Kvaen The Great Below 1. Cauldron of Plagues I hear the bells chime I am soon to be released from this carnal form I feel like I have been here before a thousand winters ago They hold me down before the cauldron, I do now understand how this will end And as I enter the eternal fire, I will not fear I fall down on my knees The eternal damnation has taken me. I fall down on my knees Soon to join the empire of Múspellsheimr Lead the way! As i fall deeper into the depths of Rebirth by the destruction of this world As the true force of havoc The supreme master plans the omnicide. To destroy the Nine Worlds with his sword of genocide. In This Realm of Fire, his legion victorious will be As the sorcerer teaches them his knowledge in black arts and alchemy Lead the way as I enter the kingdom of death 2. The Great Below Hear how the beginning of the end growls violently down below. They stand viciously against the world born from the witches cauldron. Hellhounds on their trail, firestorm as the guiding star Their motto shouted lour and clear, to live is to die. For those who serve the burning pyre With a desire to worship the essence of vile Servants of the old gods, of an empire long gone. For those who serve the burning pyre With a desire to worship the essence of filthy, vile A final journey to the kingdom of the damned I’ve been searching for a purpose in life and now it’s clear to me that I must end my life to see beyond the borders of this darkened dream which was clouded by the bleeding moon. I give it all to the great below. My heart and soul in pursuit for the great below. Ready to commit with the ancient dagger Right in the heart shall I stab The path to infinite darkness lies in my hands The hours passes and the mist grows stronger I must admit that it feels right. Soon to transcend into obscurity, to unknown grounds I will stand before a trial of fire, I will pass the final test.
I let the hand of the wicked enlighten me. The witch laughs and grants me the poison, seducing my will and mind. I fall in trance, into an endless ocean there’s no turning back. 3. In Silence Lyrics by: Jacob Björnfot, Tommi Tuhkala For too long have I walked this earth My journey should have ended many moons ago Grief, despair and pain are the only memories that are left Forsaken is the ghost of my past, I have burned all the letters There's only one bridge left to cross There came a man knocking on my door He shows me an abyss darker than night Trust me, I have been there And there's not much there to see i hear death knocking on my door He speaks in silence I take his hand and far away we go Everyday is a battle that I must fight alone Still there's a part that's fighting inside telling me not to let go I feel his presence, I feel his breath I take his hand and die I shall 4. Damnations Jaw Watch the defiant fire rise Shining bright, like the morning star. I have seen this before, in another world – in another state of mind I have seen it’s mouth of horrors, burning tongue and glowing eyes. I predicted it long ago – death is coming tonight. What a sight to behold as the essence swallows us whole. So it begins, the transformation from birth to death. A kingdom come I proudly give my soul The serpent foretold: At the end of days I shall become I embrace death with open arms Watch as I enter the Damnations Jaw 5. Sulphur Fire There is a place far from this world where untamed fires rule their soil and the legion of the damned On the everlasting night shall he who once fell arise Cast aside the holy one The harvest ritual has begun Sulphur Fire From the ashes of man Sulphur Fire The unholy flame of redemption in hand From fire and ice at the point of no return Lies a gateway to another world where ash is sky 6. Ensamvarg Något föddes ur askan när liken brunnit upp Skriet i skogarna ekar och himlen brinner röd Dödens käftar talar om en man vars hämnd är här De viskar långsamt orden i en cirkel hand i hand Son av vildmarken och det sanna nord Vars namn är taget ur krig, eld och blod Med den enögda korpen som ledstjärna skall krig förklaras mot fienden i syd. Han är en ensamvarg En ensamvarg som dör i natt. Ur intet, ur aska Ur hämnden mig kär Föds elden, min drivkraft det hat som jag bär Var det mitt kalla fördömda blod som svärtade hjärtat och till striden mig drog? 7. Your Mighty Has Fallen Oh, this despair! I call to the wild and evil! The path of no return is here in the dungeons of horrors By the mark of death and with poison in veins Shall i become his noise and act of terror Tonight we shall set the world a blaze The universe will bow and order will take place. Death to all is the sentence we will send. To see the earth scorched and all human life repent. The one and only is true God is that one who’ll reap your soul. He dewlls in darkness and speaks no lies When you see his face then it’s time to die. I curse you all with rotten flesh I despise your human race Your towards are burning Your sun will fade. Your mighty has fallen. The curse and awakening of a brave new world Decided by filthy men to erase, replace and destroy With the ashes from the past and memories of old Shall a fallen order rise once more. 8. The Fire Within Him Burns One death remains it is cloaked in darkness and I can’t see nothing but a frozen landscape in a dream which I have dreamed a thousand times Far too many bridges burned At the edge of the world shall we jump in turns For we are the guilty, the ones to blame for turning the world into ash and flames. We hear them speak in tongues, I let them burn my eyes Where light differ, we cross our paths. The Fire Within Him Burns. We see them dance in fog, We hear them speak no lies Where light differ, we cross our paths. The Fire Within Him Burns. Through the tired eyes of an old man I watched and beheld as a world burned I opened the gateway for those sworn to take revenge The Forlorn Gods of the north shall rise again from the their slumber And with violence be the victorious. I en dal av iskristaller I en dal där blod beklär dess is Var själ tas för att aldrig ges tillbaka Vi längtar alla dit.