Nyktophobia To the Stars 1. The Gateway 2. To the Stars Chosen brothers here we meet again To greet the coming dawn a dismal age will end A strange millennium finally passes by Scarred and battered, still not dead, we once again soar into the night Avert thy gaze forevermore Gaia cries in pain Leave this soil rise again that nothing was in vain Once and for all this putrid world must end The future lies not in our past not in the realms of men Slowly dies our paradise gambled by decay But far beyond this earth lies hope before we waste away From the ruins rise once again Release thee from thy profound roots release thee from thy chains All is nothing nothing's worth to stay Raise your eyes the only light shines so far away To the stars it's time to leave these shores follow us into the night, the night that we adore See the worlds above the beauty of the sky The only sign of hope that's left is waiting way up high To the stars it's time to leave these shores follow us into the night, the night that we adore Avert thy gaze but don't forget Gaia died in pain Though all seems lost rise again, that nothing was in vain Once and for all leave these barren lands The future lies not in our past, this world is at its end finally ends our paradise wasted to decay But far beyond this earth lies hope one day so far away 3. Farewell Wailing, yearning, gazing at the sky Desperately I bear the pain so dismal dead inside Wistfully the mind ascends seeking for relief To distant realms beyond the reach that I shall never see On timeless wings I leave these shores of hate and agony On lunar waves I set my sails into the endless sea Forward dreaming, free of chains and time Leaving death and solitude with craving in the eyes Olympus Mons dreadful dormant slowly passes by Defiantly I ride onward into the starlight night On timeless wings I fly away, dispise this misery On astral winds I bid farewell, into the endless sea Guideless fading Terra out of sight My journey leads to stranger realms where dying worlds colldie Aimless drifting on and on forever let astray My self-elected exile freed of mankind's vanities Treason lies behind us corrupted by our side A million years march straight towards an inbred suicide Unaware gone way too far, dismissed the bitter end Well-diserved I bid farewell when everything descends When everything descends... When everything descends... When everything descends... I bid farewell 4. Charon Gate Far above this world awakes a beacon way up high Invite from the mist of time a gateway to the sky Unaware we came this far the cosmos opens wide For how long have we harked and dreamed into the silent night So many years in disbelief our gods for too long gone How long have we hoped and feared that we are not alone Rise up humanity our journey has begun Across the river Acheron into the worlds unknown Pay the ferryman transcend to the other side Reopen the gate our passage to a billion skies Rise up humanity our journey has begun Across the river Acheron into the worlds unknown Buried under layers of ice something has endured Interstellar structures built before the edge of dawn Frozen fifty thousand years technologies enshrined Shrouded by an ancient force in an ultimate sacrifice Unaware we came this far the cosmos opens wide In the end we heard the call out of the living night So many years in disbelief our gods now may return How long have we hoped and feared now we are not alone Rise up humanity our isolation ends Across the river Acheron humanity ascends Rise up human race awake the Charon gate Our fate is written in the stars the universe awaits 5. The Fall of Eden Desperate half-insane I fear the coming dawn The abyss of eternities is tearing me apart Primordial foreshadowing anguish night and day A time will come the cosmic tides shall sweep us all away Beyond the skies all hope must die your god forever failed Beyond the skies there is no light just darkness that remains Visions once enciphered ancestral memories A vigil from a perished world but hidden is the key From the skies and stars above omnicide was sent The horror from the edge of time existence was at end Paradise taken away Not for sin, not for eating from forbidden trees Just out of greed, for to reap its fertility Eden died consumed and disgraced There was no god, no deceit, nor seductive snakes Only patient terror lurking within the void Observant and eternal the vanguard holds the key To reopen the dormant gate when the cycle is complete When eons passed the hive returns all progress comes to grief Engulfment of organic life spawn of the ancient seed Paradise drowning in flames Not for war, not for peace, not for vanity The only bill, only right to harvest the breed Eden cried in primeval days God is dead, led astray by the ravenous shades Deserted his creation, unknowing as prey 6. Progenitor Lifeless drifting away The old world is gone and decayed What once was must fade into black The tree of life is withered and dead Over and done I make my own fate Deep in the void in my nameless enclave Eager to learn refusing old ways A coming race shall take a new shape Creation is lost, the galaxy burns But a new day shall rise, men will return Mankind defective outdated, reform the flesh Creating, perfecting the seed of the newborn race Slowly wasting away The newborn race sick and disgraced What once was disposed to forget The tree of life is already dead 7. Behind the Stars Exists No Light Born in the empty cold Sleep is all we know Home a distant dream in the void Born among the stars Faith has brought us far Still our vagrant spirits long for more From our dawn we marched onward with eyes Fixed to the beckoning skies Creation on its futile path obsessed to spot a godly sign To the stars and far above a crusade to the edge of time Left behind familiar shores, left home, bequest and past behind From the depths of the endless night A dying whisper - a final sigh Solitude and sacrifice Behind the stars exists no light Unborn bound in feeding tubes to seek an ancient source divine Offspring of a made-up dream convicted to a waste of life In the end we'll face our fear by entering the gates of night Children of the chosen tribe there is no promised paradise There is no light behind the stars Once condemned to subsistence Creation alone in the absence of life Once condemned to subsistence There is nothing in the solitude of the void Enter the edge of existence Deny your gods engulfed by the void Faith was lost in the distance Behind the stars exists no light Enter the edge of existence Deny your gods engulfed by the void Faith was lost in the distance Behind the stars exists no light ..... 8. Millenium Nothing exists Nothing withstands Nothing can be without dawn without end For we were the blessed and damned - the final futile attempt We are the ruin We were the chance We were the living now we are the dead The burden you'll never transcend - the womb of your putrid descent Nothing seems to stay forever Even starlight has to wither Nothing seems to stay forever But our guilt shall be remembered Here I lie crying for you Denying the blood in my veins - our essence is one and the same Here I die [still] crying for you No exit from hurt and disdain - millennia and light-years away I die We are the ruin We were the chance We were the living now we are the dead No exile will purge the contempt - forgiveness denied till the end Nothing seems to stay forever Even starlight has to wither Nothing seems to stay forever But our guilt shall be remembered Even if the stars may wither Generations will remember 9. Voyager 1 I can still remember all colors turned to grey Wandering we recognized the light began to fade One moment in the distance a far abandoned place Memories so old and dim the world has changed its shape End seems not so far away Beyond the beauty of the sky just nothingness awaits Still a final spark of hope remains To join the embrace of the night to overcome our fate one day Starlight guides you on your way Always, when everything else has failed Friend, is this the end of our race? Only silence... all voices fade away Fear is the burden of this age The promise of a billion lights corrupted and decayed Faith is still the only given way To foreign coasts that no man knows, the challenge we've to take one day The challenge we've to take one day ...one day When all is lost, all music ends, all hope has ceased in vain The wanderer of the waning stars still travels on his way On his way I can still remember the day all things changed The world was young our splendour great as music passed away One moment in the distance a cold enduring pain Memories so crystal clear the world has changed its shape... The world has changed its shape...