Decline's Return (demo) (1987) |
1. Slaughter of the Innocents | 0:22 |
2. Embryonic Necrocannibalism | 0:54 |
3. Baptised in Phlegm | 1:02 |
4. Myxomycetes Attack | 1:09 |
5. Decline's Return | 0:38 |
6. Syringomyelia | 0:53 |
7. Lost in the Void | 0:28 |
8. Thyrotoxicosis | 0:50 |
9. Chemical Neurosurgery | 2:02 |
10. Pneumonovascular Carcinogenesis | 1:12 |
total time | 9:30 |
3.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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3.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Leprosy Of Death (demo) (1987) |
1. Leprosy Of Death | 1:10 |
2. Nauseated | 1:55 |
3. Physiotherapist | 1:02 |
4. Epileptic Noise | 0:39 |
5. The Black Shadows | 1:03 |
6. Oxya Epilezed Ozon | 0:40 |
7. Mortuary Dweller | 0:43 |
8. Mentally Disordered | 0:53 |
9. XXX | 0:45 |
total time | 8:51 |
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The Other Side of Life (ep) (1987) |
1. Slaughter of the Innocents | 0:22 | | Rotting Christ |
2. Asthmatic Apoplexy | 0:46 |
3. Lost in the Void | 0:45 |
4. Thyrotoxicosis | 1:00 |
5. Animal Revenge | 0:30 |
6. Mentally Disordered | 0:40 |
7. Myxomycetes Attack | 0:31 |
8. Neyroparalia | 0:06 |
9. Artificial Hypertrophy | 0:55 |
10. Before Winter (Intro) | 0:51 | | Sound Pollution |
11. Carbonized Cadaver | 0:22 |
12. Sick of It All | 0:51 |
13. The Guardians | 0:08 |
14. Nocturnal Hell | 1:07 |
15. Religion | 0:14 |
16. Stranger Among Friends | 0:23 |
17. Love Song | 0:30 |
18. Exhibition of Beauty | 0:38 |
19. Noise Fetishists | 0:12 |
total time | 10:51 |
7.2 / 10 (6 votes)
#7 in the EP top 10 from the eighties!
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7.2 / 10 (6 votes)
#7 in the EP top 10 from the eighties!
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De Vermis Mysteriis (demo) (1989) |
1. Fortress Of Cremation (Titled: Eortless Recrucifixion) | 2:36 |
2. De Vermis Mysteriis | 3:02 |
3. Holyness Lamentation | 0:42 |
4. Feast Of The Grand Whore (Unreleased Version) | 3:18 |
total time | 9:38 |
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Satanas Tedeum (demo) (1989) |
1. The Hills Of The Crucifixion | 3:10 |
2. Feast Of The Grand Whore | 3:21 |
3. The Nereid Of Esgalduin | 3:43 |
4. Restoration Of The Infernal Kingdom | 3:07 |
5. The Sixth Communion | 3:50 |
total time | 17:13 |
8.4 / 10 (21 votes)
2 reviews
8.4 / 10 (21 votes)
2 reviews
Split with Monumentum (1991) |
1. Rotting Christ - Feast Of The Grand Whore | 3:35 |
2. Monumentum - Nostalgia Of The Infinite | 2:17 |
3. Monumentum - Nephtali | 4:03 |
total time | 9:55 |

8.0 / 10 (7 votes)
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8.0 / 10 (7 votes)
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Passage to Arcturo (1991) |
1. Intro Ack Golgotha (The Small One In The Cross) | 1:08 |
2. The Old Coffin Spirit | 4:52 |
3. The Forest Of N'gal | 5:50 |
4. The Mystical Meeting (Sbules Meth Esoth Spleh Dog) | 4:36 |
5. Gloria De Domine Inferni | 1:37 |
6. Inside The Eye Of Algond | 5:58 |
total time | 24:01 |

8.6 / 10 (40 votes)
1 review
8.6 / 10 (40 votes)
1 review
6.0 / 10 (5 votes)
#4 in the EP top 10 from 1992!
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6.0 / 10 (5 votes)
#4 in the EP top 10 from 1992!
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Ade's Winds (demo) (1992) |
1. Fgementh, Thy Gift | 4:39 |
2. The Fourth Knight Of Revelation (1 & 2) | 6:52 |
total time | 11:31 |
8.0 / 10 (3 votes)
1 review
8.0 / 10 (3 votes)
1 review
Thy Mighty Contract (1993) |
1. The sign of evil existance | 2:01 |
2. Transform all suffering into plagues | 5:25 |
3. Fgmenth, thy gift | 4:30 |
4. Dive the deepest abyss | 5:51 |
5. Exiled arghangels | 5:07 |
6. His sleeping majesty | 3:33 |
7. The coronation of the serpent | 4:07 |
8. The fourth knight of revelation | 6:47 |
total time | 37:20 |

