Grima - Devotion to Lord

Original Version Rerelease Version Re-rerelease Version
1. Ancient Will Become (Intro) 1:42 1. Ancient Will Become (Intro) 1:42 1. Ancient Will Become (Intro) 1:42
2. The Beginning 7:46 2. The Beginning 7:46 2. The Beginning 7:46
3. Open the Gates Will Return the Only Cold 3:47 3. Open the Gates Will Return the Only Cold 3:47 3. Open the Gates Will Return the Only Cold 3:47
4. In Dreams 3:23 4. In Dreams 3:23 4. In Dreams 3:23
5. Devotion to Lord 6:38 5. Devotion to Lord 6:38 5. Devotion to Lord 6:38
6. The Woods 1:59 6. The Woods 1:59 6. The Woods 1:59
7. Blood on the Snow 7:03 7. Blood on the Snow 7:03 7. Blood on the Snow 7:03
total time 32:18 total time 32:18 total time 32:18

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