The Deep Dark Earth Underlies All (demo)

1. Falling into the Worm

Old religion of the soil
I am loyal to the witch cult
At war with the normals
Pay back is a bitch huh
Nine million were tortured
Now a triple fold of christians rot
The pagan soul's immortal
So I haunt who I fucking want

Queen of cold darkness
Bring to us the child of promise
The vanquishing of the holy king, by the oak king
Let the waxing year begin

Wild women alone in the forest
Theirs a horned God here
Where tree tops vanish in fog
Tongues haunt in the dark
In the oaks where you invoke the Gods

More alone then I ever thought that I would be
The moment my mortal eyes open I was free
To join the bright young things in the great rite
Five fold kiss me
Make a high priest out of me
Do all my favorite things
Hands up all rise
Rise, rise, rise!!!

Waving my magic sword
Deeper into the forest
Hooded screaming horrors
As we sink into the soil

2. Illumination

On my way back from Sabbath
Forgotten my mortal life
Self sacrifice made in obscurity

One with nature
Never apart
In the night
The moon
The crowded earth
I wanderer alone

Isolated in the swirling mist
Proceed into blackness
I drink in the blood of the goblet
Spit in the fire of transcendence

Death oblivion goat of a million young
Intense metamorphosis
Incest with my goddess
I am reborn

3. Weary Years in a Solitary Lair

Guitar solo

I'm passing weary years in a solitary lair
Where specters appear into the pure air
To haunt my worldly affairs
They transferred from other realms
To bring about the place a vague aura of evil

What forces outside the spheres
Ancient morbidity from the dear infinities
Bring bygone mysteries
So marvelous yet menacing
Like a worm unraveling
From the roots of the world tree
To bring forth catastrophe
I am cruel and I am free

4. Crown of Worms Stabbed by Thorns

Lonely caught in the midst of life
Crawling all night around the cross of Christ
Uncounted eyes roll back as I bite
Holy flesh before the light of the sun rise

I get so fucking high
With a crown of worms
stabbed by thorns on my mind
Tragedies swarm where creeps are born

I ride my black horse with my ax gripped tight
Heavy as the songs Satan likes
Prince of the air guide my flight

The black horde shores at night
Over impaled spikes of christian whores
Who lust for satanic rites!

5. Legends from the Essence of Hell

Else where in the primitive world
We ride to find the possessor
Of dark guardians who lead our trails
Specters of another self
Marvelous legends from the essence of hell
Who are feared and eat the beast themselves
For these journeys where taken at night
Unseen you here the engines yell

To Ride


No Ally


Back from the forest of the monolith
Where we tear human limb from limb
We dare you to escape
You'll be chased dragged to taste
The gravel with your face
Devils of a race no man can mistake
With the aid of condemned spirits of mortal hate
Abide by a vindictive rage
Steal plated boots pop out your brains

Visions unknown to man
Came as we drank your essence
Evidence from the infinite abyss
Hidden gifts prepared for the viciousness of the desolate

6. Dwellers of the Innermost

7. More Cruel than Any Midnight

8. Dragonis

9. Knights of Sathanas


Come War!
Come War!
Come War!

Come Leave God!

I am Knight!

10. The Funeral on 8th Street

11. Fallling Out the Worm

A modernistic wasteland
Above my crypts hellish altar
In the black hours before dawn
Stone steps emerge to the earth
I never cared to walk above into the light

In the bowels of the dark earth you hear the dark lords call
To the outlaw bring your magic raw
We don't need your planet we got the stars
Torturing the cities of man with war

12. The Deep Dark Earth Underlies All

I visit my hometown where swamp meets sea
I'm a bleak vaporous vision seeking unholy nourishment
Before I return to the grave to my heathen ancestors

As flames fly on Walpurgisnacht
We buried ourselves in the damp earth
Absorbing the moisture until the blood sank

The others suffocated as I rose
Beneath layers of bone
The darkness above
Was equal to that below
I walk into the palace
Put my ancient sword on the throne
The dusk promised a full night of travel

Down in a sunless stream
My astral leaves me and my shadow
For a land of seven fortified towers
That disallow travel alone
In the invidious forest
That adorn Wallachia
Where the elder darkness lives on
I gain a solemn anima
For my young veins hold the blood of my sire
Who haunts this obscure land
Forever The Black Order of the Dragon

The crown of death is in my land
Below your thoughts, beyond wisdom
I shall rise again from the choking depths
That low black passage
Taken by the mediums I possessed
To bring forth the oracle within the castle's midst

Some of thee undead lurk the deep dungeons
They fly around the pinnacle
Where my pale loathsome priestess
Keeps a gleaming black dome
Over her magic circle
Anxious for my return
Knowing my grave was disturbed
I appear inside the Pentagram

(Wilderness Atmosphere)

Lyrics in plain text format

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