9.0 / 10 (95 votes)
4 reviews
9.0 / 10 (95 votes)
4 reviews

8.5 / 10 (10 votes)
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8.5 / 10 (10 votes)
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Non Serviam (1994) |
1. The fifth illusion | 5:33 |
2. Wolfera the chacal | 7:14 |
3. Non serviam | 5:13 |
4. Morallity of a dark age | 5:02 |
5. Where mortals have no pride | 7:48 |
6. Fethroesforia (instrumental) | 1:37 |
7. Mephesis of black crystal | 5:24 |
8. Ice shaped god | 3:54 |
9. Saturn unlock avey's son | 6:23 |
total time | 48:08 |

9.2 / 10 (81 votes)
#6 in User vote top 10 from Greece!
4 reviews
9.2 / 10 (81 votes)
#6 in User vote top 10 from Greece!
4 reviews
Promo (1995) |
1. Snowing Still | 6:26 |
2. One With The Forest | 5:30 |
3. The Opposite Bank | 7:09 |
total time | 19:05 |
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Triarchy of the Lost Lovers (1996) |
1. King of a stellar war | 6:18 |
2. A dynasty from the ice | 4:29 |
3. Archon | 4:12 |
4. Snowing still | 5:49 |
5. Shadows follow | 4:38 |
6. One with the forest | 4:35 |
7. Diastric Alchemy | 5:04 |
8. The opposite bank | 6:01 |
9. The first field of battle | 5:37 |
10. Tormentor | 2:34 | | bonus |
11. Flag of hate / pleasure to kill | 4:10 | | bonus |
total time | 46:27 | | (53:07 incl. bonus) |
8.8 / 10 (77 votes)
2 reviews
8.8 / 10 (77 votes)
2 reviews
A Dead Poem (1997) |
1. Sorrowfull Farewell | 4:52 |
2. Among Two Storms | 4:09 |
3. A Dead Poem | 4:09 |
4. Out Of Spirits | 4:06 |
5. As If By Magic | 5:51 |
6. Full Colour Is The Night | 4:48 |
7. Semigod | 4:39 |
8. Ten Miles High | 4:34 |
9. Between Times | 5:04 |
10. Ira Incensus | 5:16 |
total time | 47:28 |

8.1 / 10 (90 votes)
3 reviews
8.1 / 10 (90 votes)
3 reviews
The Mystical Meeting (1997) |
1. Visions of the Dead Lover | 4:45 | | Apokathelosis ep |
2. The Mystical Meeting | 5:03 |
3. Tormentor | 2:33 | | Kreator covers |
4. Flag of Hate | 3:56 |
5. Pleasure to Kill | 4:11 |
total time | 20:25 |
9.7 / 10 (6 votes)
#10 in User vote top 10 from Greece!
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9.7 / 10 (6 votes)
#10 in User vote top 10 from Greece!
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Der Perfekte Traum (1998) |
1. Der Perfekte Traum (The Perfect Dream) | 4:27 |
2. Moonlight | 4:16 |
3. Shadows Follow (live) | 4:41 |
4. Diastric Alchemy (live) | 4:36 |
5. A Dynasty From The Ice (live) | 4:34 |
6. The First Field Of The Battle (live) | 6:17 |
7. King Of A Stellar War (live) | 6:54 |
total time | 35:46 |
7.2 / 10 (13 votes)
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7.2 / 10 (13 votes)
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Sleep of the Angels (1999) |
1. Cold Colours | 3:36 |
2. After Dark I Feel | 4:32 |
3. Victoriatus | 4:02 |
4. Der Perfekte Traum | 4:28 |
5. You My Flesh | 4:36 |
6. The World Made End | 3:00 |
7. Sleep The Sleep Of Angels | 4:36 |
8. Delusions | 3:37 |
9. Imaginary Zone | 3:45 |
10. Thine Is The Kingdom | 4:59 |
11. After Dark I Feel (live) | 4:17 | | bonus |
12. Moonlight (live) | 4:15 | | bonus |
total time | 41:11 |
7.8 / 10 (74 votes)
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7.8 / 10 (74 votes)
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Khronos (2000) |
1. Thou art blind | 2:47 |
2. If it ends tomorrow | 4:28 |
3. My sacred path | 5:39 |
4. Aeternatus | 3:14 |
5. Art of sin | 5:19 |
6. Lucifer over london | 5:16 |
7. Law of the serpent | 2:08 |
8. You are I | 3:27 |
9. Khronos | 6:38 |
10. Fateless | 4:10 |
11. Time stands still | 5:04 |
12. Glory of sadness | 11:23 |
total time | 59:33 |

