Rebirth Of Nefast / Slidhr Ex Nihilio 1. Rebirth Of Nefast - Swallowing the Sun Giver of light Preserver of the river of life How numbered are the days, O vilest star of the universe? Catastrophe symbolic of six billion malformities Encysted, sprayed to the four winds. Evolve to the great state of white-hot fire Into the mouth of man, woman and child Fill the heavens with song of inharmonious agony Let it soar straight to the ear of god His children now a mass of crackling flesh Oceans of tears never to put out the Flame No tears fall from scaled eyes With parturition of the Shining One, The Black Flame burnt eternally The Beast from the ashes Devilry awakens from the Black Stream. 2. Rebirth Of Nefast - Drink of the Black Chalice Mother, Forever in your Black shroud Cut through layers of skin Purge the wretched body's divinity Holding ruptured flesh and humanity defiled Spill thou earthly vestiges into our cup Cry out! Yet He wills Black Consanguine Give rise to the birth of abomination A distorted child in his loving image Beyond the reach of gods' light Seeing without eyes down the path And not hearing that all life cried out The infant wreck, Once the immaculate idol of all hope and glory Ever last your rotten exterior Spent creature bleeding in the dirt He would have your blood fill the soils And you set the Earth aflame A purpose in only the grand abhorrence Destroyer of God, Of his saving light and of his greatest failure Pitiless end of maternal desire Cast out in her prime Crawling in the filth of the Abyss Wail at the feet of the Lord Empty of the Drink of the Black Chalice Mans infertility a single reward Congealed blood mixed with ash Spent creature bleeding in the dirt, In prayer of only Death 3. Slidhr - Through the Roots Walking through the stinking soil Their flesh spread far, runs through the roots Ground and scattered Bone amongst the rocks, teeth spread like seed With a watcher in the corner of my eye and a pauper beneath my feet I wander In the shelter of dust and lead Withered growth and icons 4. Slidhr - The Paupers' Bones Rats in the womb Lice, boils and judgement Cast like the paupers' bones Imposed is the sentence Sand of the hourglass in your eyes Broken in your face Shite in the wounds Sand of the hourglass in your eyes Thorns of the pedestal crown in your veins 5. Slidhr - Deepest Gaze