Yoth Iria

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Split with Kawir (ep) (2020)
Split with Kawir (ep) 1. Deimos Kai Fovos 5:39Kawir
2. The Red Crown Turns Black 6:28Yoth Iria
total time12:07

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#2 in the EP top 10 from the twenties!

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#2 in the EP top 10 from the twenties!

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Under His Sway (2020)
Under His Sway 1. Under His Sway 6:11
2. Sid-Ed-Djinn 6:49
3. Visions of the Dead Lovers 4:18Rotting Christ cover
total time17:18

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As the Flame Withers (2021)
As the Flame Withers 1. The Great Hunter 4:24
2. Yoth Iria 5:41
3. Hermetic Code 6:34
4. The Mantis 7:19
5. The Red Crown Turns Black 6:26
6. Unbound, Undead, Eternal 5:14
7. Tyrants 4:51
8. The Luciferian 6:32
total time47:01

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Flame of the Whirling Swords (digital) (2023)
Flame of the Whirling Swords (digital) 1. Dance of the Damned 3:11
2. Flame of the Whirling Swords 4:39
total time7:50

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Embracing the Mexican Shadows - Live Rites of Yoth Iria (2023)
Embracing the Mexican Shadows - Live Rites of Yoth Iria 1. Under His Sway 6:19Live in Mexico
2. Yoth Iria 5:26
3. Hermetic Code 7:43
4. The Red Crown Turns Black 7:33
5. Unborn, Undead, Eternal 6:26
6. Tyrants 5:10
7. Visions of the Dead Lovers 5:05Rotting Christ cover
8. The Luciferian 7:26
9. Morning of the One Thousand Golds 5:49
10. The Great Hunter 5:49
11. Non Serviam 6:11Rotting Christ cover
total time68:57

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#3 in the Live top 10 from 2023!

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#3 in the Live top 10 from 2023!

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Blazing Inferno (2024)
Blazing Inferno 1. Blazing Inferno
2. But Fear Not
3. In the Tongue of Birds
4. Rites of Blood and Ice
5. Purgatory Revolution
6. Mornings of the One Thousand Golds
7. Our Father Rode Again His Ride
8. We Call Upon the Elements

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Emperial Tribute Ceremony Part I
Emperial Tribute Ceremony Part I
Legacy #125
Legacy #125
Zero Tolerance Audio 94
Zero Tolerance Audio 94
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> From Greece
> Members are:
Jim Mutilator - bass (since 2019) - also in Medieval Demon, was in Rotting Christ, Varathron, Black Church, and Industrial Resistance
The Magus - vocals (since 2019) - also in Necromantia and Thou Art Lord, was in Diabolos Rising, Rotting Christ, N.A.O.S., Principality of Hell, Necromancy, Mortify, Danse Macabre, Demented, and Wampyre ShadowWolf
Vongaar - drums (since 2021) - also in Twilight (GRC)
Nick Perlepe - guitars (since 2022) - also in On Thorns I Lay, Dimlight, and Ritual Of Odds, was in Sorrowful Angels and Memorain
Apophis - guitars (since 2022) - also in Mors in Tabula, was in Regent, Crucifix, and Erevos
> Previous members:
Jonkal - guitars (2021-2022) - now in Jonkal and Slitherum, was in Achelous
Antonis Andreadakis - guitars (2021-2022) - now in Vicious Knights, was in Airheads and Obsession
> Session musicians:
Morean - vocals (since 2021) - plays in Alkaloid and Noneuclid, was in Dark Fortress and Messenger
Merkaal - vocals (since 2022) - plays in Order Of The Ebon Hand, was in Nocternity, Mournblade, and Primeval Mass
Chris Bonos - vocals (2021-2022) - plays in Nihilism, was in Spellbound
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Yoth Iria

Last update: 09/03/24