8.1 / 10 (72 votes)
#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 2000!
6 reviews
8.1 / 10 (72 votes)
#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 2000!
6 reviews
Genesis (2002) |
1. Daemons | 3:27 |
2. Lex Talionis | 5:03 |
3. Quintessence | 4:45 |
4. Nightmare | 7:08 |
5. In Domine Sathana | 5:16 |
6. Release Me | 3:51 |
7. The Call Of The Aethyrs | 4:32 |
8. Dying | 4:48 |
9. Ad Noctis | 6:11 |
10. Under The Name Of The Legion | 6:29 |
total time | 51:30 |

8.0 / 10 (58 votes)
2 reviews
8.0 / 10 (58 votes)
2 reviews
In Domine Sathana (video) (2003) |
1. Intro | 2:06 | | Live 2002 |
2. In Domine Sathana | 5:17 |
3. You are I | 3:18 |
4. Quintessence | 4:51 |
5. Thou Art Blind | 2:40 |
6. Shadows Follow | 4:55 |
7. Lex Talionis | 4:39 |
8. King of a Stellar War | 6:42 |
9. Middle Intro | 1:08 |
10. The Sign of Evil Existance | 1:55 |
11. Archon | 3:58 |
12. After Dark I Feel | 3:57 |
13. The Word Made End | 3:38 |
14. Fgmenth, Thy Gift | 5:40 |
15. Under the Name of the Legion | 5:27 |
16. Outro | 1:18 |
17. Transform All Suffering Into Plagues | 5:57 | | Live Cracow 1996 |
18. Shadows Follow | 4:40 |
19. Diastric Alchemy | 4:43 |
20. A Dynasty From The Ice | 4:37 |
21. The First Field of the Battle | 6:06 |
22. King of a Stellar War | 7:00 |
23. In Domine Sathana | 6:26 | | Live Athens 2003 |
24. You Are I | 3:50 |
25. Snowing Still | 5:23 |
26. The Sign of Evil Existance | 5:57 |
27. Under the Name of the Legion | 5:51 |
28. Outro | 0:56 |
29. Sorrowful Farewell | 9:05 |
total time | 3:10:00 |

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Sanctus Diavolos (2004) |
1. Visions of a blind order | 3:46 |
2. Thy wings thy horns thy sin | 4:13 |
3. Athanati este | 5:40 |
4. Tyrannical | 5:07 |
5. You my cross | 4:19 |
6. Sanctimonius | 3:15 |
7. Serve in heaven | 3:54 |
8. Shades of evil | 5:13 |
9. Doctrine | 6:28 |
10. Sanctus Diavolos | 6:40 |
11. Athanati Este (Live) | 8:18 | | bonus |
12. Sanctus Diavolos (Live) | 6:17 | | bonus |
total time | 48:35 |

8.4 / 10 (56 votes)
2 reviews
8.4 / 10 (56 votes)
2 reviews
Passage to Arcturo + Non Serviam (2006) |
1. Passage to Arcturo + bonus cd | 34:24 |
2. Non Serviam + bonus videos cd | 47:53 |
total time | 1:22:17 |

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Theogonia (2007) |
1. The Sign of Prime Creation | 3:20 |
2. Keravnos Kivernitos | 4:41 |
3. Enuma Elish | 4:39 |
4. Gaia Tellus | 4:38 |
5. Helios Hyperion | 3:48 |
6. Nemecic | 4:16 |
7. He, The Aethyr | 4:41 |
8. Phobos Synagogue | 4:24 |
9. Rege Diabolicus | 2:52 |
10. Threnody | 5:18 |
total time | 42:37 |

