven Arges... Prinsessens Flod
4. Skjøld mot Guds lys
Fanget av ensomhetens hat og sinne
Kun ondskap hersker i mitt indre
Jeg søker i mine djupeste drømmer
Men vet at ingen Gud jeg vil finne
Klarheten risner med dagen
Depressive tanker og sørg
Når den brennende sol går ned
Vil min sjel finne fred
Ingen søvn min sjel trenger
Ingen grav min kropp skal få
Borte er all min lengsel og savn
Ingen synder jeg skal førlåte
Evig skal mitt hat brenne
I skyggen av månens svarte kraft
Skjøld mot Guds lys...
5. The Last of My Kind
Unobserved for ages gone by
My existence has come to an end
Everything has changed, while I still remain
Solitude has become my dearest friend
There will never be another...
I am the last of my kind
Only memories have kept me going for so long
Where has all the purity gone?
There's no noble blood except of my own
In this urban jungle I am done
Farewell to the foes in flesh
No longer to be the ache of mine
My spirit will forever live through -
The monumental scars I left behind
I will return to from which I came
Take me away... Give me peace
6. Knus den hellige ånd
Under en blek og norrøn himmel
Slager hammeren som torden fra mørke skyer
Der ligger kristenmanns sjel, ensom, øde og forlatt
Eldet av tidens falske tunger
Såret av tusen års løgner
Blodtunge skyer skygger for solen
Blodeimen stiger som røyk opp av ild
Sorg og kvide skal knuse den hellige ånd
Vindkald og sitt sverd opp mølles
Hans sverd sang i stormen der skjold og okser odles
Gjennom Odins ord har vi talt
Mannelik over en blodrød mark
Den kristne ånd har falt
7. Fullmåne over Fagaras
Blant snøkledde fjell og mørklagte daler
I den svarte skogen bortenfor en isdekt flod
ved elven Arges der hen rinner blod
Ligger det fryktede palass... Poenari
Fullmånen skinner over Fagaras' bratte stup
Snøen faller fra en ravnsvart himmel
Der ute blant varg og bjørn
Vandrer jeg ensom i natten
Dagen kommer... min kiste venter
Solen skinner... min sjel brenner
Døden tok våre sorgløse sjeler
Aldri mer skal vi se dagens lys
Når månen skinner blekt
Banker våre svarte hjerter igjen
Vi kunne høre trærne skrike
I det endeløse skogsriket
Der hen evig mørke hersker
Lever vi som aldri døde...
8. Manifesting the Beast
Denounce and replace the alien Messiah
Fill the void with the presence of yourself
Ascend from the bitterness bestowed from above
Nothing becomes less when the truth is known
Reap the fruitful harvest of wisdom unwritten
Feed yourself with the hunger for more
Give nourishment to the Beast within
Follow your instinct with delight in sin
Fallen from the realms of hypocrisy
Incarnation of purest blasphemy
Adversary to their treacherous ways
For their vision is as clear as mud
Consecrated in vengeance and wrath
Infinite evil creation
Temples and icons wither away
Delusive things that do not exist
Malevolent expansion in the absence of God
The Devil walks the earth... Undisturbed!
Lyrics in plain text format