8.0 / 10 (39 votes)
11 reviews
8.0 / 10 (39 votes)
11 reviews
Thanatiphoro Anthologio (2007) |
1. The Nereid of Esgalduin | 3:39 |
2. The Mystical Meeting | 4:34 |
3. Fgmenth, Thy Gift | 4:49 |
4. The Fourth Knight of Revelation | 6:37 |
5. The Sign of Evil Existence | 1:58 |
6. Non Serviam | 5:11 |
7. King of a Stellar War | 6:15 |
8. Archon | 4:08 |
9. Shadows Follow | 4:33 |
10. Sorrowfull Farewell | 4:51 |
11. Semigod | 4:38 |
12. Out of Spirits | 4:06 |
13. Der Perfekte Traum | 4:28 |
14. After Dark I Feel | 4:51 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Cold Colours | 3:35 |
2. Thou Art Blind | 2:46 |
3. You Are I | 3:25 |
4. In Domine Sathana | 5:14 |
5. Quintessence | 4:45 |
6. Under the Name of Legion | 6:28 |
7. Athanati Este | 5:32 |
8. You My Cross | 4:20 |
9. Keravnos Kivernitos | 4:41 |
10. Nemecic | 4:20 |
total time | 1:49:44 |

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#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2007!
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#8 in the Compilation top 10 from 2007!
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Non Serviam - A 20 Year Apocryphal Story (video) (2009) |
1. Intro (Logos-Aima-Noima) | 2:12 |
2. The Sign of Prime Creation | 3:20 |
3. Keravnos Kivernitos | 4:37 |
4. Athanatoi Este | 5:17 |
5. Enuma Elish | 4:57 |
6. King of a Stellar War | 6:09 |
7. The Fifth Illusion | 4:11 |
8. Archon | 4:06 |
9. The First Field of the Battle | 5:43 |
10. Shadows Follow | 4:34 |
11. The Sign of Evil Existence | 2:20 |
12. Fgmenth, Thy Gift | 4:09 |
13. Coronation of the Serpent | 3:56 |
14. The Mystical Meeting | 4:35 |
15. Thou Art Blind | 2:25 |
16. Morality Of A Dark Age | 5:00 |
17. Saturn Unlock Avey's Son | 5:49 |
18. Exiled Archangels | 4:42 |
19. Sorrowful Farewell | 4:38 |
20. Among Two Storms | 3:53 |
21. After Dark I Feel | 4:13 |
22. In Domine Sathana | 4:56 |
23. Nemecic | 4:30 |
24. Under the Name of Legion | 5:41 |
25. Societas Satanas | 3:50 | | Thou Art Lord cover |
26. Non Serviam | 5:02 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Biography |
2. Bootlegs |
3. Official Video-clips |
--- Audio CD 1 --- |
1. Intro (Logos-Aima-Noima) | 2:11 |
2. The Sign of Prime Creation | 3:19 |
3. Keravnos Kivernitos | 4:36 |
4. Athanatoi Este | 5:17 |
5. Enuma Elish | 4:57 |
6. King of a Stellar War | 6:09 |
7. The Fifth Illusion | 4:10 |
8. Archon | 4:05 |
9. The First Field of the Battle | 5:43 |
10. Shadows Follow | 4:34 |
11. The Sign of Evil Existence | 2:20 |
12. Fgmenth, Thy Gift | 4:08 |
13. Coronation of the Serpent | 3:56 |
14. The Mystical Meeting | 4:34 |
15. Thou Art Blind | 2:24 |
16. Morality of a Dark Age | 5:00 |
17. You My Cross (Sanctus Diavolos) | 5:48 |
18. Saturn Unlock Avey's Son | 6:24 |
--- Audio CD 2 --- |
1. Exiled Archangels | 4:41 |
2. Sorrowful Farewell | 4:37 |
3. Among Two Storms | 3:53 |
4. After Dark I Feel | 4:12 |
5. In Domine Sathana | 4:56 |
6. Nemecic | 4:29 |
7. Under the Name of Legion | 5:41 |
8. Societas Satanas | 3:50 | | Thou Art Lord cover |
9. Non Serviam | 5:02 |
10. Visions of A Blind Order | 3:53 |
11. Sanctus Diavolos | 5:35 |
12. Transform All Suffering Into Plagues | 4:12 |
13. Wolfera the Chacal | 6:33 |
14. Forest of N'Gai | 4:46 |
15. Feast of the Grand Whore | 2:56 |
total time | 1:54:45 | | Including CDs: 4:23:54 |

10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Semigods of the Serpent Cult (2009) |
1. King of the Stellar War | 6:16 |
2. One With the Forest | 4:31 |
3. Out of Spirits | 4:06 |
4. Ira Incensus | 5:14 |
5. Cold Colours | 3:35 |
6. After Dark I Feel | 4:31 |
7. Thou Art Blind | 2:47 |
8. If It Ends Tomorrow | 4:26 |
9. Daemons | 3:27 |
10. The Call of the Aethyrs | 4:32 |
11. Athanatoi Este | 5:40 |
12. Serve in Heaven | 3:53 |
13. Der Perfekte Traum | 4:31 |
total time | 57:29 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#6 in the Compilation top 10 from 2009!
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#6 in the Compilation top 10 from 2009!
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Aealo (2010) |
1. Aealo | 3:40 |
2. Eon Aenaos | 3:57 |
3. Demonon Vrosis | 4:56 |
4. Noctis Era | 4:48 |
5. Dub-sag-ta-ke | 2:57 |
6. Fire Death And Fear | 4:34 |
7. Nekron Lahes... | 1:08 |
8. ...Pir Threontai | 4:48 |
9. Thou Art Lord | 4:51 |
10. Santa Muerte | 5:28 |
11. Orders From The Dead | 8:57 |
total time | 50:04 |

4.2 / 10 (10 votes)
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4.2 / 10 (10 votes)
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Early Days (2012) |
1. Satanas Tedeum tape | 17:11 |
2. Ade's Winds tape | 11:31 |
3. Passage To Arcturo tape | 24:01 |
total time | 52:43 |
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Apokathelosis (2012) |
1. Dawn Of The Iconoclast ep | 8:10 |
2. Ade's Winds ep | 11:31 |
3. Apokathelosis ep | 9:22 |
total time | 29:03 |
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Katá ton Daímona Eaftoú (2013) |
1. In Yumen-Xibalba | 6:24 |
2. P'unchaw Kachun - Tuta Kachun | 4:44 |
3. Grandis Spiritus Diavolos | 5:52 |
4. Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy | 4:52 |
5. Cine Iubeste Si Lasa | 5:58 |
6. Iwa Voodoo | 4:36 |
7. Gilgames | 4:02 |
8. Rusalka | 4:33 |
9. Ahura Mazda-Azra Mainiuu | 4:44 |
10. 666 | 5:44 |
11. Welcome To Hell | 4:28 | | bonus |
total time | 55:57 |

5.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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5.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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25 Years: The Path Of Evil Existence (2014) |
1. In Yumen Xibalba | 6:26 |
2. dub-sag-ta-ke | 2:58 |
3. He, the Aethyr | 4:34 |
4. Serve in Heaven | 3:57 |
5. Dying | 4:52 |
6. Thou Art Blind | 2:47 |
7. Delusions | 3:37 |
8. As if by Magic | 5:51 |
9. Shadows Follow | 4:36 |
10. Ice Shaped God | 4:00 |
11. The Sign of Evil Existence | 2:00 |
12. Vision of the Dead Lovers | 4:45 |
13. The Forest of N'Gai | 5:53 |
14. Feast of the Grand Whore | 3:21 |
15. Astral Embodiment | 5:27 |
16. Athanati Este (Live) | 5:21 |
total time | 70:25 |

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Lucifer Over Athens (2015) |
1. 666 | 5:40 | | Live in Athens, December 2013 |
2. Dub-sag-ta-ke | 3:01 |
3. Athanati Este | 5:17 |
4. Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy | 4:47 |
5. Nemecic | 4:30 |
6. After Dark I Feel | 4:02 |
7. Sorrowful Farewell | 4:37 |
8. Among Two Storms | 4:20 |
9. Gloria de Domino Inferni | 1:34 |
10. Feast of the Grand Whore | 3:29 |
11. The Nereid of Esgalduin | 3:38 |
12. Forest of N'Gai | 4:30 |
13. The Sign of Evil Existence | 2:00 |
14. Transform All Sufferings Into Plagues | 4:01 |
15. Fgmenth, Thy Gift | 4:01 |
16. Societas Satanas | 3:51 | | Thou Art Lord cover |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Demonon vrosis | 4:57 |
2. Quintessence | 4:28 |
3. The Call of the Aethyrs | 4:49 |
4. In Yumen - Xibalba | 6:32 |
5. Grandis Spiritus Diavolos | 5:46 |
6. Welcome to Hel | 4:36 |
7. King of a Stellar War | 6:06 |
8. Archon | 4:04 |
9. Exiled Archangels | 4:16 |
10. Dive the Deepest Abyss | 3:29 |
11. The Fourth Knight of Revelation | 4:29 |
12. The Sign of Prime Creation | 3:24 |
13. Non Serviam | 4:29 |
14. Enuma Elish | 4:49 |
15. Noctis Era | 5:33 |
total time | 2:15:05 |

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#3 in the Live top 10 from 2015!
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#3 in the Live top 10 from 2015!
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Keep The Spirit Alive! (2015) |
1. Non Serviam cd | 48:08 |
2. Satanas Tedeum/Passage To Arcturo/Ade's Winds cd | 52:45 |
total time | 1:40:53 |
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Rituals (2016) |
1. In Nomine Dei Nostri | 4:57 |
2. Ze Nigmar | 4:43 |
3. Elthe Kyrie | 4:49 |
4. Les Litanies de Satan (Les Fleurs du Mal) | 3:55 |
5. Apage Satana | 3:50 |
6. Tou Thanatou | 3:37 | | (Nikos Xylouris cover) |
7. For a Voice like Thunder | 6:11 |
8. Konx om Pax | 6:21 |
9. Devadevam | 5:18 |
10. The Four Horsemen | 5:24 | | (Aphrodite's Child cover) |
11. Lok'tar Ogar | 4:25 | | bonus |
total time | 53:30 |

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#7 in Zenial's top 10 from 2016!
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#7 in Zenial's top 10 from 2016!
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Old Coffin's Tapes (2016) |
1. Leprosy of Death tape | 8:51 |
2. Decline's Return tape | 9:30 |
3. De Vermis Mysteriis tape | 9:38 |
4. Satanas Tedeum tape | 17:13 |
5. Ade's Winds tape | 11:31 |
6. Promo 1995 tape | 19:05 |
total time | 1:15:48 |

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Primordial Evil (ep) (2017) |
1. Death Rider (Omen cover) | 3:31 | | Necromantia |
2. Black Sabbath (Black Sabbath cover) | 6:00 | | Rotting Christ |
total time | 9:31 |

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#1 in the EP top 10 from 2017!
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#1 in the EP top 10 from 2017!
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Abyssic Black Cult (2017) |
1. Satanas Tedeum + Ade's Winds + Snowing Still cd | 47:52 |
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The Call (ep) (2018) |
1. The Call | 5:05 |
2. The Sign of Evil Existence (live) | 1:59 |
total time | 7:04 |
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Their Greatest Spells: 30 Years of Rotting Christ (2018) |
1. The Sign of Prime Creation | 3:21 |
2. Athanati Este | 5:39 |
3. Non Serviam | 5:11 |
4. King of a Stellar War | 6:14 |
5. Nemecic | 4:15 |
6. Grandis Spiritus Diavolos | 5:51 |
7. Art of Sin | 5:17 |
8. Dying | 4:49 |
9. Archon | 4:09 |
10. Serve in Heaven | 3:52 |
11. Astral Embodiment | 5:29 |
12. After Dark I Feel | 4:32 |
13. Sorrowfull Farewell | 4:51 |
14. In Yumen-Xibalba | 6:24 |
15. Elthe Kyrie | 4:49 |
16. Cold Colours | 3:36 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. The Sign of Evil Existence | 1:59 |
2. Fgmenth, Thy Gift | 4:28 |
3. Ze Nigmar | 4:42 |
4. Phobo’s Synagogue | 4:30 |
5. Demonon Vrosis | 4:54 |
6. …Pir Threontai | 4:47 |
7. Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy | 4:53 |
8. Among Two Storms | 4:09 |
9. Semigod | 4:39 |
10. Welcome to Hel | 4:26 |
11. A Dynasty from the Ice | 4:28 |
12. Shadows Follow | 4:33 |
13. Forest of N’gai | 5:49 |
14. Feast of the Grand Whore | 3:16 |
15. Exiled Archangels | 5:06 |
16. Saturn Unlock Avey’s Son | 6:21 |
17. I Will Not Serve | 3:55 |
total time | 2:35:14 |

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#2 in the Compilation top 10 from 2018!
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#2 in the Compilation top 10 from 2018!
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Abyssic Black Metal (2018) |
1. Snowing Still | 6:26 | | Promo 1995 |
2. One With The Forest | 5:30 |
3. The Opposite Bank | 7:09 |
4. Hills Of The Crucifixion | 3:10 | | Satanas Tedeum demo 1989 |
5. Feast Of The Grand Whore | 3:21 |
6. The Nereid of Esgalduin | 3:43 |
7. Restoration Of The Infernal Kingdom | 3:07 |
8. The Sixth Communion | 3:50 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Fgmenth, Thy Gift | 4:45 | | Ade's Winds demo 1992 |
2. The Fourth Knight Of Revelation | 6:25 |
3. The Nereid Of Esgalduin | 3:51 | | Dawn Of the Iconoclast ep 1992 |
4. Vicious Joy And Black Delight | 4:19 |
5. Feast Of The Grand Whore | 3:35 | | from Split with Monumentum 1991 |
6. Intro - Holiness Lamentation | 0:40 | | De Vermis Mysteriis rehearsal 1989 |
7. Feast Of The Grand Whore | 3:20 |
8. Fortress Of Cremation | 2:30 |
9. De Vermis Mysteriis | 2:03 |
10. Outro | 0:57 |
11. Slaughter Of The Innocents | 0:23 | | from The Other Side of Life ep 1987 |
12. Asthmatic Apoplexy | 0:46 |
13. Lost In The Void | 0:46 |
14. Thyrotoxicosis | 1:00 |
15. Animal Revenge | 0:31 |
16. Mentally Disordered | 0:40 |
17. Myxomycetes Attack | 0:32 |
18. Neyroparalia | 0:07 |
19. Artificial Hypertrophy | 0:56 |
total time | 1:14:22 |

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Under Our Black Cult (2018) |
1. Slaughter of the Innocents | 0:20 | | The Other Side of Life Demo 1989 |
2. Asthmatic Apoplexy | 0:47 |
3. Lost In the Void | 0:45 |
4. Thyrotoxicosis | 0:58 |
5. Animal Revenge | 0:29 |
6. Mentally Disordered | 0:39 |
7. Myxomycetes Attack | 0:32 |
8. Neyroparalia | 0:06 |
9. Artificial Hypertrophy | 0:57 |
10. Intro - Holyness Lamentation | 0:40 | | De Vermis Mysteriis Rehearsal 1989 |
11. Feast of the Grand Whore | 3:20 |
12. Fortress of Cremation | 2:30 |
13. De Vermis Mysteriis | 2:03 |
14. Outro | 0:57 |
15. Hills of the Crucifixion | 3:08 | | Satanas Tedeum Demo 1989 |
16. Feast of the Grand Whore | 3:16 |
17. The Nereid of Esgalduin | 3:39 |
18. Restoration of the Infernal Kingdom | 3:04 |
19. The Sixth Communion | 3:50 |
20. Fgmenth Thy Gift | 4:50 | | Ade's Winds Demo 1992 |
21. The Fourth Knight of Revelation | 6:41 |
22. Snowing Still | 6:28 | | Promo 1995 |
23. One with the Forest | 5:26 |
24. The Opposite Bank | 7:09 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Passage to Arcturo cd | 34:40 |
--- Disk Three --- |
1. Thy Mighty Contract cd | 47:05 |
--- Disk Four --- |
1. Non Serviam cd | 48:08 |
--- Disk Five --- |
1. The Sign of Evil Existence | 2:06 | | Live 2000 |
2. Transform All Suffering into Plagues | 4:11 |
3. The Fourth Knight of Revelation | 4:55 |
4. Coronation of the Serpent | 4:10 |
5. Fgmenth Thy Gift | 4:26 |
6. Ach Golgotha (The Small One on the Cross) | 1:11 |
7. The Old Coffin Spirit | 4:45 |
8. The Mystical Meeting | 4:36 |
9. The Forest of N'gai | 4:47 |
10. Morality of a Dark Age | 4:47 |
11. Feast of the Grand Whore | 2:56 |
12. Saturn Unlock Avey's Son | 6:22 |
13. Wolfera the Chacal | 6:32 |
14. Exiled Archangels | 4:43 |
15. Feast of the Grand Whore | 3:35 | | Live 1993 |
16. The Forest of N'gai | 3:41 |
17. Visions of the Dead Lovers | 4:38 |
18. The Mystical Meeting | 4:27 |
total time | 4:29:27 |
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The Heretics (2019) |
1. In the Name of God | 4:14 |
2. Vetry zlye | 3:13 |
3. Heaven and Hell and Fire | 4:52 |
4. Hallowed Be Thy Name | 5:06 |
5. Dies Irae | 3:46 |
6. I Believe | 3:42 |
7. Fire God and Fear | 4:50 |
8. The Voice of the Universe | 5:23 |
9. The New Messiah | 3:07 |
10. The Raven | 5:23 |
total time | 43:36 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#6 in User vote top 10 from 2019!
#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 2019!
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#6 in User vote top 10 from 2019!
#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 2019!
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Duality of the Unholy Existence (ep) (2019) |
1. Spiritus Sancti | 4:50 | | Rotting Christ |
2. Shaytan | 4:36 | | Varathron |
total time | 9:26 |

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#5 in the EP top 10 from 2019!
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#5 in the EP top 10 from 2019!
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Athanatoi Este - The Years Between (2020) |
1. Sleep Of The Angels lp | 49:43 |
2. Khronos 2lp | 65:10 |
3. Genesis 2lp | 62:20 |
4. Sanctus Diavolos 2lp | 63:10 |
total time | 4:00:23 |

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The Early Days - Live in Studio (digital) (2022) |
1. The Sign of Evil Existence | 2:03 | | Live at Metal Mexico Festival online, 6th of July 2020 |
2. Transform all Suffering into Plagues | 4:05 |
3. The Fifth Illusion | 4:09 |
4. Non Serviam | 4:19 |
5. Fgmenth Thy Gift | 4:17 |
6. Exiled Archangels | 4:17 |
7. King of a Stellar War | 5:53 |
8. Archon | 4:11 |
9. The Feast of the Grand Whore | 3:32 |
10. The Nereid of Esgalduin | 3:33 |
11. The Forest of N Gai | 4:29 |
12. Visions of the Dead Lovers | 3:43 |
13. The Fourth Knight of Revelation | 4:31 |
total time | 53:02 |

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#5 in the Live top 10 from 2022!
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#5 in the Live top 10 from 2022!
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Decibel Flexi Series (ep) (2022) |
1. Holy Mountain | 5:13 | | feat. Lars Nedland (Borknagar) |

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#7 in the EP top 10 from 2022!
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#7 in the EP top 10 from 2022!
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The Apocryphal Spells, Vol.II (digital) (2022) |
1. Spiritus Sancti | 4:50 |
2. I Am the Moonchild | 2:40 |
3. Noctis Era - Remixed | 4:50 |
4. I Will Not Serve | 3:55 |
5. Black Sabbath | 6:01 | | Black Sabbath cover |
total time | 22:16 |

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The Apocryphal Spells (2023) |
1. Astral Embodiment | 5:29 |
2. Fire and Flame | 3:05 |
3. I Am the Moonchild | 2:41 |
4. Holy Mountain | 5:24 |
5. The Call | 5:04 |
6. Pir Threontai (Remastered) | 4:44 |
7. Welcome to Hell | 4:28 |
8. Phóbos | 4:13 |
9. The Sons of Hell | 4:18 |
10. Lok’tar Ogar | 4:18 |
11. Demonon Vrosis (Remixed & Remastered) | 5:01 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Spiritus Sancti | 4:51 |
2. Visions of the Dead Lovers | 4:46 |
3. I Will Not Serve | 3:56 |
4. Phobia | 5:40 |
5. Moonlight | 4:17 |
6. Naturdemonernas Lockrop: I 1000 Djävlars Namn | 4:07 |
7. Vicious Joy and Black Delight | 4:18 |
8. Tormentor | 2:34 | | Kreator cover |
9. Flag of Hate-Pleasure to Kill | 4:10 | | Kreator cover |
10. Black Sabbath | 6:01 | | Black Sabbath cover |
total time | 1:33:25 |

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#4 in User vote top 10 from 2023!
#7 in the Compilation top 10 from the twenties!
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#4 in User vote top 10 from 2023!
#7 in the Compilation top 10 from the twenties!
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Echoes Of Apostasy - 35 Years Of Rotting Christ (2024) |
1. Like Father, Like Son | 4:37 |
2. Saoirse | 6:19 |
3. Fire And Flame | 3:07 |
4. Holy Mountain | 5:26 |
5. Athanatoi Este | 5:18 |
total time | 24:47 |
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Pro Xristou (2024) |
1. Pro Xristou | 1:29 |
2. The Apostate | 5:01 |
3. Like Father, like Son | 4:35 |
4. The Sixth Day | 3:56 |
5. La letra del Diavolo | 4:01 |
6. The Farewell | 6:15 |
7. Pix Lax Dax | 4:33 |
8. Pretty World, Pretty Dies | 4:51 |
9. Yggdrasil | 5:04 |
10. Saoirse | 6:17 |
11. Primal Resurrection | 5:32 |
12. All for One | 3:37 |
total time | 55:11 |

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#7 in Zenial's top 10 from 2024!
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#7 in Zenial's top 10 from 2024!
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In Domine Sathana (2002) |
1. Intro | 2:06 |
2. In domine sathana | 5:17 |
3. You are I | 3:18 |
4. Quintessence | 4:51 |
5. Thou art blind | 2:40 |
6. Shadows follow | 4:55 |
7. Lex talionis | 4:39 |
8. King of a stellar war | 6:42 |
9. Middle intro | 1:08 |
10. The sign of evil existence | 1:55 |
11. Archon | 3:58 |
12. After dark I feel | 3:57 |
total time | 45:26 |
9.4 / 10 (5 votes)
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9.4 / 10 (5 votes)
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